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Agenda 2030. Utopia is coming Hurrah!

Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. The Bible explains what went wrong
Chapter 3. God's remedy for the situation
Chapter 4. Man's remedy for the situation
Chapter 5. The results
Chapter 6. U.N. Agenda 2030
Chapter 7. Epilogue
Chapter 8. Extras



I am indebted to the Lord God of Israel, the only true and living God, for giving me some insights into what is going on around us in our world today. I am also indebted to A. Ralph Epperson for his book "The New World Order", which has given me a lot of background information to the subject. I am also indebted to the various websites and people who I have contacted in writing this work. Their names will be listed at the end of the work.

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Chapter 1. Introduction

Proverbs chapter 16 verse 25, "There is a way that seems right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of Death" KJV.

Everything which I say from the Bible, in this essay, is to be found in the King James, Authorised Bible and no other translation is being used here. Today is the 21st October 2015 and I am starting to look at this new Agenda from the United Nations and how it will affect all of us in the next 15 years or so. Last week I came across this new agenda for the first time, but it was only two days ago that I really started to see what it was about. I tried see if it was in book form yet, but it is not, because it is that new. So I printed it off the internet. It is a new agenda and it incorporates the previous one, Agenda 21. On looking at the first page or two I found that this work was only finalised on September 25/26 2015. It has taken two whole years of secrecy, in the United Nations, in New York, by unnamed people from every nation represented in that institution, to produce this document which will incorporate all of the aims and ideas from the previous Agenda 21 and will add new ideas to it as well in this new agenda. Like the previous agenda, there was no announcement given to the world what is going to be done on the behalf of the peoples of all of the nations. It seems that it is the latest plan to level everything out by bringing down the richer nations and bringing up the poorer ones.

Do you know something? This is pure COMMUNISM. The Russians tried it in the 1920's onwards and it failed as will this plan. Why? Because God is not in it. It is mankind's answer to the worlds problems.
Before we go on I want to warn you, the reader of what is going to happen according to my Bible. The Bible tells me that there is coming a World dictatorship and a World religion, meaning that there will be a One World Government and a One World Religion. These two elements will work together to rule the world and I have seen the start of it already in the way that things are being said and done already. I urge you, as you read these pages to get right with the God of the Bible before you do anything else in your life. Because if you do not let Jesus Christ into your life now while you can, you will eventually go along with these plans and land up in Hell. You need to ask Jesus Christ to forgive you of all that you have done wrong in the past and ask Him to come into your life and to take it over right now, so that you will escape the wrath of the almighty God of the Bible which will fall on those who go along with this One World idea and plan. Please go to your Bible and read Revelations chapter 13.
Let me explain here what is going on for a few minutes.
Verses 1 to 3. This beast is the old Roman Empire being revived out of the sea of human beings. If you have ever watched a large mass of human beings at a football match, sometime their movement is like a tidal surge, moving one way and then another.

This beast is already with us and goes by the name of the European Union which I am totally against as it is man's ideas and not God's.
Verses 4 to 9 tell us that this beast will be worshipped by all the peoples of the Earth at that time, and if you do not know Jesus Christ as your own personal saviour you will be there joining in as well with this great mob of people giving homage to the Devil. Verse 10. This verse seems to be saying that those who oppose the rule of Satan will be killed.
Verses 11 to 14 tell us of the deceptive religion which is coming to the peoples of the Earth. This deception has already started in the way that there is now a World Council of Churches who are joining up all of the false teachings and religions of the world under one umbrella. You can read about these things in my website on the false churches. www.threewarnings.co.uk They are also seducing believers at that same time. Look at the following website www.Empowered 21. where you will read a list of names of so called Christians who are getting sucked into another deception from Hell.
Verses 15 to the end tell us about a statue which will be set up in Jerusalem in the rebuilt Temple, on Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Israel. This image will be given life by the Devil and all people will be told to bow down and worship this statue and if you refuse you will die there and then. At the same time everyone will receive a mark in their forehead or on their right hand. If you refuse this mark you will be severely dealt with. Again we are seeing the beginnings of this in the ways that we shop with the new smart cards, smart meters and credit cards.

Just a word of warning about the so called SMART METERS. Should you have one already installed in your home, get rid of it, as it a way of finding out more about you than you realise.
You can get more information from the following website www. StopSmartMeters.org.uk If you have not received this mark you will not be able to buy, sell, eat, or do anything. This mark is the Devil's mark of ownership over you. If you come to know the Lord Jesus as your Lord and Saviour you will receive the mark of God on your life and you will not have the other one. This chapter is the most important one for you to read for your future as there are already plans and ideas out about making robots that can talk and do things. If you compare the above chapter with the Book of Daniel you can see what happened to three young Jewish guys who said no to the king of Babylon in Daniel chapter three. These guys stood their ground because they worshipped the true God of Israel and not the god made by a human being, which is no god at all. They were prepared to die for their faith rather than give in to what a mere mortal said that they should do. God has said that we should worship Him and not the things that we can make out of wood or stone. Today we make idols out of our possessions, homes, jobs, money etc. etc. These gods of our making will not save you, but will lead you into the things that are coming upon our world in the very near future. You have the chance right now to change from the gods that you think are gods, to the real living God of the Bible.

Chapter 2. The Bible explains what went wrong

As we look at what went wrong on the Earth, we must go back to the time when the Earth did not exist.
If you go back to the Bible and turn to Isaiah chapter 14 verses 12 to 16 you will read there of a rebellion in Heaven, where Lucifer wanted to become God. This was not what he was created for. He was created to bring worship to the most high God Himself, but he, Lucifer, craved what God wanted and the end result was that he was kicked out of Heaven with a third of the angels. Where did Lucifer end up? On the this planet called Earth. From here we go back to the Bible and look at what happened in The Garden of Eden.
Genesis chapters 1 and 2 tell us all about God' creation and how beautiful it was.
Everything that God does is always good and pleasant. Adam and Eve were in a perfect place to live, because God was in everything. Look at the mess we are in today. There is not much peace anywhere in the world, because we have left God out of everything.
Genesis chapter 3 verses 1 to 7 tell us what went wrong. Deception by Lucifer who is now being called that Old Serpent, Satan etc.
He is now out to destroy anyone and anything that God says is good and that will include you, the reader if you are not careful. Eve was deceived because of the lies of Satan, and then her husband Adam followed suit, and both were now naked before God. They then were afraid of God. There walk with God was broken. They then tried to do something about the situation.

They covered themselves with Fig leaves. This is a do it yourself religion, which mankind has been doing ever since that day when Adam and Eve first sinned. This type of religion is no good to God, so He, God, killed an animal to cover up their nakedness. Ever since that first sacrifice of blood, God has required a blood sacrifice to cover our sins until the death of Jesus Christ, His son on the cross, where sin was paid for once and for all time. This is what God now requires of us, so that we can be put right with Him, that we acknowledge our sins and ask Jesus to forgive us all of these wrong things which we have done in our lives and ask Him to come into our lives and to change them to what He wants them to be.
This bit of our story concerns Cain, the first born son of Adam and Eve. When he was a grown man, he and his brother Abel were to present to God something in the way of thanksgiving, or as an offering. Cain brought something which he had grown in the fields around where they were living. Abel brought a lamb as an offering and a covering for anything which he had done wrong. He would have learnt this from what had happened to his parents and what God had done for them. Cain's offering was a do it yourself offering and was not acceptable to God at all. Abel's offering was what God wanted, a life for a life. Just after this event a fit of jealousy got the better of Cain so much that he killed his brother in anger.
Ever since these days mankind has always been trying to get to God by what they can do and it will always not be enough to please the Almighty God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. As I have already said, Jesus is the only way to get to Heaven as you can read in the Gospel of John.

Chapter 3. God's remedy for the situation

God has a remedy for the situation that our world is in and it is the Bible. We have been given the 10 commandments as a basis to live by, and with His help we can achieve quite a bit of it. But our problem as human beings is that without God in our lives we cannot achieve anything near to the standard that God has set. Look at the first commandment which says that we must love the Lord our God with all that we have. We cannot keep the first one of these commandments, let alone the rest of them. We also have been given the complete Bible to show us how to live our lives, but in our modern society that is old fashioned and out of date, because people think that they know better than that, and that they know more than God who had the Bible written in the first place. Modern people seem to think that we are progressing upwards towards God and Heaven, when the reality of the situation is the reverse. We are heading for a Godless eternity in Hell itself if we do not change our ways and turn back to the Bible and to God and start going the ways of the Bible.
Man wants Utopia his way. This will end in destruction as you can read in Revelations chapter 20.
In the Readers Digest dictionary, Utopia is described as being a place, a condition or a situation of social and political perfection. It also says that it is an idealistic goal or concept for social and political reform. Mankind thinks that all will be fine and dandy in Utopia but what he will get is DYSTOPIA. This is an imaginary island where everything will be utterly bad and rotten to the core.

Four hundred years ago in the year 1516 Sir Thomas More wrote a book called UPTOPIA and this was still the same idea as it ever was, that man could improve himself so as to be acceptable to God. It won't work. It never has done before and never will do even in the year 2015, nor in the years to come. The Bible says that mankind is sinful in everything that they do and you can look this up in your own time and in your own Bible to see if I am correct or not.
In his book, Sir Thomas More describes what his ideas of Utopia would be like. I found it on the internet on the Sparks website. Put in Utopia by Sir Thomas More as the title and you will find quite a bit about this man and his book.
I can see where this U.N. Agenda 2030 is coming from and where it is going to take this world in the end. There will be more on the results of the theme of mans ideas of Utopia later on.

Chapter 4. Man's remedy for the situation

Man's ideas for the future are based on man's ideas and not Gods Word. Mankind in a lot of cases wants to make a name for himself without God being involved at all. Go to Genesis chapter4 verses 1 to 9. What do we read here? We read that mankind of that time wanted to make a name for themselves by building a high tower to reach into the skies to observe the Heavens and to worship the stars etc. We also read that God looked down on this monstrous edifice and decided to confuse all of the people with different languages, so that the builders could not communicate with each other. So the folly of mankind trying to reach God by his own efforts ended in confusion and babble. That is where the word Babble comes from, Babel.
The problem in Babylon, which was built on the same place as Babel, is that man still wants to built things to honour himself. This is still going today in parts of the world where dictators hold sway. You will see them have gigantic statues built of their likeness and placed in a prominent place in the country where they live.
So it goes on and on in our world today, where human beings leave God out of things, and what is left after these people are gone is just a mess for someone else to deal with, if they can.
In the book of Revelations and chapter 20 you will read there of what God is going to do to the people of the world if He is left out of things. In this chapter we will see what is going to happen to this poor old world of ours.

As the Apostle Peter puts it in his letter,(2 Peter chapter 3 verses 7 and 12) this world is going to be burnt up and destroyed, then will come in God's new world and anyone who is not saved by the blood of Jesus Christ prior to this destruction will not see Heaven at all, but Hell. You need to choose now which place you want to go to, before it is too late. This theme is backed up by the following verses. Jude verse 7, Revelations chapter 16 verse 8, Revelations chapter 20 verses 9 to 15, 2 Peter chapter 3 verse 13, Revelations chapter 21 the whole chapter. So please do look them up and then get right with God, because if you do not you will be included in those who will be going to Hell. It is up to you to make the right choice now while you are able to before it is too late.
Before we look at the final judgement of man's efforts to bring about this one world government, I want to have a quick look at previous judgements on Earth by God. We have already looked at the Tower of Babel earlier. Now go to Genesis chapters 7 to 8 tell us of a worldwide flood and the only way to get saved then was to enter into that Ark. Sad to say that out of all the people who were alive at that time, only eight were saved.
Now go on to Genesis chapter 19 verses 24 to 25 where you will read that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by fire and Brimstone because of their utter sinfulness of homosexuality.
This what we are now being told is no longer a sin, but as far as I am concerned, if the Bible says that it is a sin to practice such things, then it is still a sin, and it will ruin any nation that legalises it.

