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Your Brother’s Blood Cries Out

Part One - Introduction
Chapter 1 Who killed Jesus
Chapter 2. 1st. - 11th century
Chapter 3. 11th century - 1917
Chapter 4. Jews in British literature
Chapter 5. 1890’s - 1948. The Mandate Years and World War Two
Chapter 6. 1948 - To the present day
Chapter 7. Anti-Semitism in Wales
Chapter 8. Anti-Semitism in the Ukraine
Chapter 9. Our response is what?
Chapter 10. South America

Part Two - The Bible and Israel
Chapter 11. What does the Bible say about Israel?

Chapter 12. Extra information


Part 1 - Introduction

The reason for choosing this title, (which is from the story of Cain and Abel, in the book of Geneses,) is to show what happens when we do not understand, or show love and compassion to our brothers. This story shows how hatred can lead to a murder and from a murder to lies and excuses for doing one thing, or for not doing another thing. Over the many centuries since Jesus was here on the Earth, the Christian church, so called has been the means of killing many millions of Jewish people. As human beings, in one sense we are all related to each other, so is anyone else who is alive in this world today. They become and are our brothers and sisters.

In this story which I am going to relate to you, you will see that anti-Semitism and Replacement Theology is not a new thing which started in the twentieth century. But it goes right back to the early days of the Christian church. Replacement theology started in the early years of the Christian church, but Anti-Semitism started way back in the book of Exodus, and the freeing of the slaves from Egypt. This anti-Semitism carried on right through the centuries in one form or another. You can read part of the story in the book of Esther, which I will allude to later on.

Another idea that was formed in my mind as I wrote this book was to show you the readers what can happen when you misread the Bible, and do not check what you are being taught. I know in the early part of the Middle Ages that very few people could read and write, and that they had to rely on what the Catholic churches taught them. In a lot of things which they were taught, in those far off days, was completely wrong. In our modern church history have seen where a lot of this bad or wrong teaching ended up - The Holocaust of the Second World War. If we do not learn from the mistakes of the past we will only repeat them again and again. That has been proved many times over the centuries. As Christians we are told to check everything that we are being taught from the pulpit. But, do we always do that? Sadly, we do not.

There is going to be two parts to this book.

The first part of this book is the story of the way in which Great Britain has mistreated the Jews for centuries. It will also try to show you how we arrived at the decisions we made, who was behind them and the consequences of these decisions over the centuries.
The second part is to show what the Bible teaches us about God’s promises for the Jewish people and the return of the Jewish people to Israel once more. I will also try to teach you what the Bible says about Israel’s future and what God wants to do for the nation as a whole.
In the first part you will travel through the years with me, and you will weep tears of repentance and ask for God to forgive you of any Anti-Semitism that you may have in your heart, or in your church for that matter? You will need to do this if you want the blessing of Almighty God in your life. If you do not want God’s blessing on your life, then just carry on with what you are doing now, and you will see what the curses of God are like. I should imagine that His curses will not be very nice or very comfortable either.

Every time that I visit the Yad Vasham, Holocaust museum in Jerusalem, I cry bitterly for the way that the Jewish people have suffered at the hands of the Gentiles. The tears almost choke me and I come out of that place tired, exhausted and full of sorrow for my own country’s involvement in Replacement Theology and anti-Semitism, as much as for the other countries where the Jews have been hated, hunted and persecuted as well.

Replacement Theology is the seedbed of Anti-Semitism. Now that is some statement for a person to make, and I make it right here because in my studies of the cause and effects of Anti-Semitism in Great Britain, I have seen just how such a thing has happened and can happen again simply because people do not read their Bibles properly, nor do they think things out as to why, and in what backgrounds they were originally written. You see that if we do not put right the wrongs of the past we are doomed to repeat them again and again. Our world has a sad history of not learning from the past mistakes that it has made, and because of that we now reap the harvest of those errors. The Bible tells us more than once that what we sow, we will also reap. We are told as believers to love our brothers and sisters, not to kill them. Not to harm them. Not to ignore them. But to help them and to do good to them, whenever we can and wherever we can. You will see that I will keep bringing you back to this theme, or idea as you read through this book. It is that we should love one another and be provoking the Jewish people to want back what they have lost, and which was given to us, the Gentiles.

I once heard a statement that was attributed to Brother Andrew, a Pastor in Russia, saying that if you are a Christian and are Anti-Semitic, and then you are not a Christian.
To me this means if you are not loving and supporting Israel, and the Jewish people, then you are Anti-Semitic. I do not say that you should condone all that the Jewish people are doing when they are clearly going against the scriptures. But, they still are God’s chosen race of people who He, God, has promised the land of Israel to. God can give the land to who ever He wants to, because He is God and is the creator of our world, and He chose to give Israel to the Jews. If anyone has an argument with that, then you will need to go and ask God why He gave the land to the Jewish people, not me. God is God and He can do what He wants, simply because He is who He says that He is, i.e. God. End of story.
Jesus said more than once that we should love our brothers just as he has loved us. As we go through this subject you will see that their was very little love from the so called Christian church towards the Jewish people, and I will endeavor to show you why that happened as you read on. Who was Jesus speaking to when he spoke about loving each other? The Jewish disciples of course. Not to the church, as the church did not come into being until after the resurrection of Jesus...
Paul says the same thing. John the aged Apostle says the same thing more than once about loving our brothers. Both of these Apostles reiterated the words of Jesus on this subject.  So why don’t we do it. then? Are we so superior to the Jewish people? You cannot love and hate at the same time. May God forgive us for our arrogance and stupidity towards His chosen people. I want you to think for a minute or two on the next sentence or two. Who did God give the scriptures to in the first place? The Jewish people. Where was Jesus born? In Bethlehem, Israel. What race of people was His mother from? The Jewish race.

What race was His stepfather from? The Jewish race. Now think again about those questions for a minute or two, before you read anything more. What does that mean? It means that the whole of the family of Jesus are totally Jewish through and through. No ifs, or buts about it at all, Jesus was Jewish, is Jewish and always will be Jewish, and not a blue eyed blond male that many have made Him out to be. Jesus was totally and one hundred per cent Jewish, through and through. You can forget what the film directors or screen writers have tried to make him look like. Over many centuries men have tried to make Jesus anything but Jewish. He lived a Jewish life. He had a Jewish education and upbringing. So when we believe in replacement theology, we are taking the Jewishness of Jesus away from Him and his family, and at the same time we are taking the Jewishness out of the scriptures which we use as a basis for our Christian lives.
 The Bible that we have was written by Jewish people, for Jewish people in the beginning, with the exception of two books. The Gospel of Luke and The Acts of the Apostles. Luke is thought to have been a Jewish proselyte. Ninety eight per cent of the Bible was written by pure Jews. The other two per cent was written by Luke. Christianity was completely Jewish at the start and God has brought us in along side of them to be made one with the Jewish people. Not as it is today, them over there and us over here. No, God is trying to make us all one in His son Jesus, if we will let him do so. Read Ephesians chapter two verses 11 to 22. In these verses God is saying through the Apostle Paul that He wants both the Jew and the Gentile believers to be one new creation and not two separate identities. Turn up the references yourself and check to see if I am correct or not.

We are told by the Apostle Paul to make the Jewish people jealous of what they have lost. Do we make them jealous? No, we do not, and have never done so in all the history of the church for the nearly two thousand years that there has been a Christian church. They have not lost the promises that God gave to Abraham at all, but they have lost out on being used by God to bring the good news of God’s love to the rest of the world. Neither have they been cast on one side for ever, but they soon will be restored by God to the place where He wants them to be. He still loves them and cares for them like no one else can or will do. No matter what any human being says, I trust God’s word, and if He says that He will do some new thing with Israel and the Jewish people then, I will believe Him entirely. They will one day get that all that they have  lost back again, but it is now our responsibility to tell the world of the great things that God can do for the human race. The Emperor Constantine made Christianity the state religion of the Roman world in the fourth century A.D. but, he did not change his religion, from what I have been told. He imposed it on the people as a way to control it. You can see that from that one decision just how much Christianity has moved away from the simplicity that it had at the start, just after Jesus returned to Heaven.
We are told in the scriptures time and time again to love our neighbours. Again, I ask the question, do we? If we really believed this and put it into operation, there would be no needs to be met. Look at the early church’s attitude to those in need. They showed practical love in the way that those in need were taken care of. We are also told that if we say that we love God and hate someone else, then the love of God is not in us at all. Jesus said to hate someone is to want them dead.

When will we the Gentiles, who say that they love God, start to show love to our Jewish brothers and sisters? The Jewish people are very suspicious of anything Christian, and for very good reasons which are because of the way that we have treated them over the centuries. An example of this is when you talk to a Jewish person about a Christian Crusade. Immediately they will think of the Crusades of the eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth centuries in these crusades many thousands of Jews were slaughtered as the killers of God, or of Christ. When we use the word crusade today, we mean a Gospel crusade to tell people about the salvation that comes from giving your life to Jesus Christ...
So, the question is, when are we going to start to love the Jewish people? If we want God to bless us then we need to start to bless them in whatever way we can. I will give you some ideas later on as to how you can do this. Try it, and see what happens to you or your church when you start blessing the chosen people of Israel. You get blessed in return more than you will ever realize.

As we go through this very big subject I want you to check your Bibles on your own to see if I am correct, or not in the things that I will be setting out before you.
I will not give you any scriptures, but at the end of our story I will give you some clues as to where to look. The reason for not giving you any scriptures is that if you are anything like myself, you will read them on the page and not bother to look them up for yourself. I know that it is being lazy on my part, but, it means that when you read something for yourself it will mean more to you.
I want you to dig out the verses and by doing so you will remember them far better than by just reading them on the page of a book. It has been proved that what you see, with your eyes you will remember, far better than what you hear with your ears.

In this book I will also cover the story of how Anti-Semitism came to our shores a long time ago and how we as a nation have suffered because of it ever since.

I know that I have said this earlier, but it is very important to your Christian life that if you are Anti-Semitic in any way, then you need to repent before God and ask for His forgiveness, and then start to love the Jewish people.  At this point stop reading for a few minutes and start to pray for the way you might have mistreated the Jewish people in the past and start to ask God to bless them again. I must say here once more what the Apostle Paul wrote to the church in Rome. He said that we should be making the Jewish people jealous of what they had lost and what we as Gentiles had gained. But, as the following history of British Anti-Semitism will show, we have done anything but make the Jewish nation jealous of what they have lost. We have been grossly arrogant to them all of the time and still are today in January 2009. We did anything but make them jealous, and that is to our shame.
Did you know that you can still go to church and still not know anything about God’s promises for Israel, and how God is going to meet with His own nation again?
In my own case, for over forty years, I was taught nothing about the promises of God for Israel, until I went to the country in 1996 for the first time. I have been a Christian for over fifty years now and only since that first trip in 1996 have I known and come to understand that anti-Semitism is anti-God. Also I came to love the people and the land of Israel at the same time.

Then God called me to serve the Jewish people in 2004.
I used to have a Bible which said in the headings to a chapter in the book of Isaiah, that this chapter was the churches blessings in Israel. That Bible went out in the rubbish bin not so long ago and is now some where on a rubbish tip, rotting away. I do not like throwing Bibles out, but that was where this one had to go after my eyes were opened to the evils of Replacement Theology. For a long time I queried this statement about the churches blessings in Israel, and as I thought about what it said, I discovered that it was wrong in that it was saying that Israel was over and done with and that God had finished with Israel and everything was now transferred to the us, the church. How arrogant the people were who put that into the Bible. The church did not come into being for over five hundred years after this prophecy was written. Now I understand what it meant. It meant that Israel had been done away with and that the church had taken Israel’s place in God’s plans. That I now know to be replacement theology. I wonder how many believers have been sucked up into this error because of that sort of statement being put at the head of the chapters in the Old Testament. I expect that many will have believed that erroneous heading and as a result now believe that God has finished with the Jewish nation and its people. If you have believed this in the past then you need to do as I have already stated, to repent and ask God to forgive you.  I know that I have gone over some of the previous statements more than once and that has been done on purpose, so that you will get it into to mind that God has never, ever gone back on any of His promises to Israel, and for that matter to the church as well.

My own calling to serve the Jewish people came in the summer of 2004, when I was in Israel. Prior to going on this trip I was seeking ways of serving the Lord for when I retired in early 2005. No matter what I wanted to do, the doors always seemed closed, and in a lot of ways I was glad. As I just said I was in Israel in 2004 on a tour with a group of friends from a previous church that I was in. We were up in northern Galilee and in the grounds of the beautiful Church of the Beatitudes. We were having a time of communion with God and after that we were told that we would be there for a while and that would be the time to pray for each other, give a word to someone. I was given the word to serve the people of Israel in Cardiff which just a few miles from my home. On the next day I was given a similar word to serve the Jewish people in Newport, where I live.

So when I came home from that tour of Israel, I started in small ways to serve the Jewish people. When I retired from my job six months later on, I found that the work load suddenly grew a lot bigger. Four years later I am still doing what I was called to do in 2004.

I now work with Ebenezer-Operation Exodus as their representative for the South East Wales area, and have just returned from my second three month visit to the Ukraine. Our work is to find the Jewish people all over the world and remind them of the promises of God about the Jewish people returning to Israel. Many cannot go for one reason or another, such as no papers or long term sickness, so we try to get help to them in the way of humanitarian aid. This includes clothing, shoes and household linen goods such as bedding and curtains, etc.

We also remind them that their God still loves them very much and is longing for them to return to Israel, and at the same time He has not forgotten His promises which He made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob all those centuries ago. We also teach the churches about Replacement Theology, and its dangers, which this book is all about, and how they can get things put right with God and how they can do more to help the Jewish people in their communities. We also teach the churches what the Bible says about the future of Israel at the same time as telling them about what we are about.

I have looked at many sources for this book and I will list them at the end, and if I have missed any authors name out, this is completely by accident and I apologize for that right at the start.

But, as you read on I trust that you will see that God has a great plan and future for his Jewish people and for Israel in particular. Be blessed. John.

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Chapter 1. Who Killed Jesus?

This question is central to all of the thoughts and ideas which caused Replacement Theology to come into being from the 4 century A.D. As we look at this question, I will look at the various groups of people who were at the place where Jesus died.

First let us look at the Jews.

Another question arises here. What do you mean by the Jews? Do we mean the Jews who lived in Israel at that time? Do we mean all of the Jews who were in the old Roman Empire? Or, do we mean the Jewish leadership of that day?
At Calvary, not all of the Jews in the land or the empire could have ever got into Jerusalem at that time as it was a lot smaller than the Old City that is there today.
A lot of the Jews living miles away from Jerusalem probably would have not heard of what was going on that day in the capital.
It is possible that they might have heard about sometime later when passing traders came to their towns and villages selling their wares and talking to the town’s people about the things that they had heard in Jerusalem. In that news of the previous days they would have given a good description of what they heard and saw of the crucifixion of Jesus and the two thieves.
So that only leaves us with the Jewish leadership. They wanted Jesus out of the way. Why? Because he upset their money making schemes and showed up their hypocrisy in the way that they were making lots of money out of the ordinary people. The ordinary people loved Jesus and were glad to hear his stories about Heaven and about God. The Bible says that they heard him gladly.

Each of the Gospels will tell you of the plots that these leaders hatched to get rid of Jesus once and for all, but they were under Roman rule and could not pass the death sentence on any one. If they could have it would have been by stoning them and not by hanging, as per the Torah.

Now we will turn to the Romans. They were predicted and prophesied by one of the prophets in the Old Testament. He saw this empire made of iron and that is how the Roman Empire ruled the world of that time. With an iron fist. This regime was brutal to say the least to anyone who stood up to them, or came against their rule.

They had the power to kill and destroy, or to let you live. The Jewish leadership came to Pilate and made various accusations against Jesus and said that by their law, i.e. Jewish laws, that he should die.

Pilate tried to appease these men, but appeasement never works. Look at what happened in 1938 at Munich as an example. So after a time of trying to prevent Jesus being killed Pilate gave in to the Jewish leadership.

As you read the Gospels Pilate gave the orders for the execution of Jesus to be carried out, there and then and Jesus was led away to Golgotha and the cross.

The Jewish leadership thought that this would solve their problems about Jesus and His followers, but it did not as you can read in the Gospels after the event of Jesus dying was over. When Jesus rose from the grave it caused more problems for the Jewish leadership of that time.

Even though the Roman soldiers nailed Jesus to a cross of wood, did they kill him? The answer is, no they did not.

So if neither the Jews nor the Romans killed Jesus, who is there left to say if he was killed or not?
The next group that comes into the story is us, yes, us. But you might say,”Well I was not there when Jesus died on the cross”.

Quite true you were not there physically. But you were there spiritually as Jesus was dying for all of the sins of the world of that day and for every day that has gone by ever since then. It was our sins that killed Jesus on the cross in one sense, but there is a last thought that will sum up who actually killed Jesus, and it is this. He killed himself. Did he commit suicide? No. We read in the Gospels that he gave up his live willingly and that no person could or would ever take it from him ever.

So the answer to the question of, “Who killed Jesus?” is none of us and yet all of us did.

As I have already said in the introduction, I am not giving any scriptural references here because I want you to dig out the answers for yourself and to check if I am correct or not, in all that I say in this book. So start looking now about the plot to kill Jesus.

This is where the question gets very serious, because at the time of the death of Jesus the Jews were heard to shout out “His blood be upon us and our children”. Does the Bible mean the whole of the Jewish race? Does it mean those who saw the execution of Jesus? Does it mean just the Jewish leadership alone?
Start thinking properly here and you will arrive at correct answers.
Someone has said that this judgment came on these Jewish leaders in A.D. seventy, when the Roman armies destroyed the Temple and most of the City of Jerusalem.

The church in the 4th century A.D. said that it was all of the Jews, every last one of them forever and ever, that this cry referred to. As I tried to explain to you earlier that not all of the Jews were in Jerusalem on that day and many of them would not have heard about this event for sometime afterwards, because news did not travel very fast in those days. There can be no other answer than the Jewish leadership. But does that mean that all of the Jews should be punished forever more? No, it does not.

The Jewish leadership of that time was punished in the year A.D.70 when the Romans destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem and many of the Jewish people died in the slaughter.

