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Books by John Harrold available on Amazon







The Final War: From Heaven to Earth to the End of the Age
As we go through our lives as believers in Jesus Christ we will get battles, wars and skirmishes with the enemy at different times and in different ways. These events will come in a variety of ways and sometimes they come when we are not expecting them to.
ISBN 979-8878610735


The Next Seven Years: What Then?
How global events are pointing to the end of time... YOUR time!
Today’s date is the 30th January 2023.
In precisely six years, eleven months and one day, all the plans of certain men will be in place for them to rule the world. That date will be the 1st of January, 2030.
ISBN-13 979-8850045418


Covid-19 chance, accident or judgement 2nd edition
A critical analysis of whether there is a plot… or not.
Deals with what is going on today and also it answers the age old question about God sending plagues. In this book the writer has tried also to look at what is going on about this pandemic and where it started etc. £6.99
ISBN 13 979-8585426131


The Past, Present and Future of Everything!
A journey through the Bible’s most dramatic book!
In this book, we are going to go through the last book of the Bible (The Book of the Revelations of John) bit by bit to see what is there for us today and what is going to come tomorrow and in the future. £7.99
ISBN 978-1795778145


What Is Your Church Like?
This is a study of the first three chapters in the Book of the Revelations and tries to compare the Early church with whatwe call church today. £7.49
ISBN 978-1711320397


Why do they hate me so much?
This is a follow on book to the previous one and it deals with anti-Semitism in Europe and the U.K.
Teaching on anti-Semitism.
ISBN 978-1728800875


Life is like a train journey
This is also a short story to explain what is going to happen to those who are not going to Heaven.
ISBN 978-1981669714


The Road to Calvary and Beyond
Time is short…and you don’t want to get lost.

Everyone wants to go there, but most don't know the way...
ISBN 979-8386184759


The Cruise
This is a short story to try and give an impression of what Heaven will be like for those who go there.
ISBN 978-1541096028


Faith in the furnace
This is a study of the Book of Daniel and shows how we can go through trials and come out still standing.
ISBN 978-1978380400


Your brother’s blood cries out
This is a rewrite of an earlier work about world anti-Semitism.

Teaching on anti-Semitism.
ISBN 978-1723163456


We Don't Want God, Thank You!
This is a study of what is happening around us today and how God is being sidelined out of our national and individual lives. Gospel.
ISBN 978-1795778145


The Impossible Journey: Exploring the amazing link between our universe and your soul
What you are going to read is in its self a journey of discovery into the unknown parts of the Heavens. I am going to share with you what the God of the Bible did and said, when he placed all of these things out there in space and why he put them there in the first place.


The Mountains of Israel
This book seeks to show how the physical land, cities and mountains contain lessons for life. Author John Harrold uses these same mountains to confirm specific Bible truths by taking the reader on a journey throughout the Land of Israel.
ISBN-13 979 852986284


What Is Your Church Like?
This is a study of the first three chapters in the Book of the Revelations and tries to compare the Early church with whatwe call church today.
ISBN 978-1711320397


Broken bits and pieces
This book deals with things which get broken and how to put them right once more.
ISBN 978-1543040531


Storm Warning: The Coming World Upheaval and How to Avoid It
This is a study of the Book of the Revelations from chapter four to chapter twenty two and it deals with all of the judgements which are going to come on this planet in that seven year rule of the anti-Christ.
ISBN 13 9798654805294

John Harrold © 2015