In recent years Great Britain and the U.S.A. have done just that by legalising sin through their government processes. That has put us under more judgement from God. The end of the matter will be that all of this world is going to be burnt up one day and that might happen quicker than the Agenda 2030. As we now go to what is to come for this world, from a biblical point of view, you had better hold on to your hat as things are going to change so much that you won't be able to take it all in.
We now go to the end of the Bible to Revelations chapter 13 to see where this One World idea is going to end up. Some of the things which you will read here, I have already mentioned in passing earlier in this work. Verse 1.Here we see a lot of unrest among the world's peoples. Just like the sea which is always on the move, ebbing and flowing. It is always restless. If you look at your history of Germany in the 1920's to early 1930's, there was the aftermath of the First World War, where people were hungry and inflation was out of control. In the middle of all of that mess, one man said, "I have the answer to the problem", and look what happened after that, you had the rise of the Nazi Party and all that happened over the next twelve years until 1945. Something similar will happen again. The World is crying out for a man to get rid of the mess of this current world in which we live. Yes, they will get one, and he will rule with a heavy hand and a rod of iron.
Back to our verse again. What is this beast which comes out of the sea of humanity? It is a revived Roman Empire. Yes, it was dead in one form from the early to middle 5th century A.D. But it has now been revived as The European Union in which, so far, there are 28 member states all from the revived Roman Empire.

Verse 2. tells us of the power which the Devil will give to this new order. There is now a bigger push going on to make this One World Empire an entity with these two agendas that I have come across. Verse 3. The death wound of this old empire is healed. This what we could be seeing in 2015 in the way that there is a coming together of all of these nations again.
Verse 4. Here we see the new religion coming to the fore in that the Devil will be worshipped more openly. It is sad thing that so called Christians are getting caught up in this sort of thing. They are being deceived by the enemy of our soul, the Devil himself and he loves it.
Verse 5 tells us of the changes in religions that will blaspheme and say all sorts of things against the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and us true believers in God. Even now in late 2015 true believers are being hounded for saying what the Bible says about sin. Sin is almost outlawed in the West. You are not allowed to say that anyone's lifestyle is wrong in case it upsets people. Sorry, but as I have already said, " if my Bible says something is sin, then it is still sin". I am not going to change my faith or beliefs for anyone, and if this gets back to the "Thought Police" then so be it.
Verses 6 to 8 tell us what is going to happen to the true believers. It will be a case of giving in or dying for your faith. If you should give in to the Devil you will receive his mark on your right hand or on your forehead. If you take that mark, you will certainly be going to Hell. The choice is yours.

If you go back to the Nazi era,1920's to 1945, all of those people who did not fit in were sent to camps and a number was tattooed on their right hands. On one of my travels to the Ukraine I met an old man who had one of these numbers tattooed on his hand and it was 122436. This was a fore runner of what is coming in a very big way soon, to our world. During 2015 there have been experiments in this idea in Sweden which were put on to the B.B.C. news one day during the summertime.
Have you noticed how many people are having tattoos now? Is this a pre-curser to the Mark of the Beast as described in this same chapter? I think that it is.
Let us go on with our short study.
Verses 9 to 10. God is saying in verse 9, are you listening to what He is saying? I am afraid that there are not many people of my generation and younger who are listening to the Word of God and the warnings given in this chapter. They are listening to everything else, but not to God.
Verses 12 to 17. These verses are a warning to our generation that there is coming a WORLD RELIGION and anyone who stands against it will be killed.
Don't be fooled, please, when people are saying that this is a long way off and might never happen. It is already happening in the year 2015 with the Roman Catholic Church and the following groups who are joining in. The Charismatic Movement, The Purpose Driven Church, The Emerging Church, Empowered 21, and others are all joining in with this idea of a One World Church.

These groups are all false people trying to lead astray the rest of us, if they can. This WORLD RELIGION will be telling you what to worship, who to worship, when to worship. If this idea comes into being then all of our freedoms will be gone.
In verse 12 there is something here which is a warning to us all. This false religious leader will make everyone on the Earth at that time worship the Beast of verse 1. It looks to me that this is saying that we will all be worshipping the European Union, but is that what it really means? No. we will all be worshipping the Satanic power behind this entity.
Verse 13 says about things happening in the sky. Wait a moment, don't we have something in the Bible about this sort of thing before? Yes! we do. Let us go to 1 Chronicles chapter 21 verse 26, 1 Chronicles chapter 18 verse 38 and Luke's gospel chapter 21 verse 28. All of these verses mention fire falling from Heaven. The first two have already happened and the third one has yet to come into being.
Verse 14 shows us that there will be a lot of deception going on in those days to come. IT IS ALREADY HERE, and I am seeing it more and more as each year goes by. There are already ideas in progress about making robots that can think and talk as I think that I have already said. But, this one will be energised from Hell itself. I want you to try to imagine something here. You invent a robot to do a job for you in a factory. Then after it has been put in place for a while you are able to make it think and talk like a human being and then it takes over everything that you have not made it for.

That would be scary, would it not? This image will have complete control over you, just like the one in our passage which we are looking at.
Verse 16. Here you will have no say in anything unless you have a mark on your right hand or on your forehead. Again this is the Devil copying something from the Bible in the Books of the Laws of God.
Could I please plead with anyone who is reading this book on the internet, not to take this mark as you will go to Hell for doing so, and not to Heaven as you think.
What we have just been reading and thinking about is how God sees man's attempts at UTOPIA. This is what this UNITED NATIONS AGENDA 21 AND AGENDA 2030 are all about. A paradise without God. The end of all this plan and ideas of mankind are going to end up in being burnt up by God. Read Revelations chapter 20 verses 9 and 10.
Then in the last chapter of the Bible God is going to have a new Heavens and Earth, not like we have today, but a perfect one the like of which we will never see as long as this world is in existence. Also in this last chapter we see healing, happiness and restoration between God and those who never took that mark of the beast which I mentioned earlier.
We have not got quite as far as the above in our history yet, but it won't be long before we are. Look at what is going on now. We are not allowed to say that SIN is SIN anymore. We are not allowed to criticise the lifestyle of anyone anymore. We cannot stand up and say that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD anymore.

All of this is called Political Correctness, which I have no intention of obeying or being at all. If my Bible says that something is sinful, then it is and I do not care what any government says on that score. I am saved by the BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST and nothing else.
We, the true believers must stand up and be counted before it is too late to do so.

Three final thoughts as we end this chapter.
1. Why is this scenario going to happen?
2. When will it happen?
3. Where will it happen?

1. Why will it happen? The simple answer is because the human race, that is you and me, have left God out of everything. If we leave God out of our lives He will let us get on with it ourselves, but we will have to take the consequences of that decision.
2. When will it happen? It will come about when the Third Jewish Temple has been erected. Just watch what is happening in Israel.
3. Where will it happen? It will happen in Jerusalem, the Jewish capital city, which is according to my Bible the only place where the God of Heaven has ever said that it was the place where He would put His name for ever. Satan hates God and will usurp the place of God once this new building is erected. So, watch this place and see what will happen, and when it does start to happen get ready for the final showdown between God and Satan.

The Devil craves worship and he is out to get all of us worshipping him in one way or another, and as you read the previous chapters you will see that this is what is going to happen. You will be forced to worship the enemy on the point of death. God wants you to worship Him with a free heart and mind and not by force.

Chapter 5. The results

The results of the previous two chapters will be totally different to what anyone could every envisage.
From God's point of view this current Planet Earth will be destroyed by fire Which we are told of in 2 Peter chapter 3 verse 7. Revelations chapter 21 verse 1, says that this old Earth will be gone forever. Why? Because sin has tainted it so badly and where sin is God cannot be.
From the human point of view man thinks that things are getting better. But will they? No, they will not.
Let me illustrate that. Many years ago now, when I was a young Christian in my teenage years I was shown an illustration of the way that man says and thinks that we are going and what God says.
A diagonal line was drawn from the bottom left hand side of a page and going up to the top right hand corner. This represented what man was saying=that we are going upwards. The other line was drawn from the top left hand corner down to the bottom right hand corner this meant what God was saying about mans efforts= going downwards towards Hell.

Now, once more you have the chance to change your ways and start to follow the God of the Bible or you can still decide not to take any notice of anything which I say and then please do not say that you were not warned if you land up in Hell. I have tried to warn you and if I have failed to do so, then I ask your forgiveness.

Chapter 6. The United Nations Agenda 2030

In this chapter I am going to pick out some of the points page by page, but not every page as this would make this work far too long and tedious, to show to you what is going to be done to you and your nation whether you like it or not. All the nations of the world are included in this new plan.
Right, here we go.
Preamble. At the start of this agenda you will see the following words come up and they will be used all through the paper.
Sustainable, Universal, Freedom, Global, etc.
This plan is for an Universal Peace between all nations of the Earth. God is not included in it at all. The freedom they are spouting about will in fact be a trap. There will never be any peace on the Earth until the return of Jesus Christ as the Lord and Saviour of mankind.
I did notice that this plan WILL be implemented, not Might be. Please notice that fact. It will be put into place. It seems that all of us will be forced into bringing about this plan. Where is the freedom which they talk about then?

The stated aim is to heal the nations of the world from all that has gone on before, so that there is no more war, want, shortages etc. etc. It won't work. Sorry to have to say that because as I have said earlier GOD IS NOT IN IT. This is man's plan for UPTOPIA without being responsible to God for anything.
In Revelations chapter 20 man's Utopia is smashed to pieces and in the next chapter God's new creation will be ushered in and mankind will have nothing to do with the running of it at all.
Preamble continued. There will be controls on everything in the world when this plan comes into being. It is just like Revelations chapter13 where we read of the controls which will be placed on every person who is alive at that time. Controls on food, energy, clothing, ideas, everything. As the chapter says, if you do not receive the MARK OF THE BEAST, you will not be able to do anything at all. You will be killed if you do not take this mark.
If you do take it, and I just pray and hope that you do not, you will be able to get what you need, but at the end of that time God's judgement will be upon you and you will go to Hell. Read the last verses of Revelations chapter 20.
The other thing which I read form this page was the so called GREEN ISSUES.
This is pure Communism in disguise, just like the previous agenda.
More of the Preamble.

One part of this page seems to say that there would be a One World Army to police any problems that could arise in the world after this agenda is implemented.
It also mentions Global Unity in all of the nations. Does that mean that we will all be doing the same sort of things all over the world? It is totally man centred and not God centred.
The Declaration.
1. Signed and dated 25-27th September 2015 in the United Nations Headquarters in New York.
2. It will be fully in operation by 2030 and will include everything from the previous agenda, ( Agenda 21) that has not been done by then. So, we will have 15 years to see this plan being fully implemented, and then what will happen? Will this plan go on forever without any problems. Will it be like the Nazi ideas of a "Thousand year Reich"? (Empire)
Item 4,of this agenda seems to say that everyone is included in this plan of universal goals and targets without exception. Will our freedoms be taken away from us? Yes they will and are already being done in the U.K. already by the Political Correctness which has been foisted upon the population of the country.
Item 5. On this page are set out the lofty aims of man for our world. Changing the environment and surroundings of where we live, work and play, will not solve the deep problems of the human race. Only God can change people by the means that I have already mentioned earlier in this work.

These aims seem to be saying that man is basically good, but my Bible tells me different in that man is basically sinful and needs a saviour to change his life round for him. The United Nations will never be able to do that even though these agendas and plans are what they feel are for the best of mankind.
Item 6. tells us how long it took for the various heads of Governments to make up this plan which was done in secret and was not announced to the world on any media outlet that I know of.
Items 7 to 9. The Vision.
These rules and ideas are being made by unknown and unelected people on the behalf of all of us, and we have no say at all on these discussions which are being held in secret. All that we will be expected to do will be to obey without question who tells us what we are to do and when. We will become human robots.
God gives us a choice as to whether we will obey Him or not. But, our choice will decide where we spend eternity. If we choose God and His will, then it will be Heaven. Choosing our own ways will lead to an eternity in Hell. The choice is yours as I have all ready said.
These new ideas and rules are for the changing of our world as we know it. But, it does not change the human heart which the Bible describes as evil and wicked.
Item 21. This additional and new plan will start on Jan1st 2016. That is 58 days from today the 3rd November 2015. and will be completed by 31st December 2030.