Chapter 2. 4th - 11th century A.D

As time went on, the Christian church grew and after many years there were more Gentiles in it that there were Jews.

By the 4th century the Roman Empire had tried to get rid of Christianity by burning (by using the Christians in the arena as human torches) the believers in the Coliseum at the so called games, or they made these believers part of the sport by throwing them to the wild animals and to take part in the gladiatorial events. But all of the time the Christians grew in number and were not afraid, or ashamed, to die for their faith. So something had to be done about them, and Constantine the Emperor decided to make Christianity the state religion. By doing this he could bring in controls and laws which would make all believers subject to laws made by man.

In doing this the church leaders could change the Jewishness of the Bible to suit themselves. Gradually all of the feasts were changed and done away with. This was the start of the theory of Replacement. Even though the question of this theory started in the days of Paul the Apostle, some three hundred years before it was pushed out as a doctrine of the church from this point onwards.

Replacement Theology says that God has replaced the Jews with the Christian church. It also says that we have taken over all of the spiritual blessings meant for Israel. This idea also says that there is no place in God’s plans for Israel. Again this theory says that the Jews killed God. Deicide. This same idea also blinds people to the real truth of the Word of God, and what it says about God’s plans for Israel and the Jewish people. From the days of Constantine right up to the present day, there are groups of believers who will not, and do not want to look at the Bible in a correct and proper way, because it will mean them having to do something about what they are being taught in their churches. i.e. change their ways and thought patterns about Israel and what God is really saying to us about the land and the people.

The Church fathers of that day (4th century A.D.) took the verse I quoted earlier about His blood being on us as to mean the whole of the Jewish race.
What they did not do was to check what their Bibles actually said on the day that Jesus died.

Reader, I urge you to look up your Bible and see if you can find any references to God saying that He has ever finished with the Jewish people or the land. If you can find such verses I would like you tell me chapter and verse. I know that you will not find any such verses, as there are none to say that God has finished with the Jews. Please read your Bibles carefully and prayerfully and ask God to help you to understand what He is saying. God’s promises to the Jews are, and always will be, forever.

Because these men in the 4th century did not read their Bibles properly they made the assumption that as all Jews were guilty of killing God, and that they ought to be punished forever.

What arrogance they showed to the Jews of their day. Where was the love and forgiveness? Where was the compassion? There wasn’t any to be found and none was shown as you will read later on. Now is your chance to change that. Later on I will give you some suggestions about how to change things like your attitude to the Jews.

Jesus said that we should love one another like the way He loves us. Did the church do that in the 4th century? No, they did everything that they could to destroy, humiliate and punish the Jews.

These repressions were carried out for centuries as you will read later on, and culminated in the Nazi era of the 1930’s and the start of the final solution to the Jewish problem. This caused the deaths of at least 6 million Jewish people all over Europe.

Let us return to the 11th century and see what some of these repression were.

A man called St. John Chrysostom was the first person to have been recorded as calling the Jews ”The Christ killers.” Other men followed his lead and said that they were also guilty of Deicide, i.e. “The killing of God”. These men were from the 4th century council in Nicaea.
The Jews were also said to outside of God’s covenant as they had killed God, and because of this that they should be severely punished.

The following repressions of the Jews included,

1 Intermarriage with Gentiles forbidden.

2. Christians having meals with Jews, forbidden.

3. Jews to surrender any slaves who worked on their lands.

4. No slaves meant that the land had to be sold to the church, of course.

5. Inadmissability of Jewish evidence in a court over Christians evidence.

6. The whole idea was to make the Jews give up being Jews and to become Christians.

I will ask the question again, where was the love for your neighbour in those days towards the Jewish people? Jesus said that we should love our neighbours. Do we? Paul the Apostle says that we, the church, should make the Jewish people jealous for what they had lost and for what we had gained. Have we? No! The church has done very little or nothing to make the Jews jealous, but have made them hate us for all that we did in the future Crusades etc. as I will try to show you as we travel through the centuries.

There is still very little love shown to our Jewish Brethren today by the church at large, and this is why I have written this book.

Do you realize that Jesus was Jewish? His mother was Jewish. He was born in Bethlehem, Israel. I know that I told you that earlier, but it is worth reminding you here of those facts once more.
Did you know that 98% of the Bible was written by pure Jews and the other 2% was written probably by a Jewish Proselyte? This is just to remind you of what I said earlier, so that you do not forget it.

The following list is the things that were brought in to get rid of the Jewishness of our faith and out of our thinking. Also it was to make us think about our Bible in a none Hebraic way. By doing so we have lost out on a lot of the true meaning of what God is trying to say to us through His word.

The Gentile church followed the Greek way of thinking instead of the Hebraic way from which most of the Bible was originally written in. Let me give you an example of what the differences are. Take an ordinary cup or drinking mug. The Greeks would tell you about the composition in the manufacturing of the item, what colour it was etc.  The old Hebraic way of thinking would say, yes it is a cup that is made of whatever, but how does it affect my life. What can I do with it to enhance my life?
Can you see the difference. With regard to the Bible the Greeks went along the line of philosophy and argument of the meaning of words to understand what God was saying. The Jewish way was to say how does the Word of God relate to the way that I live my life, or how does it change my life.

Now let us go on to the list of the things that were taken out of the early churches life.

1. Passover

This was the event that Jewish people commemorate every year to celebrate their deliverance out of Egypt. It was replaced by Easter. If you can find Easter in your Bibles then please let me know the chapter and verse. Easter is a fertility celebration of Pagan origins. You do not believe me? Then why the eggs and rabbits? They have absolutely nothing to do with the Passover.
Another change was added and that was to hold Easter a month after the Passover festival.

2. Christmas

We are never told in the Bible to celebrate Christmas. Again you tell me where the Bible teaches us to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
No one knows for sure in what month Jesus was born, but again someone decided to take a Pagan festival and Christianize it. This was the Winter Solstice. It was a time when Pagans prayed for the light to return and for a good year to come.

3. Pentecost

This was the feast held 50 days after the Passover. But now in the U.K. we call it the Spring Bank holiday.
It was previously called Whitsuntide and many churches would hold special services on that Sunday. Not now, it is a time for holidays and no time to celebrate God in any shape or form.

4. Harvest festivals

It is always good to give thanks to God for what He has provided for us throughout the previous summer. The Bible tells us that we should give God the thanks due to His name for the food that we enjoy each day and year. But, where do “Corn Dollies” come into the picture? We have replaced the Jewish feast of Succoth with harvest festivals with Pagan ideas and idols.

6. Transubstantiation

This is where the church changed the idea of the blood and body of Jesus from ordinary bread and wine to them becoming the actual body and blood.
So for nearly 1700 years we would have eaten how bodies of Jesus? Probably thousands of bodies, probably millions, would have been consumed if it was the real body of Jesus. How many gallons of his blood have we drunk if it was real blood every time we drank it?

7. Purgatory

Where did this money spinning idea come from? Not from the Bible but from the hearts of sinful man. There is and has never been any such thing ever in the Bible. The idea, basically is that if you pay the church a lot of money, your soul when you die will spend less time in the waiting place of the dead. Others could also buy your way out of Purgatory, if they put more money into the churches coffers.
There was an old saying about this, which I heard many years ago now.
It said that, “if a coin in the coffers rings, a soul from Purgatory springs.”
I do not know who first said this, but what I do know is that it is not in the Word of God at all. Please check your Bible carefully about this. If it is not in the Bible, then have nothing to do with it.

8. Icons, idols and wooden crosses

The Bible says that we should have no idols in the shape of animals, birds, people or of anything that God has made. We should be worshipping Him in spirit and in truth.

The church of the middle ages brought out laws that said that you had to worship these idols and icons etc.
There are so many wooden crosses or parts of crosses, that were reputed to have been the one on which Jesus died. Jesus only died on one cross, once and forever. If that is true, about the crosses, then how many forests were destroyed to crucify Jesus?

9. Cathedrals and Churches

The Bible says nothing about having large Cathedrals or ornate Churches at all. The original meaning of Church is the people who met together to worship, pray and learn from Almighty God.
You do not need a big building costing thousands, or millions, of pounds to keep in good order to worship the Lord at all.
Yes, we do need buildings to meet together in because of the weather outside can be wet and windy outside quite often. I prefer to meet in a simple but practical building which is warm and has all of the amenities that we have to have by law.
These cavern sized Cathedrals are quite often cold and draughty to sit in and the praise and worship of the people is lost in the void of the roof space many feet above their heads.
The money used to keep these giant edifices in good order could be used to alleviate the suffering of many poor people in our communities instead. I like old buildings and they have a place in history, but they are not mentioned in the Bible. There is only one that is mentioned and that is the Temple in Jerusalem.
That is the only place and building where God has ever said that He would put His name ever. Check it out in the story of the dedication of the first Temple in King Solomon’s time.

10. Monasteries and Nunneries

These come from the idea of separating ourselves from the world that we live in. Again there is nothing in the Bible to say that we shut ourselves away from the world for years on end. There is a place for taking time out and being alone with God. Jesus did this on several occasions as told by the Gospel writers. He needed time out to pray and be in contact with God, His father.
We too need to have times of quietness and to pray. But we also need to be involved in the world in which we live to be able to pray against wrong things and to support what God is doing through His people.
We are told to be in the world (natural world), but not to be part of it( i.e. the worlds way of doing things)

11. Clergy

There are several references to having people in charge of things in the local church fellowship. For instance I am a Deacon in my local church. But that does make me any more important than anyone else. It simply means that I am a servant of the fellowship and that the Pastor is the head servant.
In the early church it was meant to be that there were several Bishops over one church and not as it is today one Bishop over many churches.

12. Robes

I do not know where this came from, but again there is no mention in the Bible of anyone being told by God to dress up in fancy clothing to give out the sacraments in the communion service.
Why is it that we still have in some churches the ministers dressing up in an uniform that was the dress of over two hundreds ago?
I understand that the Bishop’s miter is shaped like a fishes mouth and that comes from the Pagan god Dagon. Yes, he is mentioned in the Bible and God dealt with him when The Ark of God’s covenant was placed in the temple of Dagon. Dagon was smashed to pieces.
The only reference to robes and a type of uniform for the priests was given to the tribe of Levi, by God, through Moses.

13. Worship of Mary

Some churches put Mary ahead of Jesus. Why? Mary herself said that God was her saviour. Jesus said that you can only come to God, the Father through himself and no-one else. So why worship Mary? Actually her proper name was Miriam and not Mary.
Why is it in these churches the pictures of Miriam show her as being bigger than Jesus and that Jesus is always portrayed as a baby?

14. The stations of the cross in Jerusalem

These could have never been the steps that Jesus took to the place of His execution, simply because if you know your Israeli history, The city of Jerusalem was sacked by the Romans in A.D. 70 and again in 168 A.D. The city was rebuilt completely after the second attack and rebuilt on Roman lines. The part of the old city where the stations of the cross are said to be are in the later additions to the old city.
All that the Gospel writers say about Jesus going to the cross was that it was outside the city wall of the early 1st century A. D. city, and the execution took place in the vicinity of a place called, ”the place of the skull”. Now there is still only one place that fits that description, even today, and that is the hill behind the old Arab bus station, near the Damascus gate to the Old City. This rock is where you will see the shape of a skull etched into the rock by centuries of weathering. You can get a better view of it from the “Garden Tomb” which is not far away from the Damascus gate.

15. Indulgences

Again there is no scriptural references to this at all and never has been. This was another money making scheme of the church in the Middle ages.

All of these previous fifteen things came from the decision to get rid of the Jewish flavour of the Bible, and it opened the way man to go his own way in an organized religion. It has taken us a long way from the original scriptures and we need to get back to the original way that the Bible was intended to be used. The Hebrew way of thinking and not of the Greek ideas and thoughts.

In Britain we did not get our own Bible in English until the latter end of the 15th century. But it was costly to own your own Bible in English as several translators found out as they were burnt at the stake. The church then still had power and to get the Bible in our own language meant that anyone who could read English and not the Latin, would be able to see for themselves the errors that they were being and had been taught over many years.

I feel that God used King Henry 8th to break the mould of the Catholic church in Britain when he stopped all of the monasteries from operating. Britain was free from the yolk of Rome forever. Praise God. The Jews that had been expelled in 1290 were still living on the continent and did not come back to our shores for another one hundred years plus after the dissolution of the monasteries.

Chapter 3. 11th - 17th Century.  The Crusades and afterwards

In this chapter I want to tell you about the effects of the changes which were made earlier and how they were carried out in this part of the story. Before I do that I want to look at when the first Jewish people possibly came to Great Britain, and also when the Roman Catholic Church started at the same time in this country.

The earliest known Jewish settlers to Great Britain came in around 1086 A.D. just after the conquest. It is believed that they came from Northern France. The Norman conquest of the country happened only twenty years earlier in 1066. As every schoolchild knows. But, it is possible that Jewish people could have arrived with the Romans when they invaded and took the land in 45 A. D.  because the Roman Army always put troops from one country into the other one as far away as they could from their own homelands. I know this because a local museum here in South Wales has details of the troops that came to South Wales from Eastern Europe.
It was not so many years after the first Jewish people arrived in Britain that the “Blood Libels” started. This libel accuses Jewish people of killing someone, usually a young boy and mixing his blood with the Passover flour. In the year 1144 it was the first time that it was reported to have happened in Great Britain. A young boy called, William, was murdered in Norwich at the time of the Passover and the Jews got the blame.

It happened again in Gloucester in 1168, then again in Bury St. Edmunds in 1181. This was followed by Bristol in 1183 and in Lincoln in 1255. The last one was the most serious to date as 100 Jews were accused of this blood libel and 19 of them were executed. Between the years 1190 and 1290 there were a lot of attacks on Jewish people and they were banned from many towns and cities. Let us go back to the 6th century and see how the Roman Catholic Church came to our shores and changed a lot of things over the years that they had the power to do so.

The Roman Catholic Church was started in Great Britain in the year 575 A.D. when King Aethelberht married Berta the French Kings daughter who was a Catholic. She would only be allowed to marry the King on the condition that she could practice her Catholic faith.

Augustine the monk arrived in the country around 595/596 A. D. to “Christianize” the land.
He is quoted as making the following statement, ”Let them bear the mark of Cain until they turn to Christ”. (end of quote) Cain in the Bible was the man who murdered his own brother simply because God accepted the offering of Abel, the brother, and not the one from Cain.
God put a mark on Cain as a form of protection against anyone who wanted to take Cain’s life.

Was the Catholic Church of that time saying that they should protect the Jews because God had put a mark on them, or was it to mark them out for punishment, because they had killed the Messiah? I think that it because of the latter, as the way things turned out for the Jews ever since that date.

Think to yourself for a moment or two. Would these repressive measures that have no love or forgiveness in them make you, the reader, turn from your old ways and turn to God? It would make me go the other way entirely.

Between the 4th and 13th centuries there were several councils of Nicaea and in Rome, where they were called the Lateran councils.
We will take a look at some of these councils and see how they changed the Bible and made the Jews hate us Christians so called.

Nicaea. 1st council was in 325 in Bithynia ( in modern Western Turkey). Nothing about the Jews was mentioned at this council meeting. The second one was in the year 787 and in Canon 8 they said “that the Jews were accused of pretending to be Christians and if they were found out they were not allowed to be in the church, but, should stay in their own religion”.

There were four Lateran Councils in all. Which were all held in Rome. The dates were as follows.
1. March 18, 1123.
2. April 2, 1139.
3. March 1179.
4. November 11th, 1215.

In the first two councils I could find nothing that they said was against the Jewish people at all. Now, when we come to the third one there was one item about the Jews.

Canon 26. This rule stated that Jews were not allowed to have Christian servants for any reason.

In a court of law Christians evidence was to be accepted over any Jewish evidence in a case. The reason for this law was that the Jews employed their own witness’s. The last thing from this Canon was that any person preferring Jews over Christians was under the curse of anathema.

On to the next Lateran council.
This fourth councils decisions have repercussions reached right down to the Holocaust and World War 2, and the loss of at least 6,000,000 million Jewish lives.
I will quote from the last four Canons of the fourth Lateran Council of November 1215.

Canon 67.  Deals with in the main Money lending and that if the Jews take excessive interest from the money that they loaned out they would be removed from Christian people and would be forced not to do business with Christians.

Canon 68. This brings in the ideas of making Jews look different to Christians by way of dress. Actually the first time this was done was back in the ninth century by the Moslems, who made the Jews wear a yellow belt and a tall, conical hat. This law was brought in to stop Jews and Christians marrying each other.
In Britain this law was brought in within two years. The Jews of Britain had to wear a badge comprising of the two tables of the Ten Commandments made of white linen or parchment. Henry 3rd. was the king at the time that this was brought in to being.

Canon 69. Jews were forbidden to hold public office anywhere in the realms of the Catholic church. If they were already in any public office when this law came into effect, then they were removed from that public office, no matter who you were or the position that you held, without any recourse to the law, or to receive any compensation for the loss’s that they had accrued because of their being dismissed.

Canon 70. Jewish Converts required to give up being Jewish.
Any Jewish person who was had converted over to Catholicism was not allowed to be Jewish anymore. This Canon quoted a very obscure scripture about not mixing linen and wool.
Now, I have found out what this meant. It comes from the Torah and it is was forbidden to wear both of these things together. It is called Shatnez. Priests were exempt from this ruling. The idea comes from the story of Cain  and Abel’s offerings to God. It is a Chok law, meaning that it has a logic in it which is not evident to the reader.
It is a mystery, but, only the Lord knows about the meaning of this idea, because I do not. Another part of the Catholic idea is that it is like trying to walk on two paths at once. Which you cannot do. The Jews of that time had to choose, becoming a Christian or to remain Jewish and suffer the pains that they were going to go through later on. We today still have to make the same sort of choices as well. Will I love the Jewish people as God says that we should do, or will I despise them and do nothing to help them? That is the choice that we all have to make. I made my choice when God called me to serve the Jewish people in 2004.

Canon 71. Crusades
This ruling gave a lot of power to the Catholic church as it says in this Canon that people were compelled to go on these crusades, or their possession could be taken from them. They also had remission for their sins in advance. Where does the Bible say that you can receive forgiveness of your sins in advance of doing them? Nowhere.
Also this Canon says that the Jews had to remit any interest payments owed to them by any person who had gone on a crusade, until that person returned home again.