From that date onwards watch out even more carefully than you have before for the things which are being planned for this world of ours, and it is not going to be nice for us who know and love the Lord Jesus Christ.
Item 23. Here we see that they plan to empower people who are vulnerable. Empowered to do what? The Bible says that we should care for people who are vulnerable by providing the things that they need. Read the Letter of James chapter 1 verse 27 and chapter 2 verses 14 to 16 about caring for people with needs.
Item 24. This page then goes on to mention Rome, the eternal city of man not of God, where the Treaty was originally signed that brought about the European Union. Here it mentions a declaration about taking action on food security an all the associated things that go with the plans of this committee.
Let us look at the Bible again for a minute or two and see what is to become of the City of Rome.
Revelations chapter 17 verse9 tells us about a place with seven hills. The only city that I know that has seven hills in it, is Rome, which is described here as a centre of commerce. It is also described as something like the Babylon of old which was destroyed centuries earlier.
Chapter 18 of the same book tells that this city will be destroyed by God for its sinfulness. Look at the history of Rome for a minute.

It crucified the early Christians because they would not bow down to the Caesars of those times. It held the barbaric games in the Coliseum where men fought animals. Where Christians were used as human torches etc. Roman laws were in places brutal to those who they conquered. Then there is the false church which surfaced in Rome in the 4th Century A.D. and is still powerful in many parts of the world even today in 2015.
God is going to destroy Rome and all of its political and commercial power as we read in Revelations chapter 1
The last piece on that page which I want to consider is education.
Item 25.They want to bring a plan where all children are given a good education. I have no problem with that, but where I do have a problem is in what will be taught to these children in the near future.
At present, in the U.K. we are seeing the start of children being taught sex education with the aim of trying to stop unwanted pregnancies in young girls. Also we are seeing children being taught that to be "gay" is normal. They are not being taught the principles of a loving relationship between a man and a woman in marriage. Marriage is meant to be a loving union between a man and a woman for the well being of the children who come along in that family.
This section then goes on to ask about the rights of children.
According to the biblical ways of raising children is to love them, tell them off if they are doing wrong, to teach them God's ways, to provide care and comfort for them when they have problems.

But, I do not understand where this idea of kids divorcing their parents came from in the U.S.A. There is something wrong here.
There is also something going on in Scotland where the Scottish Parliament want to bring in a law to say that every child born and living in Scotland will have a "named person" to monitor these children's lives. They will have more power and rights over these kids than the parents. Something is wrong here. Parents for better or worse should be caring for their own children. I know that some parents lack good parenting skills, but with training and help these parents can become better at caring for their children. This idea is about control by government and takes away the parental choice."BIG BROTHER KNOWS BEST".
Item 26. In this section there is something about life expectancy. In this respect it was mentioned in the U.K. earlier this year that our life expectancy could reach up to 135 years of age in the not too far distance.
The Bible has a bit to say about living longer or shorter as the case might be. In Genesis chapter 6 verse 3, God says that the life span of man would fall to 120 years and in Psalm 90 verse10 that it would now be between 70 and 80 years.
Jesus said in Matthews Gospel chapter 6 verse 27 and again in Luke's gospel chapter 12 verse 25,"that we cannot add one inch to our height by worrying", which to my mind means that we cannot change things unless the good Lord allows it. So how can we extend our lives to live a lot longer than the average age now?

As far as I am concerned, my life is in God's hands and He will take me out of this world when He says and not before.
Another thing from this section concerns the so called family planning ideas. Does this idea mean that there will be the removing of those babies who are not wanted, unloved and in the way of the life styles of the people involved? What about the babies who are terminally ill or disabled in some way or other? Then at the other end of life what about the very elderly and infirm? Will they be removed because they are considered to be a burden on society? Will this be done to lower the world population so that there is enough food to feed the rest of us? People are pushing for euthanasia to become law in the U.K. at present and it is possible that it will become law in a few years time.
What of the "Planned Parenthood" idea in the U.S.A. where abortion is a big industry? This is part of the plan to lower the world population and it is the murder of the innocents and unborn children. The Bible says that children are a blessing to us not a commodity. Psalm 127 verse 3.
Jesus spoke very forcibly about harming children in the Gospel of Matthew which you can research for yourself. So, be warned about killing, harming or hurting children.

Item 27 Transport.
In the original plan the idea was for people to live and work in one area so that the amount of pollution would be cut. In these urban areas only public transport would have priority over cars and the use bicycles would be encouraged.

In this item they are saying that they want to see cheaper fares on public transport. In Sheffield in the 1980's there was a very cheap fare system on their local bus services, but the government of the day did not like it because it was a Labour run council, who were forced to put up the fares. This probably meant that the car traffic in the area went up as well. There are big plans to introduce a Metro scheme for Cardiff and the surrounding areas which will take billions of £s to implement and years to achieve.
About two years ago the coalition government said that a new rail line was going to be built between London and the Midlands and then an extension to the North West and Yorkshire. It was to be called the HS2 (High Speed 2). Nobody wants this new railway line which will destroy the countryside, and as I asked in the previous website "will the government repay the land owners whose land has been bought off them the value of their land with interest, if the line does not get built". I wonder!

Item 29. The right of return.
When you read this section a problem comes to my mind immediately, which is would this apply to the Jewish people only, as at present, or to everyone else connected to Israel? If it does, then we will see a lot of trouble in Israel, because if all of the Arabs who left Israel came back, they would change the whole demographic makeup of the nation which would mean that the Jewish Israelis would become a minority in their own nation.

Item 31. Climate change.
Here they are on about climate changes to our weather and air. This is a nonsense, because the climates are always changing every year. But, I can understand the ideas for stopping air pollutants being belched out of our factory chimneys every day. This is one way that pollutants enter the air. I can remember as a child the thick smog every year in London. The Clean Air Acts of the late 1950's and early 1960's changed things so that when the fogs came down the air was a lot cleaner.
What these people will not tell you is that there were for several hundred winters in Western Europe a "mini ice age" every winter. There are many paintings of ice fairs on the frozen rivers from this period of history. In recent years the University of East Anglia was in trouble for trying to convince us all that there was a big change coming in our weather patterns, which was proved not to be true.
Item 32 is allied to the previous one in that the question I am asking now. Is man trying to change the weather? Is man able to control the weather at this point of time? No, man cannot change the times and seasons which God has laid down.
Just imagine if we could completely change our weather patterns worldwide. The changes I think would be very dramatic indeed. Would we have sunshine all the year round in the day time? No winters? Always warm and never a cold, wet, rainy day? God has set these patterns for a purpose and that is so that all of us get a fair share of the good and bad weather.

I agree that we can do things to make the air which we breathe better and cleaner as I have already mentioned earlier.

Item 35.
What sort of peace do they mean here? Is it just a cessation of wars and fighting? Or do they mean the deeper word for peace? That deeper word incorporates the idea of health, well being and happiness within ourselves. I don't want to see any more wars as I grew up during the last World War, but I am sorry to say that I do not think that wars will cease in the way that this agenda would like to see. True peace comes only when individuals and nations turn to the God of the Bible and ask for His help to live in peace. Individual peace will only come when we let God into our personal lives and nation ones as well. There is an old saying "NO GOD, NO PEACE , KNOW GOD, KNOW PEACE". That is true today 7TH November 2015.

Item 40. Conferences.
One thing that I have noticed is that there have been a lot of conferences all over the world about different parts to this agenda.
My question here is who is paying for all of these meetings? Just think of the costs of the venues, hotels, air travel, meals etc. etc. It must run to an enormous amount of money, time and effort for what? Surely that money could be better spent by those governments on things in their home countries?
Next, think of the pollution given off by the cars, taxis and planes getting to and from these big meetings and all of the waste from the left overs at the meals and the dirty water after the washing up of so many plates as well as the laundry's waste water etc.

Item 41. The new agenda.
This new agenda is not just an addition to the previous Agenda 21, but it seems to be (and is) complementing it and changing things so that it is slower in coming into being.
If it means that things are being done at a slightly slower pace, is that to slowly fool us as to what is going on? I wonder!

Item 50. The Isaiah chapter 10 verses 9 and 10 complex.
In this section I will try to explain what I mean about these verses. They are both about the pride of man's hearts and what man wants to do and is planning on doing.
As you read these verses you will see what they are saying "we will build with cut stones". In those times when this was written, bricks were mainly sun baked bricks, not like the kiln fired ones of our generation. These sun baked bricks were not so robust either and could so easily be broken to pieces.
We will need to go back to the beginning of the Bible to see something of the pride of men's hearts in the building of the Tower of Babel. Genesis chapter 10 verses 1 to 9 tell the story of this tower of mans pride. The men of that day wanted to make a name for themselves. But God destroyed their ideas by confusing their language. Back to Isaiah chapter 9. What are these people saying? the old is in ruins and that we are going to rebuild with hewn stone that which has collapsed. After the events in New York in September 2001 the same verses were quoted at a meeting in that city about rebuilding what had been destroyed. There is a new World Trade Tower near to the place where the old ones once stood.

Two quotes from item 50.
1. " We resolve to build a better future for all people" End of quote.
2. "We can be the first generation to succeed in ending poverty". End of quote.
What can we get from this section? I think that the only answers that we can arrive at are, that it is all about what man can do without God. it seems to say "LOOK AT ME" and what I can do without God. "I WANT TO MAKE A NAME FOR MYSELF". If that is the case this agenda will fail. Then what will they be able to put in its place? With this attitude you should be able to see that it is all about the PRIDE and BOASTFULNESS that is in the human heart to want to do our own thing and not what God wants us to do.
Item 52. The journey.
In this section a journey is mentioned by the people who wrote this agenda. My question is where is this journey going to take them, and us as well, to? What is the destination for this U.N. Agenda 2030 train? The answer is Hell and destruction. Will there be real peace and happiness at this destination in the year 2030? I DON'T THINK SO. Do I have a Bible verse about the journey and this road that mankind is travelling on? Yes I do and it is found in the Gospel of Matthew chapter 7 verses 13 to 14. These two verses are a picture of life. Jesus said that many would follow the popular, worldly wide road to Hell and few would find the very narrow road to life with God in Heaven. I have a question for you, the reader, which road are you on? The choice is yours and yours alone as I have already said earlier.

This train is going to hit the buffers of God's destruction because it is not His plan that is being implemented.
You need to get on the right road now to make sure that you get to the correct destination.

Item 53.
I have noticed in this section of this agenda that it is totally what man is going to do. Not might or possibly do, but will do. In essence it is just like the story of the Tower of Babel all over again."Let us make a name for ourselves". Meaning that the God who created this world in which we live is not wanted or is invited to be a part of these plans for the near future. Sad, isn't it, that no-one wants God in their plans anymore?

Item 57 Data Collection.
Yesterday I saw in my local shopping centre people trying to sell the idea of SMART METERS. This is now being pushed at a very fast rate on the unsuspecting world. This idea is being pushed by our government in the U.K as it is in other Western Nations at the same time. From the information which I have discovered this is a charter to snoop and pry on all of us. I am not very happy with this idea at all as I do not want people prying into my affairs. If you want more information you can check this for yourself at the following address www.stopsmartmeters.org.uk there is quite a lot of information on these meters coming from the U.S.A. where it has been found that the people who control these meters can tell which room you are in and when your house is unoccupied as well as knowing what you are spending on your utilities each day.

As well as that they are able to pass on these details to others, and added to that these wireless lines are not being safe guarded from hackers. If you don't mind that happening, then go ahead and install such a meter. Another thing that has been discovered is that these meters can give off radiation, which will make you ill at higher doses than the other forms of meters would ever give. The health of your family is at risk if you have a smart meter put into your home. You do not have to have one as they are not compulsory. But governments are trying to make it look like that they are. So, if you do not mind being ill, then go ahead and get one of these meters installed in your home.
if you don't mind these faceless people who will control your home gas and electricity supplies and knowing how much you are spending every day, then go ahead and change your existing meter to this not so smart meter system. It is going to be fully implemented in the U.K by 2020. You will have one year in which to change back to the old system once one of these meters has been installed, but as happened to a friend of mine, he had a very difficult time to get the new meter taken out of his house, even though it was before the end of the one year period.
The main company spreading this system is British Gas which is not British owned anymore, but is French owned, and the French people are getting lower tariffs on the back of the higher prices which we in the U.K are paying.

Item 59.
"Mother Earth". This statement is pure New Age thinking. There is no such commodity as Mother Earth in the Bible.
The Bible says that God created the Earth and all that is in the natural world by speaking it into being. God is depicted in the Hebrew language as MALE not FEMALE. Then this section says about the visions for the future of each country in the world. What sort of visions are they talking about? Is it the vision of a perfect world without God being involved in it? Is it their ideas leading to their Utopia?
The vision that God has for this world is that it is going to be destroyed at some future point in time, so that He can usher in His new world. Which will be completely different to the world that human beings are looking for. There is no mention again of there ever being a God who made this world. My vision for the future is that of the Bible, where I shall be enjoying all of the things that God is going to give me in His Paradise. I do not want to be around on this planet when it is being burnt up in judgement.
The next part of this agenda deals with the goals of how to achieve this plan and again I shall just look at some of the points raised here.

Goals 1 to 8 This will cover how they will tackle poverty, hunger, ill health, bad education, equality of the sexes. sanitation and hygiene and the lack of jobs.
Yesterday 11th November 2015 it was announced that the jobless total was about 1.5 million people in the U.K. When I left school in 1955 there were lots of jobs and not enough people to fill the vacancies. Now it is in reverse, more people than jobs. What went wrong?

Our industrial base has been decimated over the years, our mining industry is almost obsolete even though we have 300 years of coal in the ground untouched. Our ship building capability= gone. Our railway locomotive industry=gone. Steel making almost gone. There are other large companies which were part of our industrial base which have also gone. This was caused in part by our nation having an I.M.F. loan in 1979. Some of the conditions were that the government had to sell off "the family silver" to whoever wanted to buy it. A lot of foreign companies bought our once proud engineering base and we are now relegated to the following three things. Banking, Insurance and Tourism. This what we have been told that we will be doing by the E.U. and others.

Goal 11. Transport.
This goal is now slightly different to the previous one.
Here in the U.K we are having the new rail line cutting right through the heart of our countryside. A line which nobody wants, but again as I said earlier is being foisted on us by the Government. This is the HS2 line which is to get people from the Midlands to London twenty minutes quicker than by the existing lines. In my article on the Agenda 21 plan, I asked then, if the land which is being bought up for this new line with government money is never used for the project, will the people who lost their land be compensated for the loss and would the land be returned to the original land owners?
Go back to Agenda 21 and you will see that this could be part of the plans to take land away from people and for state control over private property.

So, watch this plan unfold over the next 15 years to see just how much land will be taken away from us by central governments.

Goal 13. Climate change.
This section tells us how this group of people are going to change the climate which we all share. There are a lot of lies being told bout climate change. It was discovered by the University of East Anglia some years ago now, that they had manipulated their findings on climate change to suit their own plans.
These climate changing people will not tell you of the mini ices ages which occurred for many winters in Europe during the Middle Ages. Rivers were frozen solid so much that ice fairs were held on them as you can see from paintings from those days.
Yes, it is true that there are things which we can do to make our climate better, such as stopping pollutants being pumped into the air from industry and cars etc. But in the long run God is in control of our climate as He was the creator of it in the first place.
Another thing that we need to do as human beings is to stop cutting down the large forests for wooden products. Deforestation means less rain fall and soil erosion in heavy rain storms. These are some of the things that we can do to make sure that our air is clean. But, overall it is not up to "MOTHER NATURE", but the God who created the climate, to change it. One thing that people forget is that the Jet Stream changes course every so often, which in turn will affect our weather.
The next section gives an explanation of these 17 goals, which I will go through briefly and how they are going to be met.

Goals 1 to 2. To eradicate poverty and hunger.
The plan is to make sure that this is completed in the 15 years that are allotted to this plan being completed. I cannot see this being done in that time scale as it will take a lot of time and effort to change the heart of people from the tribal mentality of today to that of the future where all of us will be going the same way and thinking along the same lines.
Would you, as in the Agenda 21, start to decrease the world population in the ways that this previous plan suggested? You would have to have large scale abortions to get rid of the babies being born. Does this include contraception on a large scale for countries that have a lot of large families or too many people in them?
China has had to admit this year (2015) that its one child policy is failing as they now have a lot of older people living longer and less people to do the work of the nation as a whole. But who are we to be playing at being God in the destruction of babies who are not wanted, or of the older generation who are weak and sickly?
Euthanasia will be the next big thing to get rid of the older generations as we older ones are living a lot longer than we were twenty or thirty years ago. People in the U.K. are pushing for the law to be changed on this subject in recent years, but the U.K. government so far has said no to this idea. If ever it did come in to our nation it is feared that many older people will be made to feel that they are of no use to anyone and will kill themselves. We need to do what the Bible says in looking after our older generations. It says that we should "Honour our mother and father".

What does the Bible say about life? It says that we are made in God's image. Genesis chapters 1 and 2. The Psalmist said about the wonderful way in which all of our body parts are framed and how they fit together. Jeremiah chapter 1 tells us that God knew us before we were even born. So what right do we have to destroy unborn children and the elderly people? We have no rights to do this at all.

Goal 3.
This goal deals with health issues for all of the world and in my mind I am asking the question will this include looking after disabled children and the old and infirm, or will they be done away with by law as not worth being kept alive? I don't know what the answer is, but it just made me stop and think. It also covers a lot of other areas of health from drugs to Aids etc.
I can agree with a lot of what they are trying to do here to alleviate sickness and disease, but where they are going wrong is that they do not go to the one who made human beings in the first place== God the creator of everything== for answers to our problems.
In the previous part of the plan (Agenda 21) it was stated that there were too many people on the planet to care for and feed. if we used our land resources properly, we could then feed everyone without the need to get rid of anybody at all.
One way to help people to have a healthier life style is to stop every smoker from smoking tobacco products as these items are causing so much trouble for a lot of people. This would help to get rid of a lot of cancers people have and help them to live a better life.

Another thing would be to get rid of alcohol, because of the problems which excessive drinking does to people's bodies.
Our hospitals are getting so many people coming into them through drink related problems every Saturday night that they are finding it hard to cope with the pressures being put being put on the staff.
December 22nd. 2015. Our local news stated this morning that there was a drastic rise in our hospitals from drink and alcohol related problems over the past year or two.

Goal 4. Education.
My question here is, what is being taught in our schools and colleges?
One of the things that is being pushed by governments in the U.K. is that same sex marriages are normal, THEY ARE NOT normal. Go to your Bible and that will tell you what God says about marriage. The Biblical way of marriage is between ONE MAN AND ONE WOMAN it is not between two men, or two women. I do not care if that statement gets me into trouble with the courts, but I try to live by the teachings of the Bible and that is how I live. Geneses chapter 2 verses 24 & 25. Leviticus chapter 18 verse 22.
Another thing that is being pushed as fact is that EVOLUTION is right and that the BIBLE is wrong. Evolution has never proved that mankind was evolved from monkeys. If you want to believe that you are descended from monkeys that is your choice, but I would rather trust what the Bible says.

A third thing that is being taught is the so called BIG BANG THEORY rather than that God created this world.
Bibles are being banned from schools and all sorts of religions are being taught except true Christianity.
School assemblies have been done away with, so that the influence of Christianity is lost in the school curriculum.

Goal 9. Industry.
In the 1950's here in the U.K there were more jobs than people to do them. Now it is the other way round more people than jobs. What was the cause of this change?
Simply this. The European Union decreed that we in Great Britain would be doing Banking, Insurance, and Tourism. Our once great engineering base has now completely gone. We no longer make things like we once did. Take for example our railways. We were at one time the country which made all the railway locomotives and carriages in the world. We invented the railways back in the 1830's and 40's. We now have to virtually buy any railway stock that we might need from abroad with about one exception at Derby, where there is still a railway manufacturing company, and that is not British owned.
We used to have a lot of apprenticeships in the engineering field, but now there is very little in this area for our young people to go to.
If we want to reduce the unemployment levels in the country we need to have the jobs for people to go to where they will be paid a decent rate of pay for the job that they are going to do.

There is so much that we could do to help our young people to get a job but are we willing to do anything about the situation? One thing that we could do is to lower the retirement age down to 60 years of age, which would in turn release more jobs for the younger people. But, no. What did the current government do? They put up the retirement age for all of us to 68 years old, a rise of three years. The reason for doing this was partly so that we could not get any Government pensions earlier. Are they trying to kill off the older workers?

Goal 11. Transport.
Part of this goal covers transport, which I have an interest in as I worked for many years in public transport and lorry driving.
Part of the previous plan was for there to be big urban areas with public transport running between these urban areas. What are we seeing here in the U.K.? Bus services from towns to villages being cut so that the local people have no way to get to the towns etc. The only way that the villagers can get about is to use a car, which causes more pollution in the air.
We saw the decimation in the 1960's of our once proud railways down to the current levels that they are at now. Then they were sold in the 1990's and look at the major accidents that have occurred under privatisation since then. I have already mentioned about the HS2 new rail line which nobody wants, so I will not repeat what I already said about this here.

Goal 13. Climate change.
In this section this plan wants to "take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts". They want to raise $100billion by 2020 from various sources around the world annually to implement this part of the plan. Also included in this is the GREEN CLIMATE FUND to capitalize this as soon as possible. Mankind is responsible for all of the pollutants in our atmosphere from the manufacturing process's which we use right around the world. Change that and then we might get clean air. Again I have already mentioned this earlier on in this essay.
Yes, we need clean air to breathe, but is this plan the right way to achieve the goal of eliminating the poor air quality in some countries around our world?
Goal 16 part 9 is a quote from the Prophecynewswatch.com 2015/November 03.
Quote" By 2030, provide legal identity for all, including birth registration. The United Nations is already working hard toward the implementation of this goal-particularly among refugee populations. The UN. has partnered with Accenture to implement a biometric identification system that reports information "back to central database in Geneva" The following is an excerpt from an article that was posted on findbiometrics.com
The United Nations High Commission for refugees (UNHCR) is moving forward with its plans to use biometric technology to identify and track refugees, and has selected a vendor for the project. Accenture, an international technology services provider, has won out in the competitive tendering process and will oversee the implementation of the technology in a three year contract.

The UNHCR will use Accenture's Unique Identity Service Platform (USIP) to send this information back to a central database in Geneva, allowing UNCHR offices all over the world to effectively coordinate with the central UNCHR authority in tracking refugees.
(I don't know about you, but that sure does sound creepy to me.)
And these new biometric identification cards will not be just for refugees. According to a different Findbiometrics report, authorities hope this technology will enable them to achieve the U.N.'s goal of having this kind of identification in the hands of every man, woman and child on the planet by the year 2030."
End of Quote.
At the present time of writing this November 18th 2015 we have Oyster cards in London which tell the issuers of those cards where someone was at a certain time of the day or night when travelling. We also have Biometric passports which do the same sort of thing when you travel to and from another country. These passports are being hailed as a quicker way to get through passport controls at an airport. But are they there for another purpose such keeping an eye on who is going where and when? I do not know for sure.

Goal 17.
This goal seems to be saying that only that which is good for the planet will be acceptable in trade, commerce, banking etc. Now will that bring about the peace that mankind is looking for? No, it will not. Only the peace which God gives through Jesus Christ will bring about the peace that people are craving for.

They are saying in this section that they want to boost the exports of the smaller nations so that the economy of these small nations grows and that would mean money coming into that nation to help them to develop.
A lot of the South Sea Islands have very little means to grow economically as there are very little resources on their islands that could be used. There are coconuts galore as well as date palms and pigs, but not much else. There is plenty of rain each day in the tropical areas of the South Pacific as I saw for myself when I visited Tonga some years ago now. Tourism is a big thing in parts of these islands, but as for industry there is very little of the raw materials that would be needed to make an export business viable.
How this plan will pan out I do not know at present, but we shall see. James chapter 4 verses 13 to 16 comes to my mind here when it says about what men are boasting what they are going to do tomorrow. What if God says that the plans that you have made for tomorrow are not to be done? What will you do then? The Bible says that we should say that if God wills we will do such and such a thing tomorrow or the day after. Again this plan of man is leaving God out of the reckoning. This plan is boasting of what the United Nations is going to do over the next fifteen years. God might in turn say "that is not what you are going to do, you are going to do my will and not your own."
Now the script returns to the aims and means to implement this plan, or programme.