By going on a crusade you could get a full pardon for all of your sins and an increase of eternal life after you were dead. How can you get an increase on your eternal life if eternal means everlasting, non-ending etc.? You cannot get such a thing.

The above notes are just an abbreviation of each of the Canons from that fourth Lateran Council in 1215 A.D.
Before we go onto the Crusades, I want to remind you of the power that the church in Rome had. They told kings and rulers exactly what to do, when to do it and how to do it and if they disobeyed these rulings they were in danger of being excommunicated from the church. Such was their power over the people at that time. Kings and rulers , as well as the ordinary people were scared stiff to go against what the Catholic Church was teaching at that time. It was a case of doing what we told you or else. If you were disobedient you were in big trouble. The power which the Catholic church had over the people was immense, and it held your life in its hands. If you broke the churches laws you could handed over to the secular authorities for punishment.

Over the past ten to fifteen years a series called, ”Cadfeal” was produced for British TV. These stories by Ellis Peters tell of what life was like in the Middle Ages. It was very hard and these films show just what I have been saying to you about the abusive power that the church had in those days.
To be quite honest with you I am glad that I did not live then.

The Crusades

The first crusade was in 1099, when Pope Godfrey ordered an army to go to Israel to capture the city of Jerusalem. This army was made up of thieves, robbers, tramps, vagabonds, misfits, debtors and anyone else who wanted a bit of adventure.
The Pope forgave all of them in advance and debts that any of them owed could be cancelled at the same time by killing the Jews that they were indebted to.
So, off this great crowd of misfits went to the Holy Land, and on their way there they raped, pillaged, robbed and killed on its way to Jerusalem. When they reached their target they set about killing any Jewish person that they could find as well as any Moslem person. 969 Jewish men, women and children ran into the Great Synagogue for safety from this marauding army. None came out alive as these so called Christians set fire to the building. All of those inside perished in the ensuing inferno. While the fire was raging out of control these crusaders were outside singing, ”Christ we adore thee”.
Again I ask where was the love of your brother human being that day. Did they not think that Jesus was Jewish, or had they not been taught that? Who knows? The teaching of that time about Christianity seems to have forgotten all of these facts. With acts like that, no wonder that the Jewish people hate the thought of being a Christian. To the Jewish mind Christianity reminds them of the Crusades, hatred, and death. Do you blame them for this? I don’t.
These Crusades were all based on lies and the misinterpretation of the Bible, and the whole idea of them was to punish the Jewish people for the death of Jesus. This is what the so called Church of that time thought and taught. Was there any love shown to the Jewish people? Was there any forgiveness either?

No, there certainly was not, and today Replacement Theology still shows no love or forgiveness to the Jewish people. It still denies the facts that God has not finished with the Jews and with Israel as a nation.
Another aspect of the Crusades was to show to the world that the Church had taken over from the Jews, who they said had lost all of the right to inherit promises made by God to them. These promises, they said, now belong to the Church. Read what Paul the Apostle says on that matter again and you will find and see that this is the wrong teaching. He says that if God can get rid of the Jews, then He can get rid of us as well. Now here is another question for you to consider. Are we any better than the Jews? No we are not, because as the Bible says, we are all sinners and need to find God’s grace whether we are Jew or Gentile.

If I gave you the chapter and verse here, you would not look it up for yourself, so that is why I am not giving you the verses here.
God gave Abraham the promise that the land was for him and his descendants forever and ever. Again I am going over something which I have mentioned earlier and will probably mention this again later on. Forever means forever and ever. We need to get it into our minds and our souls that when God says something that He means it. If the Bible says something more than once then take notice and if it is saying something a lot more than twice then take special notice of what is being said, as God is trying to get something through to us that is important to Him.

Let us now move forward to the 12th and 13th centuries.

By the 12th century there was a Jewish presence in the country mainly in London and York.
Because of the church laws on the prohibiting of the Jews to own land etc. they were forced into money lending.
It has been recorded that in the year 1164 the King, the Lords, the gentry and religious houses were borrowing money from the Jewish people in York.

Trouble started for the Jews in London in 1189 when Richard the 1st was the King of England. It seems that some Jewish people went to see the king in London and could not get into the building where he was to meet them. Then someone started to cause trouble for them by starting a lie about this meeting with the King. The word soon got round the city of London of that day and a riot broke out for twenty four hours. This spread to the following places, culminating in the massacre in York in March 1190. The places mentioned where the riots and troubles broke out were as follows, London, Lynn, (probably King’s Lynn as we know it today), Stamford, Norwich, Bury St. Edmunds,  Lincoln, Thetford, All of these places are in East Anglia. Colchester in Essex and Ospringe in Kent had riots in them as well during the year 1189.
As the news spread northwards from London it ended up in York at a place called Clifford’s Tower in 1190.
This was the worst event in those two troubled years for the Jews.
What seems to have occurred was that the people who owed money were stirred up against the Jews when they could not repay what they had borrowed, or were still owing. Remember the Canon of the church which I mentioned earlier. So the debtors set about to destroy the money lenders homes and premises in York.

The Jewish people ran from their homes and buildings and raced up to Clifford’s Tower. Which a steep mound in the centre of the city. These people then locked themselves in by barring the gates to the invaders and the mob baying for their blood outside. This event took place on the 16th of March that year, 1190. The weather in March can be very cold in Great Britain and so it was on that occasion. The besieged people held out for six long days before the lack of food and water, and the bad weather, caused them to give up. Some of the Jewish people in York could not get into the tower for what they thought was a safe place and were trapped outside of it. These unfortunate persons were offered the choice of being baptized as Christians or die. Some of them gave in and were baptized. I’m not sure if the rest of those outside perished or were able to flee away from the city. I expect that they were or would have been killed.
Rather than surrender, many of this 150 Jewish people trapped in the Tower committed suicide, others died in the fires that the mob had started. Those who did escape from this tower were beaten to death by the mob as soon as they reached the bottom of the long steps that lead up to the tower. There is a plague  at the scene of this atrocious event and blot on our history for all to see today, in York.
During that time there was an Europe wide Anti-Jewish persecution going on prior to the Crusades of that era.
Many so called Crusaders started their killing of the Jews in their own countries before they set sail to Israel to kill the Jews out there. The York massacre was part of this movement to get rid of the Jews.
After the York Massacre we move forward twenty five years to the Year 1215 and the fourth Lateran council, which I have already mentioned earlier.
Remember that I told you of the law introduced then about the Jews having to wear a distinctive badge? That law was introduced here in Great Britain in the year 1217, and in France a little later on.
By the end of that century(13th) there were no Jews left in Great Britain at all. They were kicked out in the year 1290.

While I was out in the Ukraine I came across a book by J. Teller, called “The Jews”. It is probably out of print now, but it gave me some interesting information about the expulsions of 1290. It also gave me some more information about other Anti-Jewish things that happened in Britain at later dates, which I will mention as we come to them.

Here is the list of places where Jews were expelled from in England and Wales.

Wycombe (Could be the modern High Wycombe)
Bury St. Edmunds

The Jewish people ho were expelled from our shores went to the Low Countries, mainly to Holland and that area to live for the next three hundred and fifty years.
After these expulsions the Jews were not allowed to return to this country until the Mid 17th century, which we will come to in the next chapter.

In the Mid 17th century, (1651) during the time of Oliver Cromwell, a trade delegation went to Holland to start talks with the Dutch traders about trading with England. Part of this delegation was also to start talks with the Jewish Rabbi Menashe Ben Israel at the same time. These talks failed and were followed by a two year war which stopped any further talks taking place for some time.
It was 1656 before this Rabbi and a four man delegation were able to reopen talks with Cromwell and to ask if the Jewish people could come back into England again.
The Royalists opposed this measure, but the Jews did start to return in 1657.
I have been told that this was the case as in 2007 we celebrated the 350 anniversary of the Jews returning to Britain again.
Cromwell died in 1658 approx and the monarchy was restored soon afterwards. Then the Jews started to return in bigger numbers.
To bridge the gap between the centuries, I want to look at a couple of things that happened after the Jewish people came back to our shores in the 17th century.

18th century England

In the mid 18th century a bill was introduced in the British Parliament to make Jewish people fully naturalized persons.  They had only a part naturalization at that time and this meant that they still could not own or inherit land, own ships or trade with the plantations that we had in the Americas. This 1753 bill would have changed that completely. The bill was passed, but over the next six months it caused an uproar all over the country as many people were stirred up to oppose this law. The general populace were against it. The churches railed against it from the pulpits. The none church people railed against in the pubs, in the streets and in the markets. It was such an unpopular bill, that after six moths it was rescinded.

The usual remarks were made about the Jews wanting to take over our country etc.
Anti-Semitism is never very far below the surface in this country as in 1673 threats were made against the Jews about their way of worship. They were told to change to the Christian way of worship, or else. The Jewish response was, that if they could not worship as Jews, as they had always done, then they would leave London and move to somewhere else and take all of their money with them when they left.

This frightened the big business’s in the City so much that they stopped the threats and left the Jewish community alone to worship as they had always done. Good for them would have been my thoughts. Why should anyone have to change what they believe in to suit somebody else?

People have a choice to make about what, or who they should worship. I used to present people with Good news leaflets and if the readers did not like what was in those leaflets, I did not get upset, because all of us have to choose what we will do with our lives. Either we follow God’s word, or we go our own way. I, naturally, want people to choose the way that God wants for their lives, but if they choose to do something different then that is their prerogative to do so. If the Jewish people want to worship the same God that we do in a different way to us, who are we to say that they should not do so? Who are we to say that we are right all of the time, and that they are wrong? It could be that they, the Jewish people, are correct and that we are wrong in some of the things that we believe. Think about it for a few minutes, before condemning them, will you?
Today I was given a lot more information about the eighteenth century during the reign of Queen Anne. She lived from1665 to  1714 and was the queen from 1702 until her death in 1714. In that time he and her government took Gibraltar from the Spanish in 1704 and made it a British colony. There was a series of sieges against the colony by the Spanish, who wanted to colony back again. The result was the treaty of Utrecht in 1713, which gave Gibraltar to the British for ever. Prior to this agreement there were Jewish people in the colony and had been since the earliest records of 1356. There is a document to show that a ransom was to be paid to some pirates who had taken some people captive, or rather as hostages. Under the Spanish ruler ship of the colony during fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, the Jews were persecuted and expelled in 1492.

After the signing of the Utrecht treaty all of the Jews were once more removed from the colony. They came to Britain via France and Holland. After some sixteen years the British government made a deal with the King of Morocco to allow African Jewish settlers to live in the colony once more. Since then there has been little or no anti-Semitism in the colony. But, that could change within the next few years as the return of Jesus gets closer and closer.

Chapter 4. The Jews in British literature

This chapter is only going to be a short one as I have only found a couple of stories where Jews are portrayed as the stereotype given to them by so many people.

1. Shylock in the “Merchant of Venice” by Shakespeare

In this 16th century play by Shakespeare, Shylock, the Jew is portrayed as a money grabbing, tight fisted miser, who wants his money back off the poor merchant, whom he loaned a sum of money to. The punishment for failing to repay the debt was to demand that he has a pound of his, Antonio’s flesh, literally.
What has happened in the story is that Antonio, a merchant form Venice has fallen on hard times because his merchant hips have been lost at sea, and this has caused him a big financial problem resulting in his inability to repay the debt which he owes to Shylock. So he is taken to a debtors court to be made to repay what he owes. But he is unable to pay the debt, so Shylock demands that he has his one pound of Antonio’s flesh, literally.
But, the clever lady lawyer, Portia, comes up with the idea of getting round this problem by saying that Shylock is only allowed to have one cut of Antonio’s flesh and it must be exactly one pound in weight. No more and no less.
This story is reiterating the lies from the previous generations that all that the Jews are interested in is to make money out of everyone else. Or in other words to control the banks and money systems of that day and age. These accusations are still being put forward in 2009.
2. Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens

In this 19th century story we meet Fagin, a Jew in London, who teaches young boys and girls to pick other peoples pockets to steal anything of value that they can find in them. They then have to take the stolen goods to Fagin who will turn them into money by selling them.
Both of these stories portray Jewish people as thieves and robbers as well as being extortionists in money matters.
A question I must ask here is, who made the Jewish people go into money lending in the first place? Wasn’t it the Catholic church from the 4th to 13th century onwards, by  the restrictions that they put on Jewish people as to what they could, and could not do? These church rulings came out of the various Lateran councils from the 4th to the 13th century. I have already mentioned these, so you will need to go back to that section and read them once more to see if what I am saying is correct or not.

3. Dr. Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley

This story comes from 19th century Britain and is different from the other two in that money is not the central theme here. The theme is about rebuilding a body, human one, from bits and pieces of dead bodies. Today there is something called human cloning and I think that this idea is a forerunner of that idea.

This was at a time when dead bodies were being dug up just after burial and sold to hospitals for dissection and experimentation to see how the human body works.
Why use a Jewish sounding name when there were thousands of others that could have been used?
I think, but I am not sure, if this story was written to show that Jewish people were monsters who were trying to create a monster to rule the world.

Are the Jews trying to rule or to take over the world, as they are always being accused of in one way or another? I don’t think so. But have you considered all of the other people who through history have tried to rule the world? People like Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Stalin and Hitler, these men have tried to rule our world, but all of them have one thing in common, and that is that they all failed miserably to do so. But, there is coming a day in the not too far future when a monster will rule this world for seven long years and then watch out. I am not going to go any further with that line of study as it is for another day and will take up too much space here.

But all the same these are some of the stories that are now world famous, but also at the same time they seem to show Jewish people in a bad light.

Chapter 5. The 1890’s to 1948.  The Mandate Years and World War Two

In this chapter we get to the heart of the British involvement in Israel’s future and the renewal of the Jewish State, and also and how we turned our backs on the Jewish people, to our own hurt and dismay.

We need to start a little before 1917 and go back about one hundred and forty years to the latter end of the 18th century for a minute.
Earlier I mentioned the Naturalization bill of 1753 and the effects that it had on its introduction to our laws. Well, from 1768 - 1774 there were Pogroms in Russia and Jewish people were trying to get of that country. We restricted our intake in how many we would allow to come into the land, even then. The Jewish community agreed to these restrictions as they( The Jewish community) did not have the resources to be able to help all of these poor Jews from Russia themselves, at that time.

Another thing that I recently came across was that until 1858 no Jewish person could become an M.P. in the British Government.
Thirteen bills to change this law were introduced into Parliament and thirteen times it was thrown out. The main obstacle was the House of Lords, who were against these bills going through and becoming law. The reasoning behind it, (I do not have any idea why they were against such a thing), but it could have been something to do with the class culture of the day. That was the keeping of the lower classes in their place, while the upper classes kept all of their wealth and rank etc.
A Lionel Rothschild, between 1847 and 1852 was elected as an M. P. three times and was barred three times from taking his seat in the House of Commons. Benjamin Disraeli brought in a bill to help to change this state of affairs and it was passed as law in 1858, and Lionel Rothschild, became an M.P. after 11 years of winning his first election seat in 1847.

All over Europe at different times there have been Programs against the Jewish people. They were moved from one place to another for no apparent reasons other than that they were Jews. This carried on well into the twentieth century, in the Stalinist era in Russia.
In the 1890’s Jewish refugees coming to our land were opposed by the Trade Unions of the day under the pretext that they would be cheap labour and would undermine our own peoples wages etc. Never mind helping others in desperate need for safety and help to escape from the terrors that they were put under and facing every day in Eastern Europe.
If you have ever seen the film, “Fiddler on the roof” it should have given you an idea of what life was like in Russia in that period of history.

In Britain Arthur Balfour was the Prime Minister from 1902 - 1906, and he proposed restrictions on the numbers of Jews who could come to our country.

But there was a Jewish champion, in the shape of Lord Rothschild. He used his position quietly and effectively behind the scenes to get this proposed legislation dropped.

In 1880 about 65 000 Jewish immigrants arrived in Great Britain and a lot of them settled in the East End of London. By 1914 there were approx. 300 000 Jewish people in the U.K. of which 200 000 lived in the London area.

By 1917, the country saw Arthur Balfour as Foreign Secretary in the British Government. This was in the middle of World War 1. We were stuck with a big problem caused by the lack of gunpowder. It was a Jewish scientist who saved our country from losing that war, by the invention of an alternative source of powder for our big guns.
When asked what he wanted as a reward for his invention that saved Great Britain, all that Chiam Weisman asked for was a homeland for his, the Jewish, people.
The British army had captured Jerusalem from the Turks in 1917 and looked after it’s affairs until the league of nations gave the Mandate to Britain to run the country until further notice. This agreement was ratified in 1920. So Israel was added to the British Empire, in a way, for about thirty years.

A question I want to ask you here is who started the concentration camp system? Do you know? It may surprise you when I tell you it was started in the Second Boer war (1898 to 1902 approx.) by the British administration in South Africa during that time of conflict.
I have discovered that there were 35 camps in South Africa detaining mainly Dutch women and children and African people. I remember seeing a photo of one of these camps many years ago, and in it was a woman , looking through the barbed wire fence. Why was she there? It was a way to get at her husband. By doing this to thousands of South Africans they hoped to demoralize the fighting men.

In one camp called the ”Balmoral Camp” there  died at least 217 000 Dutch and African people. It is reported that many of them died by starvation, disease, maggots on food, poisoned with copper-sulphate. Other things were added to their food as well, and they were ground up glass, fish hooks and razor blades. Not much love for those who are your enemy was there?
This was supposed to have been a way of treating people nicely and fairly. To take these people to the camps they were transported in open cattle trucks to the camps where they would be incarcerated for years. Now where did you hear of these things happening later on? In Germany, of course in the 1930’s and in the 1940’s.

By now you may be asking what has this to do with Britain and the Jews?

I have been told that the Nazi’s in Germany never had an idea of their own, but copied the ideas from other nations and perfected them. If you look at the concentration camps in German occupied Europe of the 1930’ and 1940’s can you see similar things to the camps that we started in South Africa?

Did you know that we had a concentration camp in Israel? It was a detention centre with barbed wire fences, watch towers and guards, just like a concentration camp.  Well, I did not know about this until I saw the DVD called, “The Forsaken Promise” made by the Hatikva Trust about two years ago. You can still get this DVD today from your local Christian bookshop, or from the Hatikvah film Trust direct. You will need to look up their web site for the details of how to order this DVD.
This camp in Israel, (I hate the word Palestine) was formed in 1934 at a town called Atlit, 12 miles south of Haifa. The reason for it being built was to appease the Arab demands to stop Jewish immigration into Israel.

The story of the British involvement in Israel from 1917 to 1948 is very long and in some parts it is very complicated, so I will not go into a lot of details here about those times. But just to say that our running of Israel at that time does not show us as a nation of Christians at all in a very good light.

During this period of British history in Israel, the Arabs did not like the agreements made and stirred up trouble in the land. So concessions were made to cut  out a large part of the land that was promised to the Jewish people and given to the Arabs. This is now called Jordan. That was in 1928 after the plans were first drawn up in 1922 by the then British High Commissioner, Herbert Samuel. This is a big chunk of the land that was promised to Israel, but they never received it at all. One day God is going to give them (Israel) all of the land that He promised that they would have. You can find several references to this in your Bibles.
Even with that, the Arabs in Israel did not like it, they wanted all of the land, as they still do today. They wanted the Jews out. Full stop. The Moslem fanatics want Israel dead and buried and also the Christians After that then anyone else who is not, or has not become a Moslem at that time.



The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem sided with Hitler and actually went to see him in Berlin on one occasion, and said that he would help Hitler to get rid of the Jews. They are both dead and the Jews are still there in the land of Israel.  God has said that this land is theirs forever, no matter what any other nation thinks, says, thinks or does, it belongs to the Jewish people forever. Read the promises for yourselves as you study what God said to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and others all through the Bible. Do this as another study to see of I am correct or not.

As I have already pointed out to you that Anti-Semitism is never very far below the surface of our country and every now and again it rears up its ugly head. It did so in the 1920’s in Britain when various political parties and part of the trade union movement were anti-Jewish in that they wanted to exclude the Jewish people from coming to our land once more. I know that times were hard then for our country, but where was our love and compassion for others who were worse off than we were?

The Jewish people in London were again under attack in the 1930’s by the British Nazi party of the day, led by Oswald Mosley These verbal attacks got so serious that on October 4th 1936 there was a big fight in Cable Street, East London.

This had been  a predominately Jewish area of the city for many generations, but now the Jewish people in London live mainly in the North West of the metropolis.

The fight actually did not involved the British Union of Fascists as the police had dispersed them to Hyde Park on the west side of the city. The fight was between the Anti-Fascists and the police. The Anti-Fascists had blocked the road to stop the march and police were intent on letting the march go down the road. This is what led to the clashes.

A fifteen year old boy said that he had tears in his eyes as he saw bearded Jews and Irish Catholic Dockers standing up to the evils of the Fascist movement. 

In 1938 the Home Secretary, Samuel Hoare is supposed to have said the following about Jewish people arriving in Britain,” We don’t want a Jewish problem here”. (End of quote).
Well, that sort of statement gives some fanatics just the sort of  excuse to cause problems for the Jewish people and also for any other group of people that these fanatics hate at the time.

Before we leave the 1930’s I want to tell you of another discovery which I made through the DVD I mentioned a little while ago.

There was a man called Charles Wingate-Ord (1903-1944). I knew of his exploits in Burma in World War 2, but not of his involvement in Israel in the years 1936 - 1939.

During his three years in Israel he taught many young Jewish men how to defend themselves from Arab attacks. He also used guerrilla attacks to defend the Haifa pipeline from attacks by the Arabs.

The British Administration of that time did not like what he was doing as they felt that he was going against the British interests for the independence of Israel that they had him removed out of the land. I understand that his passport was stamped with words “not allowed to return to Palestine”.

Charles Wingate-Ord was a pro-Israeli man and this I think is why he was removed out of the land in 1939. He died fighting in the war in the Far East when his plane crashed in a Burmese jungle.

Also at the outbreak of the Second World War there were ships taking refugees to Israel from Europe. The first one was the S.S. Poseidon with 65 Jewish people on board. This took place on 12 Jan. 1938.
As the likelihood of a war progressed more people tried to get of Germany and go to Israel. More ships sailed taking refugees to Israel, and quite a few of them were captured by the Royal Navy. Below is a list of the ones that I know of and what became of them.

S.S. Atrato May 28th 1939. No more information available at present.

S.S. Atlantic. This steamship left Bratislava for Haifa in Israel. The journey down the River Danube took ninety days to complete. On board there were 2000 Jewish people. The British authorities refused to let the ship disembark any of its passengers. Finally it was made to go to the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. (see the SS. Patria, below)

S.S. Aghios Nicholaos. 1939.  This ship was attacked by the Royal Navy and 1 person was killed and several others were wounded. It had originally set sail from Brno, in the Czech Republic.

S.S. Patria. Nov. 1940. This ship was going to Mauritius with 1800 Jewish refugees on it and was sunk by the Haganah movement by accident. They used too much explosive to stop the ship. These passengers had been arrested on the following ships and transferred to the SS. Patria. From the S.S. Pacific, S.S. Atlantic and the S.S. Milos. After the sinking, in which 216 people were drowned the must have returned to Haifa and the rest of the detainees were put into a British concentration camp in Atlit, near Haifa, in Israel for a few months and then released.  There seems to be a discrepancy here as to the correct numbers on the SS. Atlantic and the SS. Patria. I have not been told how many people were transferred from each of the ships to the SS. Patria, but if there were two thousand on the SS. Atlantic alone, then what became of the rest of these people? There seems to be over two hundred people missing here. Where did they go? Were they taken off the ships and put into the camp in Haifa or somewhere else? Does anyone out there have any idea what happened to these poor people?

S.S. Salvador sank in a storm or it was possibly torpedoed. No-one is sure about this. Date not known.

S.S. Darien 2. March 1941, 800 Jews were interred in the same camp until it was closed in Sept. 1942.

SS. Dunera. 1940. This ship was used as a transport ship by the Royal Navy in this war. It became known as the “hell ship” as you will see in a minute or two. I will be telling you about the camps in Great Britain for “enemy aliens” presently. But, this ship was used in the same way to get rid of “enemy aliens” to Australia.  On board this ship which sailed from Liverpool in July 1940 were 2542 males of all ages. Some were of German and Austrian backgrounds and about two thirds were Jewish people who had escaped from Germany and the Nazi regime. (1694 approx. were Jewish).
The ship arrived in Melbourne in Sept 1940 and 500 deportees were put into a camp by the name of Tatura. Then the ship sailed on to Sydney where the rest of the deportees were discharged and put into a camp at Hays. Later on they were transferred to the previous place and put into that camp.

The conditions that these people had to endure were terrible and by October 1940 the British government had been told about the atrocities that the escort guards on the ship had committed on the deportees, that some of them were taken to court. I do not know what was done to these people, I will leave that to your imagination,  but it was a big blot on our supposed civilised way of doing things. I am told that anti-Semitism was rife on this ship. There would have been nowhere for the Jewish people to get away from it.

This resulted in the government having to pay compensation to a lot of those men and boys on the ship. After the war was over about 900 of these people stayed in Australia and I do not know what became of the others.

Now back to the Haifa camp. This camp was closed from Sept 1942 until 1945. On 10th October 1945, a special forces group from the Haganah, called, Palmach, raided this camp and released 200 people in the camp. From then on the Jewish people detained by the British authorities were sent to camps in Cyprus.
The Cyprus camps were used until the British handed over the land of Israel to the Jewish people in 1948.

S.S. Bulgaria. Dec.1940. Arrived of  the coast of Israel and was sent back to Bulgaria.
It never reached its destination as it capsized in the Turkish Straits, drowning 280 refugees. I have not been able to find the cause of this sinking as yet.

The worst atrocity that I have come across from this sad period of our history is the fate of the S.S. Struma.
This ship was originally built in 1865 approx. Its original name was “Macedonia”. This totally un-seaworthy ship left Constanta with 769 refugees and 10 crew on board her. By Dec16th 1941 it had arrived in Istanbul in a bad way. It needed a lot of help in the way of food and water, medicines etc. But because pressure was put on the Turkish Government by the British High Commissioner, The Arabs and the Nazi’s, no help was forth coming. The people were not allowed to leave the ship. Nor was anyone else allowed to go on to the ship either.
On the 24 Feb. 1942 it was ordered to leave the harbour. It was not allowed to go to Israel, but, probably it was going to go back to where it had come from. Nobody really knows for sure where it was going. But, where ever it was intending to go, it never reached it’s destination, as it sank in the Black Sea, killing 428 men, 269 women and 70 children. There was only one man who survived the ordeal.
For many years it was thought that the ship had exploded from within, but after the fall of Communism it was discovered that the S.S. Struma had been attacked by a Russian Submarine and sunk with one torpedo. This record was found in the Russian archives in Moscow not so many years ago.

What the British High Commissioner, (Sir Harold MacMicheal), in Israel, never told anyone was that he had permission to take off all of the children, and take them to safety in Israel, but he withheld the message from the families with children on board the ship. He could have saved those 70 children, but chose not to. After the war was over neither he, nor the Russian submarine captain were ever tried as war criminals. One day they will stand before Almighty God and have to explain to Him why he never tried to save those children, or their families.

S.S. Exodus. This ship was rammed in international waters by the Royal Navy in June 1947, then towed to Haifa, and it did the Jewish cause a lot of good, because all of the passengers were sent back to Hamburg in Germany, where they had come from and were put back into the camps from which they had been freed earlier. This caused an uproar when the news got out and that is why it did the Jewish cause a lot of good.
As World War two broke out in Europe, many Jewish people who had come to Britain for safety from the tyranny of Nazi Germany were rounded up and put into camps in Britain.

These were Jewish people who had not, for whatever reason, taken out British Citizenship when they arrived here. It is possible that they had been turned down for citizenship, or that they had just arrived here as the war broke out. Who knows? I do not and there seems not to be any records kept of hose who did not get citizenship then. I knew that aliens living in Britain who came from Germany and Italy had been rounded up, but not the Jews. I know that spies could have come into our country disguised as aliens wanting to settle here and that was probably the reason for rounding up all foreigners and interring them.

The worst of these camps was in the disused Warth Cotton Mill, Bury, Lancashire. At this camp there were 2000 people interred, with on the outside two rows of barbed wire and armed guards to keep them all in. They were classed by the Government as “Suspected enemy aliens”. All that most of these people wanted to do, was to get out of the tyranny in Germany and to be safe in another country. So it seems that by the actions of the then British Government, that we treated the Jews from Germany almost as badly as the Germans did, with the exception that we did not kill them in gas chambers. This is another blot on our history in dealing with the Jews. The Government did not want “A Jewish problem”, but they caused one. I was horrified at the treatment given to those who were rounded up and you can see the similarities with the way that the Jewish people were treated in the death camps of Germany.

Let me now describe what was in the camp for them to make life comfortable as possible. Their beds were boards. There were no tables or benches to sit on. There were 18 taps and one, note that one, bath for 2000 people. If they wanted medicines they had to pay for them. But, how could you pay for medicine when the guards had taken, or had stolen all of your wallets and money and had shared these things out among themselves? This is how we treated people from Europe in those days. It is possible that there were enemy spies who came to Britain pretending to be refugees as I have already said, and I would accept that, but to lock up all foreigners irrespectively seems totally against what the Bible teaches us on how to care for others who were in great need of food and comfort after getting out of Nazi Germany.

Our Government had been warned of the events that were taking place in Germany from the middle to late 1930’s onwards, but it seems to me that they either ignored it, or that they did not want to do anything about the situation of those trying to escape.
They did not want “A Jewish Problem “ over here as well, and that is the way that we dealt with it.
In my research, I have discovered that the Government of Great Britain knew about the death camps in 1943 but as every broadcast on radio ( no television news then) was censored they could not report what was going on but only give out the official policy of the Government. It had to give out the Government line that we needed to win the war first and then we would save the Jews. To myself that meant doing nothing for the Jewish people, unless they were forced into doing something for them.
Another sad thing which our nation did in the Second World War was concerning orphaned children. There were lots of genuine orphans at that time whose parents had been killed in the air raids or on the battlefields of the world. Some of these children were not real orphans but were lied to by the British authorities.

A lot of these youngsters were lied to about their families to get them to leave our country for Australia.  Some of them were Jewish children. When these children reached their new homes on the other side of the world they were used as slave labour, homesick, abused sexually and humiliated by the people who were supposed to take care of them. Jesus spoke very sternly about making a child mistrust God. You can find what He said when you look it up in one of the Gospel Books. Because of the harsh treatment which they received, many of them became very fearful and anxious. There were three institutions in Great Britain which collude and concocted this plan. They were the Government, The Churches and the Children’s Charities.
It was when the camps in Eastern Europe and Germany were liberated in 1945 that the world first had a true glimpse of what had been going on in these death camps all over Europe. Richard Dimbleby was one of the early reporters who visited some of the camps and he told exactly what he saw on those terrible days. For over two years our Government had kept a vigil of silence on the whole matter of the extermination of the Jews in Germany and the death camps.

Towards the end of the war the Government started to allow some food to get through to the camps to help the victims survive, but it sent massive amounts to the former German occupied countries of Europe. The official figures that I have come across were as follows. 4500 tons, total, via the Red Cross to the camp victims, and 35 000 tons per month to Greece. Please note that well.
I have never been able to find out why we gave so much food away as we were on short rations ourselves here at that time, and for some years afterwards. But, again why so little to the camps? I can just remember things like sugar coming “off ration”, when I was about 12 years old in 1952.

We got extra rations because my father worked on the railway keeping the London Underground Railway lines open. But we like a lot of others had our gardens to grow some of the things that we needed to keep us going.
Why was there such a small amount sent to the death camps? Was there some medical reasons that we do not know about? I did hear years ago that some of those who were rescued from the camps were so starved that they died as soon as they were given a lot of food to eat. Their bodies just could not take in a lot of food after being starved for such a long time as they had been. Or, was it because they were Jewish? It makes you think doesn’t it?

Last night I watched part of a programme called, “Auschwitz, The Nazis and the final solution”. These programmes showed what happened to the Jews and any one else who did not fit into the Nazi ideas of what being a German was. (i.e. Blue eyed and blond haired). We were told that in this camp complex one and a half million people came in, and only two hundred thousand survived. Nearly of those killed were Jews, including two hundred thousand children.
Another part of this film series showed how the German High command tried to blackmail the Allies by asking for ten thousand trucks  so that their army could fight the Russians, and in return they would release thousands of Jewish people. This meeting was held in Aleppo in Northern Syria in 1944.

The Hungarian Jewish representative was sent by the Germans to negotiate this so called exchange. But in case he did not return his family were held as hostages until he returned to Budapest. If he failed to return his family would be the first people on the trains to Auschwitz or some other death camp.

The British attaches and people in charge said no to this exchange idea, but they would not let this man go back to Budapest, so they sent him to Cairo. Needless to say that his family in Hungary were the first to be put on the death train to somewhere.

The German idea was to split the Allied cause, but it failed. Because of this failure by the Allies to give the German army anything, many more Jewish people were sent to the death camps and their demise. I can understand why the Allies did not want to swap trucks for people, but surely they could have done something to save those Jewish people who were being used as pawns by the Germans. Our country would not help them, nor would the Americans and others either. So, they all died in the Auschwitz death camp complex. I wonder did the Jewish people start to think that no country ever wanted them. I have heard somewhere along the line that because other nations did not want the Jews to live in their countries that they were not wanted by anyone, so the Germans, who also did not want them, started the idea of the “Final Solution”. Watch out fellow Christians as this could happen again and it is possible that it could happen to us as well who are not Jewish. That is the idea of the Moslem world. First get rid on the Saturday people, the Jews, then get rid of the Sunday people, the Christians and finally get rid of anyone who is not of the Moslem religion. You have been warned. There is an enemy out there in the world that is after your destruction if you are a true believer in Jesus Christ of Nazareth. So be on your guard and stay alert and read what God says in His word about the end times. At the same time watch what God is going to do and is already doing in Israel and what He will do through His chosen people, the Jews.
I have felt for sometime that we are not far off the end days when Jesus will return to the Earth as the Messiah, by the things that I see happening around the world. By the way Israel is being attacked in one form or another.

So, fellow believer look up because our Lord Jesus is on His way and it will not be very long now before we meet Him in the air. Praise God.

Here are some quotes that I have come across from what some influential people in Britain have said publicly about the Jews since the 1940’s.

Herbert Morrison M.P. wanted to repatriate the Jews to the countries where they had come from, not Palestine, as it was in those days. His words not mine, as I hate the word Palestine. This was said in the 1940’s. Would you have wanted to go back to a country which hated you? I don’t think so, somehow.

There were more Pogroms in Eastern Europe from 1946 to 1947. So to have sent the Jewish people back there would have meant a certain death for a lot of them who had escaped from the death camps earlier.

In 1960 Arnold Toynbee observed that, ”Zionism is not Israel’s behaviour towards the Palestinians, but in his view the Jews are an illicit nation who have no right to be a nation.” End of quote.

In 2007 the previous Mayor of London said, ”Creation of Israel was a mistake”. End of quote.

That now brings us to the next chapter of what has been going on in Britain since 1947 and the relationship with the Jews in Israel and at home.

Chapter 6. 1948 to the present time

As we move forward to our modern times, I want to look at what was happening in Israel around 1946 - 1947 for a short while.

After the war was over, many of the displaced Jewish people from Eastern Europe headed for Israel, but were stopped and interred as I have already mentioned. At the same time those who managed to get ashore in Israel were shot at by the British army and on other occasions the soldiers let them into the land by turning a blind eye to what was going on. A lot of these soldiers were the last to return home to Britain after the war as I have been told from first hand experiences of a soldier who was out there at that time. When theses new immigrants tried to get to Jerusalem in convoys, for safety, they were not allowed to travel in that way by the British Authorities.

It is approx 40 miles from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and  quite a bit more from Haifa. From the Mediterranean coast the land is quite flat for about half of the way to the capital. From this halfway point the land changes to very steep hills and the roads of 1948 are not like the highways out there today.