Item 60.
This is the revitalised global partnership for the world by the United Nations. Is it the revitalized Agenda 21 which was the precursor to this new agenda? In Revelations chapter 13 you will see a world plan of domination emerging from out of the sea of humanity, not the literal sea as you go through this chapter. It has already commenced in our day and age with the European Union and the United Nations agendas. All of these things are now in existence. So, Christian, if you know and love the Lord Jesus Christ WAKE UP to what is going on around you and look at what is being planned for this world. Because if you do not wake up to the events around you and open your eyes to the way things are going you too will be sucked into the abyss of this evil one world system. It will finally end in the destruction by fire as mentioned in the book of Revelations and so will you be. So, please wake up and look at what is going on and compare it to what the Bible says about the end times for this world. It is nearer than you think.

Item 63.
Here in this section, they seem to have changed the plan from the original one to doing things in a slightly different way. The original plan said that there would be a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT controlling everything. Now they seem to be saying that each country will run its own affairs but the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT would be controlling what these countries will be doing. It would be like an overruling class of people making sure that the plans in this agenda were being adhered to, but each country would adopt these plans at their own pace and speed to suit their population.

It looks like a world federal authority and system, similar to the type of government in the U.S.A.

Item 67.
Is this section talking about the privatisation of everything? There is no mention of anything being nationalised at all.
Here in the U.K. we have seen the selling off of a lot of our nationalised industries over the years and from what I have seen it is not a great success. My background was at first on the railways in London. That was in the 1950's to January 1984. After I departed the railways, the company was broken up by the Government. Let me explain what happened. When I first joined London Transport the company originally owned and ran the following things. Green Line coaches, The Underground Trains, Red buses, Country buses, Trolley Buses and Trams. Gradually these were sold off as separate companies to who ever wanted to buy them and now the once great London Transport is a fragmented group of companies. So no one really knows who owns what any more.
In the 1990's the Railways of Great Britain were sold off cheaply again to whoever wanted to buy them. The Royal Mail went the same way. As I look back over these events I can now see what was going on and it in some ways annoys me as it meant the destruction of our once great industries and the communities where the workers lived.

I know the mining areas of the Rhondda Valleys of South Wales as that is where my parents came from and since the mines were drastically closed in the late 1980's these areas are still suffering in the lack of jobs. The miner's strike of the mid 1980's was to try and stop the government closing down the mining industry nationally, and the government won in the end. This left the mining areas in poverty as nothing much was put in the place of the mines in the way of work that paid a decent wage.
Will our National Health Service go the same way? If the current government has its way, it will be sold off and all of us will be the poorer for that sell off.
All this is part of the plan to decentralise everything and to sell it off. Not necessarily to the highest bidder, but to get rid of it off the government's books and to make some money for the government of the day.

Item 71. Technology.
Part of this section deals with the new technologies which are up and running and any new ones that are coming into being soon. It mentions about on line programmes and like subject, which I am not very familiar with. Here in the U.K the government is trying to get every household to go on line as soon as possible. It seems that we will not have any choice in the matter as to whether we want to go on line or not. Is this a way to get us all to conform to the governments wishes? That is just a thought that is worth thinking about. Sometimes I have a suspicious mind when the government says that we are pushing to do something in a hurry.

There is a verse in the Bible which is eluding at present which says that at the end times that knowledge will increase and it is increasing so fast that I cannot keep up with the changes that are happening each year. There are so many things going on in the technological world that it makes one's mind spin. If you watch the "Click" programme on B.B.C. you will see week by week the changes in technology. I have seen in the past the start of talking dolls, or humanoids, that they are trying to make talk and think for themselves.
Go to the book of Revelations chapter 13 and you will see the outcome of this sort of thing there, when a statue will be given demonic power to talk, think and to do things. How near are we to that situation? I do not know at this present time, but if as I have seen that people are working on such a project now in 2015, how long will it be before it becomes a reality?
How true the Bible is when it says in Daniel Chapter 12 verse 4b. I quote " even to the time of the end, ( that is now in 2015, my comment) many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased" End of quote. Look at just how many people travel by air every day, millions. Just look at how many people commute to work each workday for more than an hour each way. Just look at all the inventions which are now common place since 1945, millions of them it seems. But are we any the happier for these inventions, not really. Yes they have taken a lot of the chores out of our lives, but they have put people on the scrap heap. All because companies want bigger and bigger profits without spending much money on people.

The god of this world is now money and what it can buy, not the God of the Bible. That is "Old Hat" as some would say.
But is it? No, because you are still born without bringing anything into this world and when you leave you still cannot take anything with you. Again go back to the Bible and tell me if this thing has ever been changed or not. Ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 15 which tells us that we were born with nothing and that we will leave this world with nothing. So has that changed?
Another verse from the same book and chapter 7 verse 29b tells us that people have sought out many inventions. Look at the amount of inventions now that are changing our world either for the better or the worse.
After the initial paragraph there is about three pages of follow on notes about this subject. This is one of the longest items in the programme.

Item 71.
This just says that this programme will be and I quote" universal, indivisible and interlinked" end of quote. To me it sounds as if it is going to be a set of rules which no-one can alter like the laws of the Medes and the Persians of ancient times, which were implemented in a similar way.
Items 72 to 90 are all about the follow up of these plans, Globally, Nationally and Regionally to promote accountability, best practices, mutual learning and understanding, reviews of the whole of the process's to implement this agenda.

It will also be people centred, gender sensitive, focused on human rights and caring for those who are in need. This will be done at all levels indicated in this plan both Globally, Nationally and Regionally.

Item 91. Looking for Utopia.
That is the sum total of this plan for our world. But will it ever work? No, because God is not included in the plan, so it is due to fail. Another reason that it will not work is because it does not take into account the human heart of mankind which the Bible says is continually wicked. Sorry, I forgot that under this plan you will not be able to say things like that as those sort of words will be banned from our language by then.

Chapter 7. Epilogue

As we come to the end of the story, I will try to sum up what we have been looking at in this Agenda 2030. To my mind what it means is that we will all be doing the same things, thinking the same things and behaving in the same ways. There are things in this agenda which we should be doing to stop wasting our resources which are not infinite. We need to take care of what we are using and to use things in a responsible way. We do need to protect our air quality from harmful gases etc. but things can get out of hand. Let me give you an example of this.
In my local paper today 24th November 2015 (South Wales Argus) there was a report mentioned about cutting down on the amount of meat that we consume. Why? Part of the reasons given were that if we eat too much meat we are upsetting the climate which we need. Because of flatulence going into the air.

The report also went on to say that we could tackle this by more taxes or cut down on meat production.
What they really mean is that there are too many cows and sheep making rude smells in their fields which is upsetting the climate balance. What about human beings doing the same thing? Will they cut down on the number of people in the world for the same reasons?
The way that councils in Great Britain are going about recycling is to fine councils (and individuals) heavily if they do not reach certain recycling targets on certain dates. This then would be passed on to the people who live in those areas where a fine has been imposed. Also the people are being fined if we put our rubbish in the wrong bins, or that we put out the bins on the wrong days etc. This not the right way to get people to recycle things. People need to be encouraged not bullied into recycling things. These targets are coming from Europe not our own government.
Look, I am not against recycling at all, but I work better when I am encouraged and so would everyone else in they are encouraged without the fear of being fined for not recycling properly.
This plan is not really going to care for those who are in need, even though it will try to do so to the best of its ability. The Bible says a lot about caring for those who are in need and we should do all that we can to help them. But we need to do it the Biblical way by putting God first and asking Him to show us what to do to help others.

This agenda, like the previous one has many lofty ideas, but it has left out several things and has not taken into account the sinful nature of the human mind and heart and it has, as I have said before, left God out of the equation. If you change the hearts and minds of people you will change society. Take for instance the 19th century reformers, these men and women saw the degradation of the masses in our nation and changed the way that things were being done so that the people were better off. The same applied in the spiritual realm also. William Booth was used by God to change the hearts and minds of people and then their society changed at the same time.
Leave God out of everything and nothing changes at all, but things will eventually get a lot worse as it is everyone for themselves. Put God into the mix and things change for the better, but sad to say this plan does not want God in it at all. When people come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour their lives will change for the better as they go on learning about God and the Bible. I am living proof of that myself. There is no other way that will work that I know of. If you change the hearts of people, by letting God come into their lives, then society will change for the better at the same time.
I also have noticed that there have been, and will be, lots of conferences around the world. The next one is a Climate Change Conference in Paris next week. (Week commencing 30th November 2015) The others have been in the following countries, Ethiopia, Ecuador, Austria, Turkey, Brazil, United Emirates, etc.

My question is why do we need all of these conferences all over the world? What about the costs of the travel and hotels, let alone the costs of the security for each event. The people meeting at these conferences say that we must cut down on pollution, but what they are doing is adding to it.
Our Prime Minister wants to have a plane to fly round the world in. This will cost the U.K £152 million pounds to produce and will, so the government say, save about £775 thousand pounds per year on travel costs. The letters which I have seen in one of national daily papers did not support it one bit and nor do I. We are supposed to be in austerity times at present, so why bring this out now? I just do not get it, do you? I have also noted that certain preachers are doing the same thing, i.e. buying their own planes to fly around the world. They could save a lot of money if they flew the same as I do and then they would have money to help the poor and needy people of the world.

Now for a couple of quotes from www.prophecynewswatch.com/November 2015.
Quote 1. This is about a biometric ID. card.
Quote." At some point will a universal biometric id card be required for everyone, including you and your family? And what would happen if you refuse to take it? I could definitely foresee a day when not having legal identification would disqualify you from holding a job, getting a new bank account, applying for a credit card, qualifying for a mortgage, receiving any form of government payments, etc. etc." End of the first part of the quote.

This looks like the verses in Revelations chapter 13 where it mentions the MARK OF THE BEAST which everyone alive at that point would need to have to do anything.
Back to the quotation. "At that point anyone that refused to take a universal ID. would become an outcast from society.
What the elite want to do is to make sure that everyone is "in the system". And it is a system that they control and that they manipulate for their own purposes. That is one of the reasons why they are slowly but surely discouraging the use of cash all over the world.
In Sweden, this movement has already become so advanced that they are now pulling ATMs out of even the most rural locations." End of quote.
The next quote is a plea to us all to wake up and realise what is going on around us. Quote." I hope that people will WAKE UP and see what is happening. Major moves toward a ONE WORLD system are taking place right in front of our eyes, and yet I hear very, very few people talking about any of this". End of quote. (emphasis is mine)
This is one thing that is going on now, but there is another thing going on which I want to draw your attention to and it is this, a quote from Remamarketing.com in the section called www.thefinalcrusade.com dated 16 November 2015.Here the question is being asked about what is going on around the world with all of the mass migrations of people into Europe from Islamic countries where there is fighting. Quote."

However this should be no surprise as for years we have been shouting from the roof tops that what we are witnessing is a calculated and fabricated agenda to use Islam as the means to justify a greater end. An agenda in which through Islam so much turmoil will be wreaked on this Earth that it will justify further the need for global surveillance, the erosion of privacy and the complete overhaul of the global foreign policy as a new international world order is structured.
The increase in global terror will reach such dire and community impacting proportions that people will literally accept the manufactured solution that will be dangled in front of everyone as the only salvation to bring in a new era of global peace". End of quote.
Another quote from the same source of the same date says the following. Quote" How is the refugee crisis simply a part of a bigger agenda to create fear and terror in the western nations so that controversial bills can be passed through without any objections?" End of quote.
For the last year or two, hundreds of thousands, in fact millions, of people have flooded into the western nations for several reasons, like war and economics. But there have been reports that a lot of sympathisers of the Islamic State have slipped into Western Europe in disguise. How many have done that, I do not know or have any information about the numbers, but all that I can say is, that it is happening.

As we get toward the end of this exposure of the Agenda 2030 I want to draw your attention to ask what will we have after this plan is fully operational? Will we have the peace, that mankind is so badly in need of? Will there be the happiness that we sometimes crave for? Will there be the prosperity that many nations need for their survival? As I read my Bible, I cannot see that this or any other such plan will bring about the things that these people want to do and see for our world. In fact I see the opposite happening when the Bible says that this world in its present form will be destroyed by fire. It is sad in one way to think that mankind has now got the potential to destroy its self with nuclear and atomic bombs.
This agenda, like the previous one, Agenda 21, seems to be saying that each nation will rule its own affairs under the watchful eye of the United Nations, who will make sure that the plan will be adhered to.
On November 19th 2015 I was listening to a radio broadcast on the subject of the world's population. At present it is about 5 billion people and is expected to rise to 11 billion by the year 2100. As I listened to this programme, I started to think about what was in the original agenda about the plans to get rid of the over population of the world by allowing euthanasia and abortions. The original plan says that there are too many mouths to feed so people have to be culled in one way or another. Will this lead to people being killed off at a set age limit? Makes you think, doesn't it? So will this prediction of 11 billion people by the year 2100 be a reality by then? Who knows? Will there be a planet still in existence at that time? We just do not know.

But there is one thing that I do know, and that is that there is a God who created this world that we live in and as the Bible rightly says it will be destroyed because it is tainted with the sinfulness of mankind. That is why I have said, and will say again, that you need to get ready to meet Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, or you will be in real trouble when you have to face Him in judgement. So get right with Him now while you still have a chance to do so.

Chapter 8. Extras

After I started this work I came across a book called. The New World Order, by A. Ralph Epperson. I shall be quoting from this book, and using it as a basis of study, to show you that what I have been saying earlier is not just my fancy ideas. This book exposes the New Age ideas and the Freemasons as well. I won't be quoting from every page, but from various pages to show you what these groups are wanting to do to us who are not part of them. So, please read on, and if you compare these groups and their teachings with the Bible you will find that they so different.
We will start at page 15, where there is a quotation from the New Age Movement. This quote was written by Barbara Marx Hubbard. quote "People will either change or die. That is the choice". End of quote.
Page 12. There is a quotation in the middle of the page that gives the suggestion that anyone does not accept this new religion, that they should be done away with and go to other worlds.
On page 13 it says that the Third World people are to be replaced by a "new race root". This means that there will be a purge on parts of the human race.

Pages 23 and 24. Here we see the mention of a dragon and a baby full of wisdom. The question to ask here is, whose wisdom will it be? Read Revelations chapter 13 again and you will see what sort of wisdom is being looked at here, and it is not God's Holy wisdom, but mans.
Page 33. The New World Order. This New World Order is to be run by the Freemasons and the New Agers of the world under the auspices of the United Nations. This world plan was started by the Illuminate in around 1798 A.D. but there have been things said like this before that date, so I have been led to believe. These Freemason lodges are a secret society, and do not be fooled by what they tell you of their good works for society. You find that these people have an influence in all walks of life in our country and others too.
There will be a false religion as well at the same time, which could either Islam or the Roman Catholic Church, or a combination cum amalgamation of the two. Whatever it is, it will come into being along side of the beast who will try to deceive all of the people alive at that time.
Who do the Masons worship? Lucifer also known as Satan. If you, the reader are in the Freemasons could I urge you to get out now while you can because you are under a curse from Almighty God if you should stay in that movement. If you stay in this thing then your immediate families are likely to suffer attacks from Satan as well other members of your family, so repent and confess you sin of worshipping Satan and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, NOW.

Page 39. In the year 1856 on July 14th, Benjamin Disraeli spoke of the secret societies which were operating across Western Europe. The aims of these secret societies was to bring down governments and religious establishments, so that they could set up their own rules for government. The page goes on to say what sort of tricks these secret societies will use to get their own way. They will hide things from the people so that the people do not know what is going on. They operate in the dark, just like Lucifer does.
Jesus said in John's gospel chapter18 verse 20 " and in secret have I said nothing". The true Christian will or should be doing things in the light not hidden in the darkness.
Page 39 line 14 says this, "Secrecy is certainly not a part of the Christian religion."
Pages 40 and 41. Here we see the snake and serpent coming into the picture. Wait a minute haven't we heard about a snake somewhere before in the Bible? Go to the book of Geneses chapter three to read the story of how Adam and Eve were deceived by the Devil in the form of a snake. The Devil has not changed one little bit since that day when mankind was deceived and fell out of God's plans for them. Also in the same pages there is a mention of the Sons of light. These are the false Sons of light because Jesus is the Light of the World.

These false Sons of Light are like the wreckers lights of old on the Cornish coast which were set up to lure unwary ship onto the rocks so that they could be wrecked and robbed of the goods that they were carrying.
The same thing applies here as well, because these Sons of light want to wreck your Christian life or to stop you finding out the truth of what you have got yourself into when you joined the Freemasons.
Isaiah chapter 14 verses 12 to 17 tell us why Satan was thrown out of Heaven. Originally he was the Cherub who led all the praise and worship for God His creator, but, he wanted what was not his. He wanted to be God which was not his place so he was thrown out because of his rebellion. It was a war in Heaven which he could not win. Ever since then Satan has tried to destroy what God is doing. He is out to destroy you as well if you are not careful. Just read through the Bible, and history as well, and look at the number of times that Satan has tried to destroy people, countries, kingdoms etc. He is still doing it today, but in the end he will lose everything and end up in Hell. This place was originally meant for him and his fallen angels, but anyone who refuses to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour will also end up there. Read the last but one chapter of Revelations and read what it says there about the judgement coming on those who do not accept God's offer of salvation.
Page 53. Who are you worshipping?
I worship the Living God of the Bible. The freemasons worship the sun because it rises in the East each and every day.

To these people the North is a place of darkness, but in the Bible we read that God sits in the sides of the North.
Where our God is there is no darkness , but light, as John the Baptist said in John's Gospel that Jesus is the Light of the world. Lucifer, Satan, the Devil, whatever you want to call him sits in the darkness and hates the light because it shows him up for what he is = evil. You will either worship the true God of light, or the god of the darkness. You cannot worship both. So, back to the question, who are you worshipping?
If you try to do both you will come under the condemnation of the God Almighty as we read in Ezekiel chapter 8 verse 16. In this verse you will read that there were twenty five men with their backs to the Temple, in the Temple compound who should have been worshipping God, but were actually worshipping the sun that was rising in the East. They were pretending to worship the God of the Bible, but they thought that God could not see them, but He could and did see them. They put themselves under His judgement. If you, as the reader, reading this work, think that you can do the same, be warned that God can see what everyone is doing and will judge us accordingly.
Pages 56 and 57 tell us that the worship of the sun was not something new, but goes back centuries into the ancient past.
Read Deuteronomy chapter 17 verses 2 to 4 and verse 7 tells us what should be done to those who do not worship the true and living God, if they say that they are God's people.

Page 61and most of page 62. Tell us about how Satan started to deceive mankind and then tell us what he is doing today to trap us and turn us away from the real God. There are several scriptures for you to look up and consider. Genesis chapter 2 verses 16 and 17, Luke chapter 10 verse 8, 2 Peter chapter 2 verse 4, 2Corinthians chapter 11verse 14, 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 9 and Revelations chapter 12 verse 9.
If you take the time to study these verse from the Bible you will see the things which I have previously mentioned about Satan and his work. He is a false god and not worth worshipping. The only God that we should worship is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the true and Living God.
Page 63. Here we see that everything is done in secret to hide the true meanings and work of the freemasons. They will not tell their new converts that they are worshipping the devil. It is kept from them and hidden in secret. When Jesus made disciples He called them openly in front of other people who knew them. You can read that in the Gospels. Jesus worked in the light, not secretly, but openly. Now, my question is why do they hide these things if Satan is the only true god? Page 67. People involved with the new age idea do not realise, sometimes what they are doing or saying. In this page they believe that Lucifer is the good guy.

By his tempting of Adam and Eve, they believe that he was enabling mankind to evolve towards being enlightened, to having the same knowledge as God and to becoming like God Himself.
My Bible tells me in Geneses chapter 2 that Lucifer was and still is the deceiver of mankind, and always will be until God finally deals with him as shown at the end of the Bible in the book of Revelations.
Page 68. Freemasonry believes that man evolved from something. Was that from mud, monkeys or what? My Bible tells me that mankind was made by God and had the breath of God breathed into his life by the Almighty. If we came from monkeys, or slime etc. why then do human beings need to worship something? Animals and nature do not worship anything, only human beings do. You either worship the living God or you will worship something else, and if it is something else other than God you will open yourself to deception.
Page 76. Line 1. Here we have to make a choice. Do we follow the reasoning of the human mind or do we have faith in the living God? I cannot make the choice for you because it is an individual thing. But, be careful because if you make the wrong choice you will regret it later on.
Pages 80 to 86. Two morning stars. In the natural world there is only one morning star to be seen, when the Sun shines. But here in these pages there are two Morning stars mentioned. Now that cannot be correct, as one must be the true star and the other one the false star. Before Lucifer was kicked out of Heaven he was the bright star of the morning.

Read Isaiah chapter 12 verse 14 where he is described as the son of the morning. When he fell, he lost his position and titles in the Heavens and became known as Satan. This is the being who became the false light and people are being deceived by this light. Read 2 Corinthians chapter 11 verse 14 where Paul the Apostle describes what Satan is now trying to do. Then there is Jesus who John the Apostle describes as the light of the world and in whom there is no darkness at all. Read John's Gospel chapter 8 verse 12. So you have to make the choice as to which light you are following. Freemasons and New agers follow the false light and will be led into the darkness of Hell if they do not change their ways. These two groups of people say that we who believe the Bible are in the darkness which is not true at all. We who know and love the Lord Jesus are in the light of His love and life.
Page 92 Lines 14 to 15. Here the New Age people say that the old age (and ways of doing things) will be got rid of and replaced by this New World Order. It is presumed to mean that the old age is Christianity.
Here in the U.K. it was proposed by a lady from the House of Lords to get rid of some of the Lords Spiritual and replace them with other Lords from other religions. To me this seems another attempt to lessen the Christian ethos of our nation and take us further away from the God of the Bible. Already we are seeing Bibles being removed from hotels, school assemblies being a mixture of anything and everything except truly Christian in expression.
Page 96. On this page the New Agers and the Freemasons say that they are entering a millennium of "love and light", This is a quote from Marilyn Ferguson who is one of their supporters.

That, I think, was due to start in the year 2000 A.D. From what I have seen since the year 2000, there is anything but "Love and Light" happening in our world. There is coming a millennium of "Love and Light" when Jesus returns to Earth once more as the King. That is what I want to see. The love and light that these other people are talking about is the reverse of what is described in the last book of the Bible. It is a false love and light. This false love could become lust and the false light is darkness. Anyone who worships Satan, or Lucifer, is being seriously conned as they will find out when it is too late to do anything about changing the things that they are now worshipping.
A millennium is a thousand years, but look at the thousand years that Hitler's Third Reich was going to last. It lasted 12 years. The Empire that the New agers want will, according to my Bible last seven years and those seven years will be Hell on Earth for everyone who refuses to bow down to the rulers of that time. On the other hand, God's one thousand year rule will be exactly just that, one thousand years.
Another question here is this, which god is your god?
The New Agers god is the Lord Maitreya a false god, which I had never heard of before I started to write this paper. My God is the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God who created the Universe and all that is in it. The true God. So which god is your one?

In 1992 the Lucis Trust, (Lucis means Light) a New Age organisation, was looking forward to the year two thousand as it would be a symbolic portal in which humanity could pass into the new age if they so wished. The year two thousand came and went fifteen years ago and in that time what changed? A lot of things changed since that date and not a lot of them were for the better. Christianity has been sidelined more and more. Homo-sexual marriage has been made law. More and more babies have been aborted. False churches and false Christianity have come to the fore.
Page 100. Obelisks. An obelisk is a stone pillar with ancient Egyptian writing on the sides. The column has a pyramid shaped dome on the top. These objects were worshipped in ancient times and still are today in one form or another by the New Age and Freemasons.
There are three in the world. One in Washington, one in New York and the last one is in the Vatican in Rome. Every time the Pope in Rome makes a speech from his balcony to those of the Catholic faith, he faces the obelisk in St. Peter's Square. These monuments are worshipped as a god and that the Sun God's spirit is in the very stones of the monument. Page 105 A warning ignored. In the 1920's Winston Churchill gave a warning about a New World Order which was coming. But it was ignored simply because a lot of people did not understand what he was talking about and also because these people who are involved in bringing about this New World Order work in such secrecy that it is very hard to find out what is going on.