Because of the people not being able to, or allowed to, travel in convoys to the capital, many were shot and killed by the Arabs on those roads. Literally hundreds of people were killed in this way. As you travel the main highway from the airport to the capital, you will see reminders of the events of those days. In the hill country there are several shells of old vehicles on the sides of the road. They were reinforced with an outer shell, and stones were placed between the outer shell and the inner shell of these vehicles to protect the drivers. Again this could have been prevented if the British Authorities had showed some love and compassion for other people.
I have heard that some of the more patriotic of the Jewish people were hanged by the British, possibly it was because they stood up to them and were helping their own people to get into the land. I do not know for sure why this was done, but they were hanged all the same. During these days of dramatic changes, the main road from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem was blocked by the Arabs and the people in Jerusalem were running short of food and supplies. Some one on the Jewish side found an old map of the area showing a track road that was not very often used by anyone, which would circumvent using the main road. This track road became known as the “Burma Road”. By using this route the much needed supplies of food and other essential goods were able to be delivered to the beleaguered people in Jerusalem.

In my original notes I was going to put a very bold statement in at this point to say that Britain stands accused of the murder of thousands of Jewish people, but God is the one to whom my nation will have an answer to on Judgement Day, not me.

In 1948 just after the day of Israel’s independence, the country was attacked by the Jordanian army from the East side of the River Jordan. They took all of what is called the East Bank, including half of the Old City of Jerusalem. Now I did not know until I was in Israel one day about ten years ago that this army was trained and led by British officers and armed by the British as well.


I only found this out when we went to the “Last day” museum in Jerusalem. It so upset my wife and I that we were both crying as we left that building and all that we could say to the lady at the door was, ”sorry”.
As we left the area of the Old City, we were so ashamed of our country and I still am for the way that we have treated God’s Chosen People over the centuries.

The Bible asks a very strange question and it is this, ”Can a nation be born in a day?” Only with God can this sort of thing ever come about. It did in May 1948 after the U.N. passed a resolution in 1947 to say that the Jewish people should be allowed to have a country of their own once more. Not just any old land or country, but their original and ancient homeland, which God had said through Abraham that it was theirs forever. Not for a year or two. Not for a century or two. Not for a millennium or two, but forever. The land of Israel was re-born on 14th May 1948 and that was God’s biggest sign to our generations that His programme and time scale were on the move towards the final solution that God has for this world and all who are alive on the planet called, Earth. Not mans “Final solution”, but God’s.

I have felt for a very long time that this, the betrayal of Israel and the Jews, was the final straw for God’s patience with our nation, that He has now left us to go our own way and we are now seeing the results of not helping the Jewish people. Even though you may not agree with me, look at the way we have lost the great empire that we once had. From 1948 to about 1978 we lost almost all of that great empire and are now a second rate nation in world affairs. Our governments have made their choices and now we are paying the price for those decisions that they made on our behalf.

The Bible teaches us that Israel, the land and the people are special to God and that if any person, ruler or nation touches it they are in trouble, big trouble. God says that it is like poking Him in the eye when you touch His land, or His people. In the natural run of things if you get a poke in your eye, it hurts a lot when it happens. God is saying exactly the same thing to us today, “ If you touch my land or my people, then you are poking me in the eye”.

What is needed, is for the Government of Great Britain  to acknowledge the mistakes of the previous administrations and to go and ask the forgiveness of the Jewish people, and to repent and try to do some good for Israel instead. At the moment I will not hold my breath for any such thing to come about in our nation. Until we do repent of our treatment to the Jewish people, our nation will remain under the judgement of Almighty God, and so will every other nation or person who comes against Israel and the Jewish people.
The Jewish people are still God’s chosen race and we cannot do anything to them for harmful reasons and expect God to bless us. That applies to governments, churches, denominations of the Christian church and individuals as well. But, instead we will get the wrath of God on our heads for doing harm to the land and the people.

Now I am going to tell you about the continued Anti-Semitism in the U.K. from the time of Israel being re-born right up to date.

Most of our media is biased against Israel, and this is born out by the letters which I read almost every day. In late 2008 and early 2009 the Israeli army has been attacking the Hamas movement in Gaza and the Israelis are getting slated every day for going in to sort out this problem group of people.
I am not against the ordinary people, but what I am against is the way that Hamas is manipulating the minds of their people to hate the Jewish nation and its people from a very early age. Most of the ordinary Arab people , like the ordinary Jewish people just want to be left alone to get on with their every day lives and not to be under a constant threat of war of fighting.
One of the major news broadcasters is very biased against Israel and I have proved it to be so on several occasions in the past. An example of this was about four years ago now.
I was in Jerusalem on a tour, and on one evening a group of us walked into the city centre for the evening, to have a coffee and look at the shops. On our way in, there was a demonstration going on the opposite side of the road. We were not taking too much notice as we walked by until a van load of young people alighted from a mini-bus on our side of the road. We asked what was going on and we were told that it was a student demonstration about education cuts in their budgets.

Four days later, after arriving back in the U.K., a friend of mine was watching the news on this broadcaster’s news channel, and it said that on that night, when we were in Jerusalem, that there had been a big demonstration, and guns had been fired and baton charges had been made against the demonstrators.
We had heard nothing of the sort on that evening during our time in the city. When he asked the broadcaster about this event that they say had happened, the excuse that they gave was that it was a freelance reporters work and that they had had no time to check it properly. It was pure fiction.

Let us look at the continued bombings and rocket attacks on Israel.
This same broadcaster issues news from the Arab side of the equation, but never or, rarely from the Jewish side of things in a fair and proper manner. Israel is always made out to be the baddy in these events. In this fighting in Gaza there have been stories that so many people have been killed in Gaza. When they were asked how this was checked they could not give an answer. On January10th. 2009 there were demonstrations in London against the Jewish people and Israel over this fighting. It was covered nearly every news time on this particular channel. There was a reporter there all day long. Now come a solidarity demonstration on the following day by Jews and Christians I only saw ten seconds worth of pictures of this rally in London and nothing was shown about the one in Manchester at all. I sat and timed this news report in front of my wife. Another letter of complaint was sent to this broadcaster again on the following day about this poor coverage of these two events and the large coverage of the first event on Saturday 10 January 2009. Today is February 16th 2009 and so far I have not had the courtesy of a reply as yet from this broadcasters news editor.

Every other country in the world has the right to defend itself from any attack by an aggressor, but according to this news channel, Israel is always made out to be the one that starts the trouble.

At the end of December 2008, I was putting these thoughts down on paper, Israel started to attack Gaza. But from all of the filming that I have seen on the news it only shows the Arabs in Gaza being hit by Israeli rockets. But they have not shown how many rockets have come out of Gaza and landed in Israel. So far in the past week (last week in 2008) over 100 rockets were launched from Gaza into Israel. On one day there were eighty such rockets sent over the borders, yet Israel is supposed, according to the world media, to just sit back and let it happen. Can you imagine what would happen if for arguments sake that the Scottish people started to send rockets over their borders into England? There would be an all out fight to get this trouble stopped in a short space of time. The excuse would be that they attacked us first without any provocation and we must defend ourselves from this aggressor. So why is Israel not allowed the right to defend herself just like any other nation?

Several Governments want to split up Israel into two states, but this goes against the Word of God and The Bible gives a warning that any person, or nation that divides His land, or His people will be in big trouble. If God says something in His word, the Bible, then we had better take a lot of notice of what He is telling us.
Yet our nation takes little, or no, notice of the Bible’s warnings and has taken sides with other nations to split the land of Israel into two parts. An Israeli State and a Palestinian one. God has been punishing Britain and the U.S.A. over the last two to three years with severe storms, flooding and hurricanes of grade 5, which are the most powerful and severe ones. But, we still plod on trying to split Israel into two parts. Why? When we are told by God that it is not what He wants. It is the enemies way of trying to stop the return of the Messiah to Jerusalem, just as the Bible predicts will happen. We will never be able to stop what God wants to do for Israel and for His people. We may be able to slow things down, possibly But, God will win in the end. Just read your Bible carefully and prayerfully. As the day approaches for the return of the Messiah things will get worse in this world before His return to Jerusalem.

There have always been attacks on the Jewish people down the pages of history, right across the world. But of late they have been getting worse.

Every year there have been Anti-Semitic attacks in Britain, but from 2005 they have got worse, as the figures below show.

In 2005 there were about 200 reported attacks in the U.K.

2006. 550 +                                       ------ ditto ------

2007. 540 +                                       ------ ditto -------

2008. 535 +                                       -------ditto-------

The correct details are shown later on.

There has also been a rise in the number of German second World War re-enactment group across Europe, including Great Britain. Also at these so called re-enactment groups there were books on sale to deny that the Holocaust never took place, or to say that the Jews made up the story for their own ends. I saw this on a national T. V. programme in Britain, and also in the Ukraine in 2007. I was also told that this had been seen in 2007 in the Czech Republic on their national T. V.

Below is a list of some of the 500 Anti-Semitic events for 2006 which was shown on Channel 4 T. V. on  9th July 2007.
The programme was called, “ The war on Britain’s Jews” by Richard Littlejohn. If you go to their Web site under Channel4.com/belief, you can see a summary of this programme for yourself.
The phrase “Anti-Semitism” was first used in the 1870’s to describe racial hatred of the Jewish people.

I have already said that the largest Jewish area in Great Britain is in North London and the second biggest Jewish area is in Manchester in the North West of England.

This programme gave a wide selection of events that had happened to Jewish people over the previous year. (2006)

1. A Rabbi was beaten up so badly that his arm and collarbone were broken. No reason given by the perpetrators.

2. Anti-Semitic incidents in 2006 were almost 10 per week across the country.

3. Jewish graves daubed with swastikas.

4. King David Jewish school in Manchester has had to put high and strong fences around the school buildings for protection against Anti-Semitic attacks.

5. A government enquiry found that Anti-Semitism in Britain was getting worse and not going away as it had thought to have been.

6. Arabic version of Hitler’s book, Mein Kamf being sold in London in early 2007.

7. Jewish Graves and gravestones being destroyed in Manchester and in other places as well.

8. Arab T.V. programmes putting out the story of the blood libels. I mentioned this earlier. Nothing new here.

9. Lorna FitzSimmons, M. P.  for Rochdale, Lancashire had lies told about herself as being Jewish, when she was not. She is a friend of Israel though. Muslim activists tried to get her voted out. She eventually did lose her seat as an M. P. at the following general elections.

10. Journalists and Professors backed a call to boycott Israeli goods.

11. Liberal white, and left wing groups are anti Israel.

12. A female Jewish student, was verbally abused in her college by being called names, being spat on, and also being called a prostitute.

13. An 18 year old student finds it being difficult to be a Jew in Britain and wants to leave the country as soon as he is able. He had a bottle thrown at his head in London.

14. Jews being blamed for all the ills of society, as usual.

Why?  It is not the battle that you see on the news every day or two, but it is the battle on the spiritual level that is behind all of these things. Satan hates the Jews and has tried to destroy them several times down the pages of History. Again that is another subject for you to study on another occasion, but below is an outline of the times that the Devil has tried to kill off the Jewish nation.

Something that I have discovered from the history of the Jewish people is this. That when ever God is going to do something through the Jewish nation that there is always something going on by the enemy to try to stop the event from happening.

The Bible gives us a few examples of this.

Part 1. The Exodus

The Pharaoh of Egypt wanted to kill all of the baby boys. What was God going to do? Free His people from slavery and set up the nation of Israel for the first time.

Part 2. Esther. What was God going to do here?

He was going to free the people again to reset up the Earthly kingdom of Israel through Nehemiah and Ezra. Even though God is not mentioned once in this short book, you can see the way that He was at work in certain people in high places in readiness for the attack that was going to come later on. By that move, God saved His Chosen People.

Part 3. Birth of Jesus

Herod killed all the boys under two years old, why? To stop Jesus being born to set us free from our sins and to try to stop God’s plan of redemption becoming a reality for the human race.

Part 4. The Holocaust 1939 - 1945

While this event is not mentioned in our Bibles, I feel that it is of such great importance to our story that I have included this terrible and tragic event in this book at this particular point. By my including it here, I hope that it will show you, the reader, that the Jewish people have suffered far more down the pages of history, far more than any other race of people on the Earth. Yet, despite that fact, the Jewish people are still alive and kicking. God will always keep His promises to a person or to a nation which will believe and be obedient to Him.
Why did this terrible event take place ?  Where at least 6 million Jewish people died., and added to that there were millions of others who perished at the hands of the Nazi regime, simply because they did not fit in to their ideas of who could be part of the “Master Race”. If you did not fit in, you were dead. What God was going do was to set up the nation of Israel for the third time after nearly two thousand years of being out of the land.
If the enemy had been able to get rid of the Jews as in the previous attempts by the Devil to annihilate the Jewish race, then there would have been no Saviour, no salvation and certainly no hope for anyone in the world to be redeemed, or saved, at all.
No other nation has been taken out of their homeland, twice in its history, and then has been allowed back, and at the same time kept their identity and their faith in the foreign countries to which they were driven, as have the Jewish people. Only our God could do such a thing for a nation which He chose to bless the world through. Yet in all of these times of exile, God has not forsaken or stopped loving them. They are still His chosen race of people, whether we like it or not, and God is certainly going to bless them once more when the last Jewish person is back in Israel, according to His plans and timetable. Watch out and see what our God is going to do.

I have heard many of the tragic tales of the Holocaust on my two visits to the Ukraine. The people there are still remembering the painful things that they and their families went through in the years 1941-1944, as though it had happened yesterday.

There are those people who will deny that this event ever happened, I know that these events did happen,  from the stories that I have been told on the two visits that I have made to the Ukraine in 2007 and 2008. At first I did not believe that such things could have happened, but, when you were hearing the same story in village after village, I began to realise what had happened and that the holocaust did take place. I will be dealing with my two Ukraine visits later on.
One thing which I would like to do is to take the Holocaust deniers to the Ukraine to meet the people whose lives were so tragically damaged and try to get them to explain to these hurt and damaged families, why they say that there was no Holocaust. They probably would not want to face up to these families, which are still grieving more than sixty years after these events happened.

I have, just this week in January 2009, discovered that there were Jewish convicts which the British government transported to Australia for crimes committed in Britain. Between the years 1787 and 1868, Great Britain transported many convicts from the British courts to Australia.

This journey took about six months to complete by sea, that is if they ever arrived there in the first place. The punishment of transportation was usually for life and if you returned to Britain, without being pardoned by the British government, and were caught you would be hanged.
Among these convicts were Jewish people, and they set up a Jewish colony in Sydney. It seems that there is evidence that there are young Jewish families emigrating that way instead of going to Israel. Going to Australia for Jewish people is to my mind going the wrong way and to the wrong place. They need to go to Israel as that is where God wants them to go to, and that is where He will meet with them again, as per what the Bible teaches in the scriptures.

I am returning to the fighting in Gaza for a minute or two.
Since December 2008 there has been a lot of fighting in the Gaza Strip between Israel and Hamas. This fighting has led to a lot of Anti-Semitic protests across the world and here in the U.K. during this first week or two of the new year there have been between 20-25 Anti-Jewish incidents and there was an arson attack in North London on a Synagogue on January 4th. About the same time in a main road in Golders Green, North London, a mob of 15-20 yobs were shouting at people passing by the words,  “Jew” and “Free Palestine”. Golders Green is one of the main Jewish areas of London, the others are in the Finchley and Stanmore districts which are next to Golders Green.
As well as this there is, and has been, a lot of Anti-Jewish sentiments expressed on television and in the newspapers every day and we have been saddened that our once great country is being sucked in by the blatant lies that are being put out as truth. Sometimes it is not outright lies, but a half truth to make us think one way and to make us accept or believe that what was being said, was the truth.

I will give you a stern warning here, in that you should not believe everything that you see on the television news, or for what you read in your daily newspapers either. Quite often when these news reporters write or speak about what they are seeing, it is biased against Israel. They are out to make Israel to be the bully boys, but they fail to tell you that since the Gaza was left to the Palestinians three years back in 2005, that somewhere between 5000 and 8000 (possibly more) rockets have been launched against Israel. I have heard that there have been as many as eighty rockets launched against Israel in one day. But that is not mentioned in British television or the British newspapers.

I have a report from the Community Security Trust in front of me, ( This trust reports on anti-Semitic incidents in the United Kingdom, and works with the government and police agencies), and I am now going to give you the exact figures which they have produced for 2007. These are the reported incidents of anti-Semitism in Great Britain. There were 547 reported anti-Jewish attacks in one way or another in that year and next is the list of places where these attacks took place.









36 Other places 






















The breakdown of these 561 incidents into their different categories is as follows:


Abusive behaviour      


Extreme violence            


Damage and desecration 















All through that year there were attacks of one sort or another on Jewish people ranging from 32 attacks in January 2007 to 78 attacks in September that year.   In 2006 there were 594 anti-Semitic attacks reported in Great Britain. Over the previous ten years from January 1st 1998 to December 31st. 2007, there were 4074 reported attacks on Jewish people and Jewish property in the country. The average per year is 407 plus every year. That equals almost eight attacks per week for the whole of the ten years. Just over one every day of the week, and these are just the reported ones. How many of these sort of incidents go unreported, nobody is sure, which means that the figures are very likely to be a lot higher.

The breakdown of the anti-Semitic incidents for the ten years 1998 to 2007 are as follows.
























The total of reported incidents of an anti-Semitic nature for the eleven years from 1998 to 2008 now stands at 4617. Averaging at just over 419 per year. If we are supposed to be a civilised and Christian country, then the total should be zero attacks on Jewish people, places of worship and business’s every year.
The above list shows that there is an upward trend in the number of anti-Semitic attacks in the U.K. over the past eleven years.

I have just received the report from the C.S.T. people today for the year 2008. In that year there were 541 anti-Semitic attacks etc. reported to this organisation.

Below is the breakdown:











46 other locations

Total incidents for year 2008













The breakdown of these
figures is as follows:

Abusive behaviour

Extreme violence 



Damage and desecration



314 incidents








The compilers of these reports think that in the year 2009 that there will a higher number of anti-Semitic incidents throughout the year mainly because of the fighting in Gaza over the period of December 2008 to January 2009. Already there have been reports of 250 incidents of an anti-Semitic nature in that period of time. The fighting lasted nearly four weeks in total, and many of the television news reports were giving out the wrong figures for those who were killed or injured in that conflict.
A friend told me that in some of the recent fighting in Lebanon in 2006 a man was seen to have been killed in three different places, and on another occasion a so called dead man got up out of a ruined building after it was supposed to have been bombed. The way that this incident came to light was simply because someone on the camera team left the camera filming after the so called event had been recorded. Evidently the blood which was shown on this persons face was made up of tomato sauce.
These and many other incidents are being put out as truth when they are lies. Certain broadcasters have been asked by myself, for one, and by others to report things properly from The land of Israel and to stop telling the lies.