Jesus always spoke and worked in the light, nothing was done in secret. That is working in the true light not the darkness.
The people who work in this New World Order are working in secret because they do not want their deeds to be made known. That is working in the dark.
The Bible says quite a bit about being the light and being in darkness. The Bible says that God is light and in Him there is no darkness. You can read that in the first letter of John Chapter 1 verse 5. When you walk in the light you can see where you are going and what is going on around you. But, if you are in the dark, you cannot see where you are going and you certainly do not know what is going on around you as things are being done in secrecy, so that you will not see what people are up to. This is, and always has been, the plan of the Freemasons and the New Age movement.
Pages 106 to 107. Here we find that the true purpose of the Illuminate is to rule the whole world. Jesus gave a warning about gaining the whole world. Read the following verses, Matthew's Gospel chapter 16 verse 26, Mark's Gospel chapter 8 verse 36 and Luke's Gospel chapter 9 verse 25. Please note that when the Bible mentions the same thing three or more times, it is trying get across an important message to us. The message is this, if you gain the whole world will it be worth it if you have lost your own soul? Will it ever be worth losing your soul for what you are going to leave behind when you die? No, it is not.

This One World idea started on May 1st 1776 A.D. Why that date? This is date is a festival day to honour the Sun.
This One World idea is anti-Christian as well as being anti-religion. Their main idea is that " man is made perfect as a god without God" i.e. that is without the God of the Bible.
Page 108. Reason is the god of this New Age and Communist ideology. It is the unbridled use of the mind of human beings to solve all of the problems that mankind has created for itself. God is not wanted or to be involved in the way that mankind solves its problems, but just look at the mess human beings have made of the planet because God was not included in the plans of men.
After the 1917 revolution in Russia millions of people were purged in communist Russia by those in power, mostly because they were not communists, or because they did not fit in, or because they valued their freedoms and would not conform to communism. The same thing happened in China after 1948, as in Russia, millions of people disappeared for the same reasons.
Go back to the Bible and look at Genesis chapter 2 verses 16 to 17 and chapter 3 verses 1 to 6. Today, many thousands of years later, we are still seeing the results of that one sin, which now affects all of us without exception. Page 109. The aim of the New Age and Communism is to destroy all things religious and especially the true Christian Faith. But, if they think that they can destroy our God, they had better watch out. Our God cannot be destroyed as He is above and over everything. He is eternal, we human beings are not.

Page 117. Warning given. In the 18th and 19th centuries A.D. several people gave warnings that there were secret societies out to destroy our faith in Jesus Christ. Sad to say that these warnings were ignored. In the Bible we read time and time again of the warnings that God gave to the Jewish people to turn away from their sinful practices and worship of idols, they would be facing expulsion from the land of Israel. The people took little or no notice and were then exiled like Judah was for seventy years, after which God restored them to the land once more.
The one aim of this work is to try to warn you the reader that if you follow the ways of the New Age or Freemasonry you will be putting yourself under God's curse. It is up to you to decide what you are going to do about this as I cannot do anything but warn you of the consequences of not doing the right thing.
Page 117 warnings given. In the 18th and 19th centuries warnings were given about the workings of the freemasons and others about bringing in a New World Order, but sad to say a few people listened to the warnings being given then. Today in 2015 this is another warning being given to you the reader that this New World Order is almost upon us, but will you listen and take notice and then do something about what you have been warnings given in this work?
Pages 123 to 124. Here are some quotes from two Russian leaders of the past.

1. Lenin. He said in the early part of the twentieth century that the aim of the Communists was that the " Spread of Atheism is the chief task".
2. Khrushchev said that he wanted "Liberate people from religion" and also from God. His liberation would be the means of trapping people into a kingdom of darkness and slavery of the Devil. Our God is the God of light and there is no shadow of darkness in Him.
Pages 128 to 132. The rise of evil. In these pages you will read just how the evil Nazi Party started by one man joining in with the Thule Society, which is a branch of Freemasonry. The Nazi Party was heavily involved in the occult and worship of evil. The results of which were, that in World War 2, 50 million people approx. sacrificed at the altar of Satan. This same party is still active in parts of the world today. I wish that those who are still involved could see just what they are doing to themselves and the rest of the world. They are going to drag themselves down to Hell and many other people with them as well. This is what Satan wants, so that he can destroy mankind and stop as many as he can from finding out the truth, which the God of the Bible wants us to know and experience.

Page 132. Resistance.
On this page it states that anyone who resists this New World Order will be executed for refusing to worship the Sun god will be killed. That is those who know and love the Lord God of the Bible who are alive at the time that this law is brought into being. Read Revelations chapter 13.

Yet, if you resist the Son of God's offer of salvation you will die twice. The first time spiritually and secondly physically. Read Revelations chapter 20. This death is for only those who refuse God's offer of mercy etc. You will not win anything from God unless you give in to His mercy and grace.
Pages 138 t0 144. The Dollar bill explained.
In these pages there are a number of explanations about the symbols on the American Dollar Bill. All of these symbols are to do with freemasonry and the Illuminate. They are also connected to the ancient Egyptian religions which worshipped the sun as one of their gods. This god is also worshipped in the modern religions of the New Age as well as the freemasons. It will also be part of the false religious worship when the New World Order is fully ushered in. The Sun god is a false god, so please be wary of which god you are worshipping. If you worship the SUN god you will be sadly disappointed, but on the other hand if you worship the LIVING GOD you will be saved from the wrath of God which is to fall on the whole of the Earth sometime in the future, but it may not be that far away either.
On page138 there is a Latin word which I have not come across before and it is this, ANNUIT COEPTIS. In English it means "Favours the things having been begun". It is to do with this New World Order which was started way back in the 1770's.
Pages 151 to 153. Warnings of a trap which lies ahead of the unwary traveller. If you start your journey into becoming a Freemason, you will be lied to right from the start.

You will not be told of who or what you are worshipping until you are well and truly hooked into this false religion. This one of the deceptive tricks of Satan to catch people and to lead them deeper into the false teachings of this movement. God wants you to be in the light. Read the first letter and chapter one of the letter written by John the Apostle. Here he says that as God is in the light so are we who know and love Him. God does not hide in the darkness as demons do. God is light as well as everything else that the Bible teaches that He is.
When you get a lot higher up in the rankings of being a freemason you will discover who you are worshipping. It will be Satan and not the god who you thought it was. The good works that you will be doing as a mason will not get you to Heaven at all. Read Ephesians chapter 2 verses 8 and 9. It is by the grace of God that we are saved, not by what we can or have done. These were the first verses which I learnt as a new believer in Jesus Christ way back in 1952 when I found Him for myself to be everything that I ever needed to get to Heaven. When you are dealing with the Most High God of Heaven, He will tell you what you need to do openly. You will find it in His word, or He will reveal it to you by another person, or in some other way, but you will know that He, God, has spoken.
Read Amos chapter 3 verse 7 where it says "Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but He reveals his secret unto His servants the prophets". The true and living God is a God of openness and truth, not a god who lies to us like Satan does.

Another Latin phrase pops up here and it is this "ARCANUM ARCANDRUM .What it means is a secret and a mystery. The God of the Bible is not mentioned here at all it is all of mans ideas and plans which will be worshipped.
Pages 162 to 168. Those who object to what is being planned.
When people in the past have objected to, or complained bout, what is being planned they have been murdered, ostracised, ignored etc.
Here are a few examples of this. Captain William Morgan in the U.S.A. wrote in 1826 about the Freemasons and for his pins he was murdered, even though the freemasons denied it at the time. William Vaughn in 1830 did something similar in trying to warn others of the freemasons activities. It is not recorded what happened to him. Several ex presidents of the U.S.A. warned of the errors of this same group as did one Pope who was reportedly poisoned in 1903.
Charles G. Finney came out of the masons after the death of Captain Morgan and his reasons for doing so are to be found on page 165 of the same book which I am using as a study.
There are two verses of the Bible I want you to think about now, and to look them up as a Bible study of your own.
They are Revelations chapter 13 verse15, and Daniel Chapter 3 verses 1 to 18. These verses tell us what will happen to those disobey the New World Orders.
Pages 173 to 176. Twisting the Bibles words.

Go to 1 Kings chapter 7 verses 13 to 40. This is all about Hiram who was given the job of overseeing the construction of the first Temple in Jerusalem. His death is not mentioned at all in the Bible, but the freemasons have managed to make something out of this story to mean something totally different to the Bible narrative. Read it for yourself and see what they are trying to do in twisting the Bible to mean something which it does not. We are warned in Revelations chapter 22 verses 18 & 19 not to add or to take away from the Word of God, but that is what these people are doing. If we do add or take away from the revealed Word of God, we are then opening ourselves up to having all the curses mention in the Bible coming upon us.
The freemasons say that the enemies of mankind are the Church, State and our opposition to Reason. That is why they want to do away with these three things and to bring in their ideas of Utopia. It won't work.
Pages 177 to 180. Mankind is not looking to God to solve all of the problems of the world, but someone or something else. The natural mind does not want God in our lives telling us what to do or how to run our lives. That is rebellion. Rebellion comes from Satan. Read Isaiah chapter 14 verses 9 to 15 tell us of the Satanic rebellion in Heaven. Satan is still at it today causing people to rebel against the God given order for our lives. Look what happened in the 1920's in Germany when people were looking for a man to get the nation out of its problems, they got Hitler and the Nazi party. Is this sort of thing that you want to see happening over once more? No, I want to see God take over the reins of this world to show us just how much we have a need of Him and not a man.

Pages 181 to 184. A dangerous precedent is being set by freemasonry by them saying that you can be free of your sins as long as you obey their rules and do not bring the lodge into disrepute. This is highly dangerous because the Bible says that the only way to free from our sins is to accept what Jesus did, by His dying on the cross. I Corinthians chapter 1 verses 17 to 18 tell us that the preaching of the cross is foolishness to those who do not believe that Jesus died to remove our sins. Then Colossians chapter 1 verse 20 says that we can only be reconciled to God through the death of Jesus on the cross. There is no other way to have your sins forgiven that I know of except by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary. You do not have to do anything else to be free of your sins. The freemason movement is not a way to freedom, but a way to be bound in sin and that will end you in Hell.

Pages 186 to 188. In these pages you will read about their views of who and what these people worship. They worship the Sun god and use the symbol of the Phoenix bird (which is a mythical bird) and is a symbol of the sun, and as a rebirth of mankind for 500 years, where reason and wisdom will be the god of the world, then it is supposed to happen all over again with another rebirth etc.
If you read the book of Proverbs chapters 1verse 5 to Chapter 5 verse 2. Here you will read all about the wisdom that everyone of us will ever need for our lives.
The whole aim of this false religion is do away with religion, state, God's Word and the church. The new ways of doing things will be built on MANS REASON, not on God's Word, which they hope will bring about a Paradise on Earth.

Pages 191 to 194. The blame game, or excuses.
In this part of our study these people, the freemasons, are saying that it is not our fault if we make mistakes, sin or do anything wrong. Did you know that was the first thing that Adam said to God after he and Eve had sinned. let's look at Genesis chapter 3 verse 12. Adam was saying that it was God's fault and the woman's, that he sinned by saying this, "The woman that you gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree and I ate of it". This sort of thing has been going on ever since. If we choose to do wrong whose fault is it? It is not the fault of our environment, family, social class or anything else, it is our own fault.
The next part gives another Latin phrase "Ordo ab chaos" meaning order "out of chaos". The chaos meant here is the current world systems in which we live, but not as the Bible says in Genesis chapter 1 verses 1 & 2. These people want to destroy what we have and hold dear so that they can bring in their new ideas and plans for this world. Jesus came to give light and life to anyone who wants it. The choice is yours to make.
Pages 199 to 204. This section gives us more details of what the Humanist believe and is totally opposite to the Bible. To start with, they state that the world was self existing and not created by a god.
Then they say that mankind has emerged as a result of a continuous process. Meaning evolution. After that comes the fact that they do not believe in the supernatural. This followed by them saying that they do not believe in a prayer answering God.