13 February 2009. Today on the dinner time news (B.B.C.) a part of the C.S.T. report was given out on the rise in anti-Semitism in 2008. During the four weeks from mid December 2008 to mid January 2009 there were 250 incidents where Jewish people were attacked or their property was damaged or defaced. There were also lots of verbal abuse and some graffiti in the Golders Green district of North London. This area is one of the main Jewish areas in London and these abuses were carried out in the main by Moslem and Asian people. The reason for the rise was the fighting in Gaza during that period of time.

This is not my statement, but the one which was given out on that dinner time news broadcast.

The above list of figures are a terrible indictment on our nation in the way that we still treat the Jewish people, and it will bring the judgement of God on us if we do not repent and turn away from hurting His people. It does not matter what ways are used to hurt the Jewish people, whether it is an abusive word or an attempted murder. God says that if we touch His people, we will be in trouble with Him, and then His judgement will fall on our heads as an individual persons, or as a nation. It is up to us to decide what we are going to do. Either we help the Jewish people , or we do  not. Which ever way we choose to go we will still get God’s promises operating on our lives, for good or for bad. Read what God said to Abraham in Genesis chapter 12 verses 1 to 3. I know what my choice is already, but what about yours?

Chapter 7. Welsh Anti-Semitism

So far I have dealt only with the Anti-Semitism in England, but it also happened in Wales where I live. My notes have come from a work by David Shulman, and it is called, ”Jewish communities and records UK”

The earliest records of any Jewish people living in Wales were found in Swansea in the year 1730. As time went on Jewish communities sprang up in Merthyr Tydfil, Pontypridd, Cardiff, Tredegar and Newport in the main.

A lot of English and Irish people came to the industrial parts of Wales as well looking for work in the newly opened coal mines, and, steel and iron works . Also they would have been looking for work in the Docks of Newport and Cardiff, which were two of the main coal exporting docks in Wales. Also Swansea Docks was used for the same purpose as well. Towns like Merthyr and Pontypridd had lots of Irons works and coal mines in each of the district, which provided a lot of work during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. These jobs were hard, dangerous and dirty work, and health and safety matters were not very good at the time. Hence the number of accidents in the coal mines.

I know that there was a Jewish presence in these areas as I have evidence on a copy of the church records, that where one set of my Grandparents were married, that a certain Reverend Henry Davies, from Dowlais conducted the service. That was in 1871. On the information sheet which I was sent, it says that this reverend was a Jew.

Now there is very little Jewish presence in the Glamorgan valleys today. But there is still a Jewish presence in Cardiff, in that there are two Synagogues in the city. There used to be one in Newport, but that has long since closed down. It used to be the smallest one in Wales.
One reason for the decline of the Jewish people in the Valleys was the 1911 Anti-Jewish riots in Tredegar in 1911. Prior to these riots a lot of Jewish people moved to Tredegar and some of the other Welsh valley towns ,not to work in the mills and the mines, but to run the shops and supply lines to the mines and for the workers. I believe that a lot of the local landlords were possibly Jewish as well.

The rents were very high in those days and the wages were very low, indeed. This led to the frequent strikes and bad feelings in the valleys. Workers were being exploited by the mill and mine owners who made sure that they were alright,(i.e. the mill and mine owners) but did not care much for their workers. Trouble was brewing right across the South Wales coalfield area. Rail strikes had meant that the food and goods for the shops could not arrive in the shops so the workers were hungry. In those days there were no motorways and decent roads, or lorries to bring in any commodities for the shops. Everything came and left by rail. As well as having little money, the people would have very had little food to eat during these constant upheavals.

In August 1911 some drunken men in Tredegar started a drunken rampage through the town. 18 Jewish shops had their windows smashed  and destroyed, and all of their goods looted by the mob, which by now had reached about two hundred people. No one was injured by all accounts. Only properties with Jewish connections were attacked. But one of the underlying things was the Anti-Semitic undertones in the literature that was being printed and published around that time, by the newly formed Socialist movement and by some of the Non-Conformist churches. The Home Secretary, Winston S. Churchill, sent in the army to quell the riot, but by the time they reached the town the trouble was nearly at an end.

Again the Jewish community was to blame for the things that this drunken mob did to their shops etc. If these men who had been drinking had used their money wisely and properly, on buying their families food etc., this event would have never taken place. The money that these people wasted on drink would have paid for their rents and food, but they tried to get rid of their problems by drinking and getting drunk. Getting drunk only causes more problems at the end of the day.
This riot was the only Anti-Jewish incident that I have come across in Wales. But it showed something deeper of the resentment against the owners of the mills and mines for the low wages (and against the high rents being levied on the tenants as well) as it became more widespread the trouble spread into some of the other valleys as well. But, not to the extent of the one in Tredegar Town. After all the fuss had died down the towns people and the Jewish community still got on together for many years afterwards.
My own father was involved in some of these strikes and upheavals in the 1920’s until he moved to England to get a better job.

But over the years since the mid 1800’s the Jewish presence in Wales has steadily declined through death and because others have gone to Israel to live, etc.

The Jewish Bill of 1753 was the previous time that Wales  had any Anti-Jewish feelings in the land, which is described elsewhere in this book.

As I come to the end of this chapter I will say that this Anti-Semitic problem will not go away, but will get worse around the world. It will only end when the Messiah returns to the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. This is the exact place from which Jesus departed for Heaven and it is the exact place where He will return to in power and glory as He has promised to do in the Bible. As you read your Bible there are at least two references to the return of the Messiah, one in the book of Zechariah and the other is in the book of the acts of the Apostles. You can look these verses up for yourselves to see if I am correct or not.

Chapter 8. Anti-Semitism in the Ukraine

The Ukrainian experience which I had during the two visits I made to the land in 2007 and 2008, left me with an indelible impression of just how much evil went on there over the years. We in the West have been never taught just how bad the holocaust really was. It is estimated that 1.7 million Jews were killed by the Germans in the years 1941 - 1944, from the Ukraine alone. That is almost one third of the 6 million Jewish people that were known to have been killed in that war.        Not all of these 6 million people were shipped to the gas chambers in a death camp, but were slaughtered right there in the Ukraine. At the end of the book there is some later information which I discovered recently after making these notes about more of the finds that have come to light in the Ukraine.

I learnt a lot over these two visit as I mentioned earlier and there are still a lot of people suffering even as I write this at the end of December 2008. They can remember what they and their families went through, as though it had happened just yesterday. Some of them are so traumatised that they are still afraid to leave their homes, or their villages. One lady we met said that it was only in recent years that she had plucked enough courage to go outside of her house. That was something like fifty or more years after the war was over.

As I travelled around the country with the Charity that I work for, I did not seek these stories at all, but the people wanted to tell us of their own accord what they had been through and were still suffering.

I said earlier that at first, when I came across these stories that I did not believe them, until I heard it again and again in many villages. My friend who travelled with me this year felt the same as I did in 2007, that this was not true at all, until he heard it again and again in the different villages that we visited.

I will now tell you what is going on in that country from the time of the last war until today.

World War 2

When the German armies swept into the Ukraine they rounded up all the Jews that they could find and either killed them or made them work for the German Administration, and then killed them.  To try to escape from this persecution many Jews changed their names and, or,  destroyed any papers that they had to say that they were Jewish. Today, when it happens that many of Jewish people want to leave the country for Israel they cannot because they have no documents or because their names are not the same as they were on the original ones.

A lot of Jewish people were moved to the Southern parts of the Ukraine by Stalin in the 1920’s and 1930’s. Was this a plan by the Devil to get all of the Jewish people into one area so that they could be wiped out in one go? Only God knows, and I say that reverently.

The way that the Jewish villagers were dealt with is truly horrific and I am now going to tell you what sort of things happened. I did not make any of this up as it was told to me by the people who were there and saw what happened . These people were children at the time these events took place and they were rescued by neighbours from certain death.
I want you to imagine that you are a young person walking to school on a lovely sunny morning in a country village in September 1942. There are fields of corn on one side of the road sparkling in the warm summer sunshine.

All of a sudden as you are walking along this road to your school with your school friends you suddenly here two aeroplanes approaching, flying very fast and low over the other end of the village. Suddenly there is a lot of shooting from these two planes and some of your school friends are hit by the bullets and killed on the spot. You then see people running out of their homes to see what the shooting was all about, only for them to see the two planes fly upwards into the sky and turn sharply and swoop round and come back towards you and the other people in the village street. The firing starts all over again and more people are killed and injured. You flee in panic with some of your friends into the deep corn standing in the fields behind some of the houses, and you run and run until you collapse on the ground. Then you pull the stalks of corn around your body to hide yourself from the two planes that have now gone.
You lie there shaking with fear and before you can do anything you hear the sound of heavy machinery heading towards the village from the road to the village from the town. It was enemy tanks approaching from the north side of your village and then the firing starts all over again. The people killed this time are the adults who have come to see and find out if any of their children are dead or missing. More deaths in that village and yet you are alive and somehow survive the massacre that took place that day. You hide in that field for three days without food and water. You are covered in mud and are filthy dirty from lying on the ground for all of that time. After three days you manage to slowly and carefully find your way to your home again, as you do not want to suffer the fate of the others in the village if the enemy is still around. But there is no welcoming voice of your mother or father to greet you. They are dead, shot by the enemy in the attack on a Jewish village in 1942. As he German army moved into the main part of the village, all Jewish survivors were rounded up and taken away, either to work for the Germans and then be killed, or to be killed on the spot out in the fields or woods. There was no love or mercy shown to these poor village people, whose only crime was to born into a Jewish family, or to have Jewish ancestry.

Another story that I was told was about how in one area they villagers who were Jewish were taken from several locations to a big field and told to dig a large trench. I have worked out roughly how big this trench would have needed to be to bury a lot go people. It would have to have been at least two metres wide, maybe a little bigger,. About the same depth and as long as you wanted it. Possibly several hundred metres long. I do not know for sure.

When all of these villagers had completed this task many of them were told to strip naked and get into the trench and lie down.

Sometimes they were shot with a single bullet to the head, or just put into this hole and buried alive by the survivors. On one occasion the ground was heaving for three days and on another occasion the blood of these people was seeping from the earth for ten days. Back to the story. After the other villagers had buried those in the trench, they were marched off to a nearby well and physically thrown in, alive, after again being stripped naked by the German soldiers. After these people had been thrown into a well, rocks and old cannons were thrown on top of them. As the war was ending the Germans then smashed a lot of these wells to cover up the crimes that they had committed over the previous three years. The wells, once they have been discovered, are marked with large a white stone, or  memorial stone, to show where these people had perished.
I want you to try to imagine what it was like for these people to have to suffer in that ugly period of their history.

Again I will ask you, what was the crime of these people? Only that they were Jewish. That’s all and nothing more. They were just ordinary Jewish people like you and me.
There were other atrocities done by the invading German army which include killing babies with bayonet’s, throwing babies on a fire and the parents as well. I was told that story by an eye witness in 2007, and this lady who told the story wept as she told us of the horrors of seeing such a barbaric act being done to a baby who was Jewish. This lady was not Jewish but now loves our God and serves Him in the village where she lives.
The story goes like this, and if you do not believe that it could have ever happened, I can assure that I was told this story by this lady who saw it happen. I want you to imagine a young Jewish family, not long married and they have a little baby who is not very old, just a matter of a few months, I believe. As the German army marched into their village in North West Crimea, they put the baby in the loft to hide it from the advancing army. The soldiers marched into their house and spoke to the parents and they would not say if there was anyone else in the house at all. They tortured the father by throwing him on to a fire. Just then the baby woke up and as babies do, started to cry. The soldiers found the baby, and as the mother was so traumatised about the whole event and could not speak, they threw the baby onto the fire as well and so killed the two of them. I am not sure what happened to the mother. I can only take an educated guess as to her fate. She was probably taken away and raped and then killed. This sort of thing happened all over the Ukraine in the Second World War.

I am now going to bring you up to date on the current Anti-Semitic climate in Southern and Central Ukraine.
As I said I have been to the Ukraine twice and on each trip I was hearing the same anti-Semitic accusations aimed at the Jewish population. When you meet a lot of the Jewish people, as I did, you will find that they are as poor as the none Jewish part of the population. If that is the case, how come if all of the Jews have the money, why are a lot of them so poor?
The Jews are being blamed for the monetary crisis in the country, yet many of them are as poor, if not poorer than the none Jewish people.

They are being blamed for the loss of jobs in the big towns.
They are being beaten up for just being Jews. They are being hated by the non Jewish people.
Lies are being told about them by left wing groups in the national papers.
Synagogues attacked.
Graves destroyed.
Swastikas on buildings.
Memorial stones damaged or destroyed.

The following list of Anti-Semitic things is what I came across while I was out in the Ukraine in 2008.

1. In the Crimean town of Feodosiya we found swastikas on buildings and a paint damaged Jewish memorial to those who died in the wartime atrocities.

2. On October 14th. 2008 a member of the parliament of the Ukraine said openly on national television that the country should cut all ties with Russia and then get rid of the Jews. I personally did not hear that broadcast, but I have it on good authority from other sources that this is what was said on that day.

3. A synagogue was broken into and the culprits were caught before they could do any damage to the property.

4. Early September 2008 a Rabbi was beaten up.

5. On our way into the Black Sea resort of Yalta, one of the team saw swastikas on the road side.

6. Kherson district.

This district has a very high Anti-Semitic problem in it, as you will soon read.

Many thousands of Jewish people perished from this district in the last World War.
The following incidents were told to the team by a Jewish person in the town.
The mayor of the town is Jewish and the accusation going around is that all the Jews are taking the top and the best jobs . The implication here is that the rest of the people only get the rubbish jobs. But, as before it is a pack of lies put out to discredit the Jewish people.

In 1950 the Catholic church published a book about the ways that Jewish people should behave and live. They put it out that it was published by the Jewish community, which is totally untrue.

Political adverts have been placed in the local papers to say that the population should be wary of the Jewish people as they are only after your money and wallets.

Many adverts in the local press and on posters have been very Anti-Semitic.

There are two local flags in the Kherson area, both are the same colours as the Israeli flag, blue and white in colour and with blue stripes. But, the accusation is going around the district to say that the Jews invented this flag as they were trying to take over the town.
This Central Ukrainian district has a very high Anti-Semitic problem. Again the Jewish community are being blamed for all of the job loses and for the financial problems that all of them are facing. As I said earlier the Jewish people are suffering just the same as the rest of the population are. So why blame them for something that they have not done?

7. Dnepropetrovsk.

The team stayed in this the second city of the country for a month and saw a lot of Anti-Semitic things.

We saw at least 12 swastikas around the city daubed onto the walls of several buildings. Some were near to the synagogue and one statement was seen by a swastika saying,” I hope you die, Jew”.

Also heard in the same city, by the eldest daughter of our host, a young girl of 8 or 9 years of age shouting to a friend, ”Heil Hitler”. Now where did a young child of that age learn such a phrase? She must have been taught it by someone a lot older than herself.

8. Other places of high Anti-Semitism.

Oleksandrivka - Swastikas.

Solone - Swastikas and damaged grave.

Igren - Very Anti-Semitic village.

Kryvoy Roc - Jews being blamed for job losses.

Yenakiyevo - Jewish memorials damaged.

News paper cuttings showing three damaged memorials. One says that, “Jews must die” and the other one says, “We have come back.” The meaning here is that the Nazi’s are back in the Ukraine.

This is what is going on every year in that land. The Ukraine is not the only land where the Jewish people are being made the Scape goat for all of the countries woes and ills. Russia has the same problem as well for the Jewish communities there. It is the same almost all over Europe for the Jewish people. Here in the U.K. it is more subtle as we have laws designed to protect minority groups from discrimination. But, the problem is still there under the surface of our society all the same.

Anti-Semitism is going to get worse right across the world and we, if we are true Christians and reading our Bibles properly, need to help the Jewish people to go home to Israel and to help them if they cannot go for whatever reason that might be.

Chapter 9. Our response is what?

Our response to what, you may be asking? To all that I have said previously in this book. Are we going to simply ignore what has gone on against the Jewish people, or are we going to do something about it? I cannot and will not tell you what to do, as you have to make that decision for yourself. But, the one thing that I will say here is, that if you want God’s blessing on your life and be pleasing to God, then you must start to support and help the Jewish people. You can read what God says about Him blessing you if you bless His people and He will do to you if you do not bless His Chosen People. It is your choice, not mine. But, I all I can say is what Moses said to the people of his day. He begged them to chose life by them doing what pleases God., and the same goes for us too.

In chapter 11,  I will go through a lot of the scriptures to show you what the Bible says about Israel and God’s promises for that nation. But, here I want to review what we have said so far.

Replacement theology is the seed bed of Anti-Semitism. If you misinterpret the Bible, or get the wrong teaching, then you will be led down a wrong pathway. The one thing that any, and all believers need to do about this replacement theology in their churches is to,

1. Re-read the Bible properly.

2. Ask God to forgive you of any anti-Semitic teaching that you have believed in the past.

3.. Ask for God’s forgiveness for not reading it properly.

4. Pray for Israel and it’s people.

5. Seek to do some good for the Jewish people.

6. Get rid of any book, magazine or leaflets that says that Israel is finished with by God.

I hope that by showing you what our dubious record is towards the Jewish people that I have been able to show you the dangers of this devilish theology.
Replacement Theology is not Biblical in any shape or form, because it seeks to destroy what God has said He will do through Israel and the Jewish people.

No other nation has been as hated as the Jewish nation and still survived with its language still intact after so many centuries of not being in its own land as Israel has, and with of all the odds that were stacked against it, and will be in the future. Because if you believe in the God of the Bible, you will see that He has a great future and a wonderful plan for Israel and the Jewish people.

In chapter 11, I will go through the Bible in more detail on God’s plan for Israel and the Jewish people.

As you will have seen from all of the information and facts that I have presented in this work, our record of our dealings with the Jewish people has not been very good to say the least. The record of other countries is as bad ,and sometimes even worse than ours. No matter what each country has done, they will have to give an answer to God for their treatment and for their attitude to the Jewish people. I pray that our nation will come to its senses and start to support Israel, and ask God to forgive our past leaders for the ways that they went back on their promises to Israel.

I am now going to ask you a few questions, so that you can discuss what has been said already in this book. They are to make you think about why the Jewish people have been hated and persecuted over many cenruries.

1. Is there a war in Heaven between God and the Devil?
The Devil hates anything that God has, and what God wants to do, so he will try to destroy it. God chose the Jews to show His glory and power to the rest of mankind, but our enemy does not like it.

2. How did this idea of Replacement Theology start? I have no idea as to why it started, but does it come out of the answers to the first question?  All I know is that it seems to have started in Rome, in the middle of the first century A.D.

3. If you are in another English speaking country other than Great Britain, then you can trace your own history of anti-Semitism for yourself. See what you can find out and you can send your results to me if you so wish.

Let me give you a little bit of help here.
English speaking nations were colonised as follows. U.S.A.  from the late 16th century, but there would not have been any Jewish influence in that land until after they were able to return to England one hundred years later on. Australia from the middle of the 17th century, when it is known that there were Jewish convicts transported out there with other criminals of the day.

4. If you live in  a none English speaking country you can trace the Anti-Semiticism of your countries as follows. The Meditterranean area from the 1st century A.D. or possibly earlier. South and Central America from the early 15th century, when the Spanish Conquistadors arrived. Great Britain had settlers going to the U.S.A. in the 16th century, but the Jews did not return to the U.K. until 1657 so they would have possibly started to arrive in America from that date onwards. France also had settlers in the United States as did the Dutch in the 16th century. It is possible that Jewish people went to these lands at some point or other, but are there any records to say so?
Anyone who reads this book in the United States will probably be able to research their own countries records from the Jewish sources that exist in America.

Some questions for you, to help you to remember what you have been reading up to this point.

1. When did replacement theology start?

2. Which chapters of the letter to the Romans deals with this subject?

3. In which century did Constantine make Christianity the state religion of the Roman Empire?

4. What were the restrictions that the Jews had to live under from the 4th Lateran Council in 1215 A.D.?

5. Which year did the badge appear on the clothing of Jewish people in Great Britain?

6. What year were the Jews kicked out of Great Britain and which year did they start to return again?

7. What was the 18th century bill in the U.K. parliament which caused so much trouble in the land?

8. Which year did Britain start to look after the land of Israel? (not Palestine)

The answers are at the end of the book.

Chapter 10. South America

Today as I write this extra chapter, I have had a lot of news of what is happeneing in South America.
Since the fighting in Gaza in started in December 2008, a lot of anti-Semitic events have been happening in South America.

The reasons for adding this extra chapter in are to show that anti-Semiticism is a world wide problem and not just an European one.

We will start with Argentina.

This country has the largest Jewish community in Latin America, approx 250, 000 at present out of approx 600, 000 Jews in the whole of the sub continent.

The Jewish communities are seeing swastikas painted on Jewish school buildings. There is also graffiti painted on walls demanding that all Jewish people leave the country. There have been protests outside of the Israeli Embassy. These things are creating a climate of worry and fear according to a Jewish person, who was quoted on the news item which I received, today.

Now let us cross over the borders to Bolivia.

The Bolivian Government expelled the Israeli Ambassador over the attack on Gaza. There are signs of growing anti-Semiticism in the cooutry.

A large “Star of David” in the Plaza Israel was pulled down and the words" Plaza Palestine” were painted on the monument instead.

The Anti-defamation League of New York said, that the anti-Semiticism in South America is getting more intense than it is in the Middle East.

Let us go on to the next country, Venezuela. Here the government has thrown out the Israeli Ambassador and six of the diplomats over the fighting in Gaza. This means that this country has cut its ties with Israel. There are calls for boycotts over the selling of Israeli goods and services in Venezuela. If they go down that road they will only hurt themselves, and their own people as a lot of Israeli/ Jewish things and inventions can and will save many, many lives, or make lives a lot better for all of their people.
There are accusations that the Jews are controlling the United States Banks and the United States foreign policies. They are also being accused of being Hitler’s associates in the 1930’s as well.

One Romanian holocaust survivor who lives in Venezuela said, that he felt sad at what was happening in the country as it had been a haven for him, up until the present day.

As this news item was a long one I have just mentioned a few of the events which it gave out. I know that I will mention Venezuela later in the book, but that was because I did not have all of this up to date information to hand at that time. As more news comes in, I will add it to these pages if I can.

To summarise what we have been thinking about in part one of this book. Let us look at what we have been learning so far.

A. Anti-Semitism is over four thousand years old, and it goes right back to the days of the book of Exodus and the story of the release of the Children of Israel from slavery in Egypt.

B. Replacement Theology goes back to the early church in the first century A.D. Read Romans chapters 9 to 11 again.

C. Jesus was not killed by the Jews, nor the Romans, nor by us, because He laid down his life freely for us, so that we could come to know His love and forgiveness in our lives. See the Gospel of John, chapters ten, thirteen and fifteen.

D. Wrong teaching which is not checked brings error into a Christian’s life  and into the their church fellowship. Read the first letter of John, the aged Apostle, in chapter 4 verses 1 to 3.

E. We need to repent and ask God to forgive us, if we have any anti-Semitic ideas, and thoughts in our minds and hearts. We also will need to be forgiven if we have hurt any Jewish person in any way as well.

F. If we do not know Jesus as our own Lord and Saviour, then we need to do something about that right now and not tomorrow, as tomorrow as that may be too late.

G. We need to start to support the Jewish people and show them that God still loves them, instead of the animosity and hatred that they have always received from the so called Christian church.

F. That replacement theology is not of God, but it comes from mans wrong interpretation of the scriptures in the fourth century A.D.

Part two.  The Bible and Israel

Chapter 11. The Bible

I want us now to turn to what God says about Israel, and as we go through the Bible we will discover that God is giving out a lot of promises about the return of the Jewish people to Israel, and also a lot of warnings about dividing up the land for any reason at all. God says quite firmly in the Scriptures that the land of Israel is not up for division at all, ever. It belongs to God who gave it to the Children of Israel.
I noticed something rather sad a few years ago, after having been to Israel several times, and it was that five prime ministers of Israel have been removed from office since 1996. Why? Simply because they wanted to give away their inheritance to foreigners. You cannot give that land away to anyone, because God has decreed that it is for the Jewish people only. It is His promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and to their descendents. It was going to be their land forever and ever.

Our study will be in four parts as follows,

1. Dividing the land up into two parts.

2. Why is Israel is special.

3. The millennial reign of 1000 years.

4. Romans chapters 9-11 and 15.


Part 1. The dividing up of the land of Israel into two parts.

This idea of the leaders of many of the Western Nations is to bring peace to Israel by having a two state solution to the problems of the Palestinian Arabs. These so called Palestinians were told in 1948 by the Arab nations around them to flee until they had chased Israel right out of the land and into the sea. Then they would be able to return to their homes once more. But this never happened as Israel won the day through God being on their side. So now there was a problem on what to do with the Arab people who left the land. There were quite a few answers that would have solved the problem  such as that some, or all of the Arab countries in the Middle East could have taken them in. But, they did not and after sixty years still have not bothered to take them in or to give them any help. I am putting this as simply as I can because it is a big and complex issue to deal with. It is too big to go into all the ins and outs of it here. But
Islam does not want, and will not accept any peace deal with the Jewish people and they want all of the land back again for themselves. The Muslims had the land for four hundred plus years and did nothing to it worth mentioning here, but as soon as Israel came along and rebuilt it to the standards it has to today, they now want it back.

Something to remember here is that prior to 1948 the Palestinians of the days of the British Mandate were the Jews, not the Arabs. So, who are the real Palestinians then?
Because of the continued conflict in the area, the Western World leaders have devised a so called ”Peace Plan”. This plan is calling for a two land state of Israel. A state within a state. One part for the Arabs and the other part for the Jews.
Is this plan God’s plan for Israel? The simple answer is no, it is not, and I will show you from the Bible why it is not.

I will give you the references now and help you to discover what God says about Israel.

We will start off in Genesis to see what God said to Abraham. Chapter 12 verse 7 is the promise God gave to His servant. What does it say? Read it for yourself.

Next verse Deuteronomy chapter 11 verse 17.  Who is God giving the land of Israel to? Again turn up the reference and read it for yourself.

Thirdly, Deuteronomy chapter 34 verse 4. God is reminding Moses of what? His promises to Abraham. Again look it up for yourself to check and see if I am correct in what I am saying to you here.

I want you now to go to the book of the Psalms, and Psalm 33 verses 10- 11. These two verses tell us what God thinks about the plans of men. He laughs at them. We think that as human beings that we are so clever. But when you read Isaiah chapter 55 verses 8-11 you will see that our ways are do not come anywhere near to what God’s ideas are. Ours are just nothing in comparison with His ways, thoughts and ideas.

Can we by just speaking a word bring an Universe into being? No, but God can. Read Genesis chapter one and you will see the power of God in creation. That is if you believe that God made the world and that it did not come into being through the so called “Big Bang” theory or through the theory of evolution.

Psalm 10 verse 4 sums up some of the ideas of mankind in a nutshell. They leave God out of the equation.
We now go forward to Psalm 83 verses 1-5 and here we will see just how Asaph the writer of this Psalm sums up humanistic ideas that have no time for God. These verses show us what the leaders of the world are trying to do to Israel. They are trying to carve up the whole of the land for a man made solution to a problem that they cannot solve. Nor will they ever solve it ,if they leave God and His word out of the equation.

Isaiah chapter 51 verse 23 states that this what the world wants to solve the problem of Israel. When I say the world, I mean the world of men and not the natural world. The world wants Israel to lie down and be walked over by every other nation until it dies and is no longer an entity.

Joel chapter 3. Verses 1-3. Here God is giving a severe warning to any person, country or nation that wants to touch Israel.

God is not messing about when He warns the nations top keep their hands off His land and off His people. Britain, U.S.A. and United Nations be warned. If you meddle with God’s possessions and people you are going to be in trouble with Him.

Another two warnings are given in the book of Zechariah. The first one is in Chapter 2 verses 8-9 which says in plain English, that if you poke your finger in God’s eyes then watch out. If you did this to yourself, i.e. poke your own finger into your eye, you know it will hurt you.

So if you touch anything, or anyone, that is precious to God, then watch out because you will be hurting God himself, and that will never do. Will it?

The last scripture in this section is to be found in chapter 12 verses 1-3. A warning is given here not to touch the Holy City of Jerusalem. Why not? Because God has placed His name in that place as you can read in 2 Chronicles chapter 6 verse 6.

So, my word to the World’s leaders is to read your Bible properly, and for them to tread carefully when dealing with the Holy things of God.
God has said that Israel, the land, and Israel the people are precious to Him. So we dare not do anything to harm them in any way, or we will incur the wrath of God on ourselves as individuals and as a nation. The reason that the Devil wants the land to be divided is to try to stop the return of the Messiah, Jesus to the Earth again. The Devil will do anything to stop the return of the Lord our God, and Saviour if he can, because he knows that if the Jewish people are back in the country again as one nation with the land that they originally were given, that his days would be finally numbered and that he will have lost completely. He will ultimately lose completely, because the Bible tells us that in the book of the Revelations. So once more I urge
You the reader and all of the Worlds leaders to read your Bible properly and to ask God to show you what it really means, not what you might think it means.
Now I want to go to tell you why Israel is Special to God.


Part 2. Why Israel is special.

A simple answer would be just to say that God says so. But, how would I be able to prove this statement if I did not have my Bible to give me the answers to this question of why Israel is special.

I will deal with the subject in six parts. First, the people and then the land.

1. The people.

2. The land.

3. Why Israel was scattered.

4. The return from exile.

5. Enemy tactics.

6. The purpose of all of these things.


1. The people.

In Deuteronomy Chapter 7 verses 6-8 God says that the Jewish people are a chosen race, a special treasure, a Holy people set apart by Himself to show His glory and power to the world. No other nation has had that conferred on them in their history. Even though at times they have felt the burden of this being conferred on them, and said to God, “Why don’t you choose another race of people?” They have said this only because of the continued hatred towards them by the nations where they had settled and by the neighbouring countries which have surrounded them. They are still loved by God no matter what they have been through, and are going through, and will go through before the return of the Messiah. When God chose them they were the smallest of all the nations on the Earth at that time. Possibly about two, or maybe three, million people when they came out of Egypt. The figures are at the most a guess as the Bible does not tell us exactly how many people left Egypt on the night of the Passover.
God does not always go for the biggest, strongest and wisest of people when He wants something done. The Bible is full of stories where God uses, or sees the little things that people do for Him. Another reason why they were chosen was because God wanted to show them, and the world that He will always keep any and all of the promises that He makes to an individual, or to a nation. One day the whole of the world will see that our great God is a covenant keeping God, and what He says He will do, He will carry out. He will carry out all of His promises for blessing and for cursing. Just read the promises that were given by Moses to the people when, and if they obeyed God. At the same time you can read of the curses from God if you do not obey His word. They can be found in the book of Deuteronomy. He promised Abraham that the land would belong to his descendants way back in Genesis chapter 12 verse 7, and in other places as well as this one. That is a study in itself and it is well worth researching these promises out. Genesis chapter 12 verses 1- 3 state that if you bless the people of Israel, God will bless you. Also it says if you curse the people of Israel you put yourself under a curse. God’s words not mine. So you cannot argue with me on that score. Your argument will be with God Himself, and I would urge you not to argue with the Almighty God of the Universe ever. Why? Because you will lose every time.

Deuteronomy chapter 14 verse 2, says that God chose the Jewish people above any other race of people that existed on the planet at that time.

Before we look at the next reference, I want you to look at where the Children of Israel were at that time. They had been in the desert for almost forty years after coming out of Egypt.

Their travels had taken them round and round the desert for many miles, and they were now almost right opposite the city of Jericho, on the east side of the River Jordan. If you look at a map of Israel and find Jerusalem the capital, and take an almost straight line east from the city you will come to the River Jordan and slightly to the North of that crossing point is the city of Jericho. They were on what is today called the East Bank. Jericho is on the West Bank.
Moses was giving them the final instructions which he had received from God before Joshua took over the reins of leadership of the Children of Israel. Joshua was going to lead the people into the Promised Land.

Deuteronomy chapter 26 verses 18-19 and chapter 32 verses 9-12, are our next ports of call. So let us see what they have to say about the specialness of the people of Israel.

In the first of these two references God says that He has made theses people a special treasure for Himself once more, and also that they would be set on high in all of the whole wide World, and He has done just that through the centuries since that time. He was going to make then higher than all nations in praise, in name and in honour. God’s words not mine.
The second of these references tell us of just how much God cares for his ancient people, and He always will take care of them, no matter what any man, or nation, says or does to them. If something, or someone is a special treasure to yourself, you will look after them, or it, for a long time. That is exactly what God is saying about His earthly people, the Jews. They have always been and always will be His special treasure. When something is really special to you, you will defend it from being lost, stolen or taken away from you. That is what God is doing with Israel. His love for them is so passionate that we cannot truly understand it. But, we have to accept that fact by faith as being so. In the first part  of this book we said that certain groups of people believe that God has finished with Israel and the Jewish people, because they crucified the Saviour. Again I will say to you if God’s promises are forever, does that mean that they have been taken back by God and are now, no longer operative? His promises which are stated as being forever, are for just that period of time and eternity, i.e. forever and for all of eternity. As long as this world exists then God’s promises exist. There is a lovely verse in Jeremiah which says, that as long as the sun shines in the daytime and the moon shines at night, then God’s promises will continue to be operative for the Jewish nation and for the whole of the world as well.

I want you to think about something here of what God has done through the Jewish people over many years. He has blessed this world so much that people forget just how much we owe to the Jewish people. Again a verse from the Bible tells us. It is found in Genesis and God says to Abraham in this verse that through the family of Abraham all of the world will be blessed, and it has been, and it still is to this very day. When you look at all of the inventions and discoveries that have been made over many years, you will find that there have been a lot of Jewish people who were involved in these discoveries. Not only in inventions, but also in the arts as well. Look at just how many film stars, theatrical people and playwrights there are who have all come from one common ancestry, the Jewish nation.

There are people around today in 2009 who will say to you that we should boycott all goods and things from Israel. Well, I hope that these people do not have to go into a modern hospital as some of the life saving equipment was invented by a Jewish person. If these people have a mobile phone which needs to be repaired, then they will not be able to have it repaired as quite a few of its parts come from the mobile phone industry, part of which was developed and invented in Israel. So if you who are reading this book and are still against the Jewish people and Israel, then you had better check all of the things that you use or buy, because there are parts of our very day life which were invented by a Jewish person, or were manufactured in Israel. So you will have to choose carefully before you buy something. If there are Jewish people taking part in a television play or programme, or taking part in a theatrical production, then you had better turn off the your television set and at the same time boycott your local theatre as well, because if you go to these places where Jewish people are taking part, then you will be a hypocrite. What I say is,” God bless you Israel, and thank you for the inventions and life saving things that have come from that nation.” Also I will say here a very big thank you to all of the Jewish people who have contributed to the plays and shows in theatres, and on televisions, as well as all of the other Jewish people who have contributed to the world in various ways, just as God said that they would.

Paul the Apostle sums this up very well in the letter to the Roman believers, in chapter 15, when he tells us of the debt that we owe to the Jewish nation and people. You can look it up for yourself.
We owe them a great debt of thanks, because through them, we have a Bible to tell us of the love of God. Through them we have a Saviour who died for us and who has risen from the dead, and who is coming back again one day very soon now, to reign and rule this world fairly and properly. Through them the Jews, we, now as Gentiles, have a hope of salvation and of going to Heaven, which without the Jewish race we would not have ever had. We would still have been lost in our sinful ways and would have never had a hope of anything but separation from God. We would have also come under the judgements of God, and an eternity in Hell to look forward to.