Then they say that they do not believe in a creator God in any shape or form. What they do believe in is a form of socialism. That is communism. Another thing that they believe is that man can save himself without any form of a god to help us. If that is a true statement, then why are we still in a mess?
Page 206. Population explosion. The writer here states that this is a fraudulent lie and is believed by the Humanists, Agenda 21, etc. It is a none existent problem. I said in my previous article on the Agenda 21 that if we used the Earth properly there would be no need for us to go hungry or to want to get rid of people, as there would be enough for us all to have something to eat. Famine, wars and natural deaths will kill lots of people, so we do not have to get rid of anyone.
Page 213. Sir Julian Huxley believed that mankind was made on the same level as plants and animals. He also believed that we were not created body, soul and mind by God, but were the products of evolution. My Bible tells me in Genesis chapter 1 that mankind was created by God. Evolution is still a theory, which has yet to be proved as to the veracity of its claims. Darwin at the end of his life said that he had not found any connection between man and animals, but that is conveniently forgotten by evolutionists.
Page 217. Man is his own god. If that is so then there are no absolutes. God's commandments are done away with and everything becomes a free for all, in other words you will have anarchy.
Page 220. The warnings of Isaiah chapter 5 verses 20 to 21. Where it is stated that there is a warning to anyone who says that GOOD is EVIL and that EVIL is GOOD.

What are we seeing in late 2015? People saying that if they are enjoying something that it is WICKED, meaning that it is good. Don't they understand what they are doing and saying? Obviously not, or they would not be saying such things.
God has set boundaries for us, for our well being, but if you have no absolutes, you will have no boundaries you will have a free for all that leads to chaos.
In the 1920's the Russian government did away with all the old morality and boundaries. The result was starvation and chaos. God was almost eliminated from the minds of the Russian people. There was mass poverty for the ordinary people, but not for those who ran the country. If anyone disagreed as to what was being said or done, they were done away with. The estimated death toll from these purges was about 42 million people.

Page 221. An absurdity. How do you try to get rid of something which is eternal? You cannot get rid of anything which is outside of our dimension ever. Because eternal means just what the word says, eternal. If you could do that you can get rid of God. But God is eternal, so you cannot get rid of Him at all, but that is what communism and the New World Order are trying to do, but have failed to do, so far. You can pretend that God is not real, is not there or does not exist, but He does, because He is eternal and is always there whether we like it or not.

You can also ignore what God is saying, doing or wanting to do, but He will still be there as He is outside of the sphere that we are in. He lives and works outside of time and our control.
People try to put God into a box, meaning that they are trying to control God. But how can you control something that is so big and is outside of time itself? You cannot.

Pages 225 to 228. The attack has started.
Education in the U.K. is under attack from all sides. What is happening is that things are now being taught in schools that were never even thought of when I was at school many years ago now.

1. Same sex education (and sex education) is being pushed into schools at the kids from a very early age, saying that this lifestyle is normal. It is not normal because my Bible tells me it is not. I gave the reference earlier. Why cannot these people leave our children alone so that they can enjoy their childhood?
The idea behind sex education at school was to try to stop teenage pregnancies, but it does not teach that sex should be in a loving relationship of a father and mother who are legally married to each other.

2.Evolution being pushed as fact, when it is still an unproved theory.

3. Christian schools being closed by the school's inspectorate. I heard recently that at least two Christian schools, with a good record, were closed down, mainly because they were Christian based education establishments. At the same time there were the so called "Trojan Horse" schools who are promoting Islamic ideas, were still open.

4. Churches are closing down across the nation as the congregations grow older and less in number. In some cases people are leaving churches because the church leaders are not born again and leading the people down a wrong path. Another area of concern is that churches are not doing what the Bible says that they should be doing, but are doing what is forbidden in the Bible. There are same sex parish priests, and same sex couples also, in charge of churches, which is totally against the Bible's teachings.
Page 229 to 240. Destruction of the family unit and individual person. This is one of the things that this New World Order wants to see in this plan. You will just become a number of a payroll if you are at work, not an individual person. You become a human resource to be used and then discarded when not wanted. This is already here now, in the U.K and Western world. I am not a NUMBER, I am a PERSON made in the image of the most High God of the Universe. There is a plan going on in Scotland at present to give every child a named person to take care of them until they reach adulthood. This person it seems will have more power over the child than the parents. Now, that cannot be right. I know that there are bad parents and single parents who need help with bringing up children, and that is the right thing to do. What is going on here is part of the step to make children a part of the state apparatus. If this happens, then all, or any Christian ethos in education is gone and lost forever.
The Bible says that Christian parents should bring up their children in the Love of God. Read Proverbs chapter 22 verse 6. We are to bring up our children in a Godly manner and when they are older they will not depart from what we have taught them.

I am not saying that it is going to be easy to bring your children up in such a way because of the pressures of modern life, but it can be done with God's help. Ephesians chapter 6 verses 1 to 4 gives us some more ideas of what a father should be doing for his children.
This new agenda like to old one does not want us to bring our families up in the loving knowledge of God, or to know about Jesus. Jesus loved the children and said that we should have a faith just like theirs. But, if you take that all away from the children what have you got left? Our young people in the U.K. as everywhere, else need boundaries to work to, but if take these away from them you will have a mess to sort out in their young minds. Young minds are so impressionable that is why these groups like the New World Order go for them, so that they can warp their brains with all the false stuff that these groups are pumping out in schools, colleges and universities.

Page 241. Tells us what we will become if this plan is fully implemented. We will become WORLD CITIZENS, not individuals anymore.
Page 242. This page tells us about another group of people who are for this New World Order plan. That is the Friends of the Earth party.
Pages 243 to 252. Destruction and control.
The first bit deals with controlling the money that we have. A question which I have here is, was the recession of 2008/9 done on purpose or not? But since then the U.K. government has been cutting money everywhere in the country, so that local councils have less money to spend on the infrastructure of their locality.

We have seen extra taxes being levied on the people if we travel abroad, government departments cut in personnel, money being wasted on bombing Libya in 2015. Yet, it was announced during the last year 2015, that M.P.'s were going to have a 10% pay rise. This upset a lot of people who were going to get next to nothing as a pay rise. The rest of the section deals with the destruction of the family unit, which I have already dealt with. If the family unit is totally destroyed you are destroying something which God has created. God is serious about families and the rearing of our children. Christian families are and will be a target for those people who want this agenda to succeed. Go back to the section pages 229 to 236 for the Biblical references which I used to support families.

Pages 253 to 261 The right to association.
In Great Britain our rights to be able to freely assemble and meet are slowly being taken away from us. It is getting harder every year for street preachers to operate in the open air to preach the Good News of Jesus Christ to a crowd of people. There is a new law being proposed for 2016 by the title of Extremism Dispersion Order. It is feared that this bill will sweep up anyone who the police do not like, who are complained about, who is deemed to be causing a nuisance of themselves etc. It is also feared that this will include true believers like you and I, in this all encompassing net. If you go to the following websites you will get up to date information about these things. CHRISTIAN INSTITUTE and CHRISTIAN CONCERN.

Pages 262 to 271. Education under attack. I have already mentioned, earlier, that our children's education is under attack in the things which are being given to them to learn.
So, I will not go into that again. But, please do be warned that some of the things being taught in our schools are totally at odds with the Bible.

Page 273. Church and state. In the Communist countries churches had to be registered with the local authorities or national government. By doing this the state could tell you what to preach and what not to preach. You were spied upon and any church that did not obey the rules was in big trouble, as were the members. The true church of Jesus Christ is the people, not the buildings, and we are to obey the laws of the lands wherever we live, until they break the laws of God. At present this is just starting in the U.S.A. but we do not have this in the U.K. at present. It is possible that it will come in time. At the present time we are having an assault from the humanist and secular societies to stop any form of government money going to anything that smells of religion in any way shape or form. This money comes through gift aid, where tax is repaid by the government for any money given to a charity.

Page 282. Money. Who caused the monetary crash in 2008/9? Was it done on purpose and if so why? Was it done to bring all the austerity measures since then? I wonder! We have had a low interest rate for over six years now at 0% to 0.5% per year. Young families cannot afford a mortgage because the deposits are so high. I do not know the answer to this at all.

Page 286 Destruction.
It is a well known fact that when one country over runs another it will destroy what is there so that it can rebuild that nation to the plan that the conquering country has. It will happen soon, when the New World Order comes into being. It will destroy what we know and are familiar with at present so that they can set up their own programme. Don't be fooled by what you might hear, as this is a plan that was drawn up in Hell and It will not be the Utopia that you might expect it to be. These people will do what they have said that they will do, just like the Nazis did in Europe in the 1920's and 1930's.
Page 295. The Big Millennium bash in Egypt was held in December 1999 to celebrate the coming of the new Millennium. But it was a year too early as the millennium started on January 1st. 2001.
Page 301. A prayer by Solomon in 2 Chronicles chapter 7 verse 14. This prayer is about repentance and if a nation repents of the way that has been going , then God will hear and restore that nation. If that nation does not repent it will have to suffer the punishment that God has prescribed for it because it would not repent.
We have now reached the end of the study from the book "The New World Order" by A. Ralph Epperson. I would encourage you to get the book and read it for yourself. You can get this book from Amazon publishers.
Extras. Right, we are nearly through. This section is about the bits and pieces which I have come across since the beginning of this work.

1. The Climate Change Conference November / December 2015. This conference in Paris was to see what could be done to change our climates problems. One thing that did arise was the proposal to tax meat because we raise too many animals for meat and that is disturbing the air quality that we breathe. What a lot of nonsense. I read recently an article on the subject of air quality dated 1922 at a similar conference,(reported in the Washington Post 2nd November 1922) which was saying the same things as we are still saying now in January 2016. What's changed? The Bible says that animals came before us humans and that they were for food and sacrifices. This idea is a way of taxing the poorer people in the world as only the rich would be able to afford meat. It's a way of controlling what we eat and for a lot of people this would lead to a poorer diet and poorer health. See an article in The Grocer Magazine 28 November 2015.
The Chatham House think tank came up with this stupid idea. They said that this tax was necessary to prevent a 2% rise in the Earth's temperature. The reason for this tax was that animal cultivation was responsible for 15% of the world's carbon emissions. The U.S.A. was going to be a top target for this tax as they produce and eat a lot of meat in that country. Can you imagine what your dinners would be like without a nice steak or cutlet, etc?

2. Green Party Manifesto 2006 mention a carbon footprint and a water footprint. What are they and what do these words mean? I have absolutely no idea what they mean, do you? What do these footprints look like? Their 2015 Manifesto states that if there is no changes in the temperature growth,( i.e. lowering of the Earth's temperature) then the Earth would heat up by about 2% to 4 %.

3. The Daily Mirror 11th December 2015 ran an article about a cashless society by 2019. Can you see the way that society is going? If this happens it will lead to a system where you will have an a chip, or something similar put under the skin of your right hand, which will be used to buy and sell whatever you need. Revelations chapter 13 is almost upon us.

4. The New World Order. People have been looking and working towards this goal for centuries now and it is almost upon us, so please be warned and do something for yourself before it is too late to change by getting right with the God of the Bible as I have said earlier.
Thank you for reading this work, you are at the end of it, but at the midway point of these demonic plans. Please be warned and do something about being ready for the return of Jesus Christ to Jerusalem.


Spark notes website. Daily Telegraph 28th November 2009
Readers Digest dictionary. U.N. Agenda 2030.
King James Bible, Authorised Version. Rema Marketing.com
Black nobility sites. Snope's Archive.com
Prophecy News Watch.com
"The New World Order" by A. Ralph Epperson.
www. the final crusade.com
The Grocer Magazine 28/11/2015
Cruden's and Strong's Concordances.

I am grateful for the help which these various books and websites have given me in the writing of this work. I trust that it will stimulate the readers into being aware of what is going on in our world and also what is supposedly being done in our name and for our benefit. I have tried to warn you and to show you that this plan does not include the God of the Bible in it at all. God is not once mention in the whole agenda. So please be warned.

If you would like to send a comment please e-mail me on jharrold_7@btinternet.com
Please do not send any comments with swear words in them as they will not be read.
Criticism done in the right way is acceptable, but not in a vicious way.

John Harrold © 2015
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