On the physical front we owe the Jewish people a lot for all of the inventions that they have made and given to the world for health, music, in science, in medicine, in agriculture, in horticulture etc. etc. Did you know that the Jewish people have won more Nobel Prizes than any other group of people in the world. The latest one that I have come across is a device to help people to walk who are paralyzed from the waist downwards. It is an artificial motorized pair of legs. They work by body movements from the upper part of the body when commanded to. So if you are anti Jewish and do not want anything to do with Israel, or the Jewish people, then do not go into your local hospital, as you could be put on to a machine, for diagnosing ailments, that was made and developed in Israel. The choice is yours. But if you continue to boycott all things and everything that has connotations of being Jewish, or manufactured in Israel, then you will put your life in great danger. You have a choice to make here, either to use things that are Jewish, or from Israel, or not to have anything to do with them. It is entirely up to you the reader to think seriously about this before you make a decision. I cannot make it for you and I would not want to either.

So, when you hear of groups of people saying that we should get rid of Jewish products then these people had better not go into hospital, use a mobile phone, listen to musical shows or visit the theatre, because the Jewish input has been so great in all of these areas that you would have to stay at home and die, or you would have to go against what you believe, and have this life saving treatment in hospital. You would be forced to go to the doctors and ask for the medicine that would make you fit and well once more. The choice would be yours to make.
I have already given you God’s warning from the prophecy of Zechariah. But here I want to give it again to you to remind you that God is not messing around when He warns us against touching His special treasure- Israel.
Read Zechariah chapter 2 verse 8 again to be sure that You have got the message from God, Himself.

2. The Land of Israel.

Right back at the beginning of the Bible in Genesis chapters 12 and 13, as well as other scriptures, God promised Abraham that the land of Israel would belong to his family and their descendants forever. What does the word forever mean? Exactly what it says, forever and forever, as long as this world is in existence.

In Deuteronomy chapter 11 verse 12 we read just how much God cares for His chosen land. He cares for it all the year from January 1st to December 31st. I know that there was a different calendar being used at that time, but the principle is still the same. God cares for the Land of Israel all the year long.

The land and the people go together. They belong to each other and the one does not do so well without the other half being there together.

When the Jewish people started to return to their homeland from exile in the early part of the last century, they found that there were swamps and mosquitoes everywhere. Even in the 1940’s not much had changed. But now since 1948 and independence the swamps have gone and so has the malaria from the mosquitoes.

One thing that the Jewish settlers discovered was that if you planted Eucalyptus trees they sucked up vast amounts of swamp water, which got rid of the marshy swamps and the mosquitoes had nowhere to go. Those swamps are now fertile grounds for growing fruit, vegetables and flowers etc.

I have seen some of these changes in the land, which the people have made in the countryside as I travelled along, and through it on several occasions. It is a lovely site to see in the summer, fields of Sunflowers and corn, as well as the fruit trees. I discovered something which amazed me on one trip, and that was to see Orange and Apple trees growing in the same garden. Israel is a very fertile piece of land, and our God cares for it very deeply. God cares for it so much that He warns us again in His word about splitting up the land and giving it to different people who are not Jewish.

I have noticed another thing about Israel, and it is this. Since my first visit in 1996 several Israeli Prime Ministers have tried to give land away to other nations and because of that they have been removed from office. I think that about five Prime Ministers have been removed so far for wanting to give the land away. God says that you do not do that at all, or ever. I know that I mentioned this fact earlier, but I write it again to remind you that you do not mess about with the land of Israel, or the people of God, ever. If you should be so stupid to try to do this, then you will be fighting the Lord God Almighty, and you will lose every time you try to fight God.
I have seen and tasted the large variety of the fruits and vegetables that grow in Israel and they taste absolutely wonderful.
You need to go to Israel to taste them yourself and you will be pleasantly surprised at the rich variety of the produce from that very small country. Israel is approx the size of the country of Wales, where I live, but what an amazing piece of land it is. It is truly stunning and beautiful in its richness of habitat and in the colours of the plants and of the birds and the animals which live there in Israel.. In one way it is not so amazing, because God has blessed the land with fertility and with the people to care for it properly and carefully.

3. Why Israel was scattered.

In Deuteronomy chapters 28-30 the Children of Israel are reminded of the laws that God had given them through His servant Moses. Moses reminds the people to follow God’s ways and not their own. I noticed something quite significant in these chapters, and it is that there are more verses about the curses that would come on the people for disobedience than there are for the blessings of being obedient to God. Moses urges them to follow the way that God had set out for them, and they had to make a choice. The same goes for us today in the 21st century. We can either go God’s way or we can go our own way. It is up to us to choose. We will then reap the rewards for that choice. See Galatians chapter 6 verses 7-9.

The Children of Israel started off well in following God’s ways and laws, but, after many years and centuries had gone by, they started to go their own way and that was when the curses of God fell on them. It was simply this that lost them their land, disobedience towards God and His word. They made the wrong choice and forgot what God had said to them by Moses. Just to remind you here, God kept His promises which the people were told of by the words that He gave to Moses, many years before they were actually removed out of the land.

The first exile is mentioned in 2 Kings chapter 17 verses 5-6. This exile was of the ten tribes of the northern part of the country after the split with the two southern tribes made up of Judah and Benjamin. The ten northern tribes set up their own forms of worship and in different places as well, to the ones that God had ordained.
In 2 Chronicles chapter 36 verses 5-27 we read of the start of the exile of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin. This exile was for seventy years only. I am not sure of the length of the exile of the ten tribes of Northern Israel. But, it was quite a lot longer than the Southern two tribes. It was possibly about two hundred years.

The second exile started in A.D. 70 and again in A.D. 168 when the Roman armies destroyed the Temple and the city and took out almost all of the Jewish people from the land. They were scattered all over the Roman Empire from North Africa to Western Europe. They were then scattered many centuries later to Russia, America, the Far East etc. This happened just as God said that it would in Deuteronomy chapter 30 verses 1-6. Since the late 1800’s Jewish people have been steadily returning home to Israel again. God is stirring up the hearts of His ancient people to go home once more. Since independence in 1948 more than five and a half million Jews have returned to Israel. For me it has been a great privilege to have been to the airports in the Ukraine to help some of these to go home, by carrying their luggage from the car, or bus to the desks, or to the security gates for them. During my visit to the Ukraine in 2008 I went to the airport three times with some of the team to see different people off. We helped five people in all, but on those flights we know that there were at least fifty one people going to Israel. If you read the books of Daniel and Esther, you will get some idea of what the people went through while in captivity. You can see just how the people felt when they were in captivity by reading Psalm 137. They had a longing to go home to Israel once more.

Psalm 126 tells us of the joy of the people’s hearts when they had returned home to Israel after their years in captivity. One strange thing about these two Psalms in the Bible is that the return of the exiles comes before they have left for captivity. That now leads us on to the next subject.

4. The return from exile.

The first return from exile was in the days of Nehemiah and Ezra. Nehemiah was given the task of rebuilding the walls and the gates of the city of Jerusalem and Ezra was in charge of returning the people back to their God once more and of the rebuilding of the Temple. You can read about these things in the books which they wrote about this return from exile.
Nehemiah had loads of opposition to the rebuilding of the city gates and walls, but he stuck to the task and the work was completed in fifty two days. The rebuilding of the Temple took a lot longer, some years in fact. But as I have already said, you will need to study these books for yourself to get the feelings and flavours of how these people felt while absent from their homeland. Especially Psalm 137.

The second return from exile was not after seventy years, but almost two thousand years. As previously mentioned  this return of the Jews started in the mid to late 1800’s, and slowly the Jewish people started to return to Israel over the years. Then from 1948 it has been a constant flood of Jewish people returning from all over the world. Mainly from the old Soviet Union, which collapsed in the early 1990’s. After this collapse of Communism, there was a great flood of Jewish people leaving Russia and it’s satellite countries to go to Israel. Last year, 2008, I know of at least fifty one people leaving the Ukraine to go home to Israel between September and December as I have already said. Now not all of them were Jewish, because a Jewish person can take their none Jewish husband or wife with them.  As I said earlier it was an honour and  great joy to help these people to go home again.

This was partly fulfilling the Word of God when He said that the Gentiles would help them to go home once more. It is a great thrill and pleasure for me to have had this great and wonderful opportunity to be part of the plan of God, in being allowed to reach out to the Jewish people and to tell them that our God still loves them, despite the fact that they are not back in Israel, yet. Also it is a great privilege to tell them that there are a lot of true Christians who love the Jewish people and are supporting them in prayer, in giving aid and money to help them to survive the poor living conditions that they are living under, and I mean poor conditions. If we had to live like some of these people have to live, we would be dead.

In 1948 there were about six hundred thousand Jewish people in Israel, now there are over five and a half million Jews in the land. Probably more by now. The last figure I was told of, was 6 million plus people are now back in Israel. Praise God that His word is being fulfilled before our very eyes each day, and year that goes by. You can be a part of that work if you want to get involved. Just write to me and I will tell you who to get in contact with, or you can contact Ebenezer Operation-Exodus direct at Ebenezer House, 5a, Poole Road, Bournemouth, BH2 5QJ.

5. Enemy tactics.

In this section I will tell you how the enemies of God have tried to stop what God has ordained from taking place.

We will begin in the book of Exodus chapter 1 verses 8-22. The Egyptians wanted to control the number of males being born to the Jewish women as they felt that they, the Jewish people were getting too big and would soon out number the them. So a plan was devised to kill all of the boys as soon as they were born by throwing them into the River Nile (as crocodile fodder) as one way of getting rid of them.
If this had been done the then there would have been just the Jewish females left and they would have been married into the Egyptian culture and their Jewishness would have soon been lost forever.

But praise God for godly people who will stand up to people in authority and refuse to do what was tantamount to murder or infanticide. God honoured the midwives who refused to commit murder.

Why did this order to kill all of the boys mean? God was going to set the people free in a short while and if this evil plan had been carried out it would have stopped the people from getting their freedom and the setting up of the Kingdom of Israel for the first time.

Let us now go forward to the next story, the one about Esther. She was a Jewess in exile in Persia where she was chosen to become the queen of the vast Persian Empire. The Bible says that she was very beautiful to look at and God had put her in that position as the bible says,” for such a time as this” In 2009 we are in this world today “for such a time as this”, to help our Jewish brothers and sisters as well.

You will find in this book that God is not mentioned at all, but you can see how He works by placing Godly people in the right place, and at the right time to deliver His chosen people from destruction.

One of the King’s advisors, Haman, plotted against the Jewish people to destroy them. Why? Because Mordecai would not bow down to him in a public place.  Haman wanted people to worship him, just like the Devil does, but Mordecai refused because, for a Jew, this meant breaking the laws of God which were given to Moses. It meant that by doing this he would be worshipping something that God said we should not, and must worship. Haman did not like this at all, and that was why he devised this evil plan to get rid of the Jews.
This evil plan was to hang Mordecai on a high gallows, and then to kill all of the other Jews in the empire. The plan back fired for Haman as the queen told the king about the plot and finally Haman was hanged on his own gallows with his children.
What was God going to do shortly after this event? Return the Children of Israel to their own land again after the time of exile. No Jews meant no return to Israel, no rebuilding of the city and the Temple.

To get the full story here you will need to read the book of Esther, Nehemiah and Ezra. The book of Daniel deals with how he and several of his friends coped in exile.

The birth of Jesus brings us to the next time the enemy has tried to thwart God’s plans. The story of the birth of Jesus is told in the Gospels very clearly, but only one mentions the killing of boys under two years old. See Matthew chapter verses 16-18 for the story.

Why kill all the boys again? Simply put it would have meant that if Jesus had been killed then, we would not have been able to be saved and we would have no hope of going to Heaven , or of an eternal life with God at all.

Our soul’s enemy never gives up does he? He does not try to change his methods in a lot ways either. It is the same thing all down the pages of history from our enemy--- destroy the Jews by one means or another to stop God’s work and plans from coming into being.

The last one I want us to look at is not found in the Bible, but, it still illustrates what the enemies of Israel and the Jewish people are out to do. This last story comes from our modern history and it happened less than seventy five years ago now.

You maybe thinking to yourselves what was this incident? It was the mass murder of six million or so Jewish people.

The Holocaust of the Second World War is well documented here and I have already mentioned it earlier, so I will not go into it again here. Except to say this. The enemies of God and His precious people were trying to stop something that God had planned from coming into being and that was the re-birth of the state of Israel.

But the enemies failed to stop all that God has planned and will do through this nation no matter how hard they try. They will not succeed in their evil plans.
Even now in 2009 there are still attacks on the Jewish people going on right round the world in one form or another, from outright attacks on the land by militant Islamic groups to the anti-Semitic graffiti and damage to Jewish properties world wide. For the Jewish people nothing has changed in the way that they have been hunted down and hated over the last two thousand years. It is time to stop all of these attacks and for us who say that we love God to start to help and support our Jewish brothers and sisters, or else we will have blood on our hands as well. There blood will be on our heads if we do not help them in what ever way we can. If we do not help them and stand by and watch what they are having done to them we are just like those men who passed by in the story of the Good Samaritan. These two men just walked on and did nothing. Will that be said of you when you stand before the Almighty God of Israel? You and I have to choose what we are going to do today, not tomorrow, not next week, not next year, but today.

Joshua of old said to the people of his day, “Choose you this day who you will serve, as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord”. Have you chosen whether you will serve the Jewish people or yourself yet?

Just read your Bible and you will see what happens to those people, nations, demons and even the Devil himself who have tried to destroy the Jewish race and to split up the land of Israel.  They are punished by the Almighty God of Israel. All of these attempts to destroy the Jewish people are part of a spiritual war that has been going on since the world began, but it will end in victory for God and His saints in the end. As you think about what I have just been saying, let us now turn to part six.

6. The purpose for all of these things and events.

I will deal with this section in four parts as follows.

A. The return of the Messiah.

B. The cleansing of Israel

C. The judgement of the nations.

D. A New Heaven and a New Earth.

A. The return of the Messiah.

This subject is a big subject to deal with, but I am going to have a go at explaining to you what it means.

In Acts chapter 1 verses 9-11 we read that Jesus ascended into Heaven, and as He left this world there were two men standing next to the disciples who told them that this same Jesus would return in exactly the same way as they had seen Him leave and to exactly the same place as well. He left on a cloud and He is coming back again on cloud to land where? On the Mount of Olives on the East side of the city of Jerusalem. What scriptural proof have I got for saying this. Zechariah chapter 14 verses4-9 says exactly what will happen on that day. I am looking forward to that wonderful day when we return with Him to rule the Earth for one thousand years. Also Revelations chapter 1 verse 7 says about Jesus coming back to Earth via the clouds and again it repeats what Zechariah said, all the Earth will see this event happen. With all the satellite technology we have at our disposal now this is possible. Fifty years ago a news item from the other side of the world took a whole day to get to our shores and to be broadcast, but now we can see events across the world in seconds. So that makes the events described in the Bible very possible.
I am now going to tell you a story which I heard some years ago about the Mount of Olives. When the Jordanian army conquered East Jerusalem, the King of Jordan ordered his surveyors and engineers to prepare a plan to build a very large hotel on the top of the Mount of Olives. When these men returned to the King they told him that it was not a very good idea to build anything up there as there was a large split in the surface of the ground. This proved to myself that the Word of God is true.

This hill side is a lovely place to sit on, and to look and pray for the people of Israel and the land at the same time. You can sit there in the lovely warm sunshine on a summers evening and just bask in it all.  On one occasion I was up there with the friends who I was on tour with, and as we prayed over Jerusalem it seemed that we were only there a few minutes meditating and praying. We were there almost two hours that evening.

There is a museum in Jerusalem called the Third Temple Institute, where they have got all of the artefacts ready for the new Temple which will be built one day and one of those artefacts which Is not in that building is the Red Heifer. This animal was used in the original sacrifices mentioned in the Torah and as of 2008 I have been told that this beast has been re-bred ready to start up the sacrifices once more.

The return of the Messiah has big implications for us all who know and love God, in that things will change, and they will change drastically when He comes back to this planet. When Jesus returns as the King, we who know and love Him will judge the nations who have rejected God. In the meanwhile Israel, the people will be dealt with by God as we shall see in the next part of this subject.

Part B. The cleansing of Israel.

Ezekiel chapter 36 verses 24 - 38, tell us what God is going to do for the Jewish people. He is going to change their whole way of living, their attitudes to Himself, they will have a new heart of flesh, and not the hard heartedness that they used to have.

I have mentioned this chapter elsewhere in this book and you would do well to
read it once more at this point, so that you will see what God is doing and will do to His ancient and special people.
The Jewish people are going to be completely, and utterly out and out for God. There are other scriptures that say similar things, and in the book of the Revelations God says that He will have one hundred and forty four thousand Jewish people from all of the twelve tribes going out to tell people about Himself. They will be on fire for their God once more, as we should be now, but are not always so.
When Jesus returns as the King of the Earth again, He will start to Judge the nations, as we will see in the next part of our study.

Part C. The judgement of the nations.

Joel Chapter 3 verses 1-17 tell us of what God will do to the nations that have come against His people and His land. There are other verses of scripture that warn us of touching God’s people and His land. I have already alluded to many of them, so you can go back and find them for yourselves. I would suggest at this point of our travels through the Bible that you compare Exodus chapters 7 verse 4 to Chapter 12 verse 30, with the judgements mentioned in the book of Revelations. The first one only hit one nation and the last ones will hit all of the world.

You will need a good concordance to find all of these verses about the Judgement of God on the nations who try and have divided up the land of Israel and the people of God.

I feel that also God will judge the nations for the ways that they have treated and mistreated the Gentile followers of Jesus as well as the Jews.

Part D. A new Heaven and a New Earth.

All that God is finally going to do is to completely burn up this poor old world of ours that is tainted by sin at every turn.
In God’s palace there can be nothing that is sinful in any shape, way or form. Revelations chapters 21 and 22 tell us that. Heaven is going to be a wonderful place where there will be no more sin, sickness, dying, disease, war, fighting etc. etc. We are all going to live in peace and be praising our wonderful Saviour forever and forever. What a change that will be from what we have now. Everything that we have at present has the smell of sin and corruption about us. But, praise God He is going to change all of that for those who know and love Him. The place that all true believers are going to will be far greater, more beautiful, bigger, cleaner than anything we will have ever experienced down here on Planet Earth. It will be a proper Paradise. No film set or television programme can ever tell you what Heaven will be like, but I know that it is going to be a wonderful place to live in.

In 2 Peter chapter 3 verses 10-13, the Apostle tells us how God is going to burn up this old world one day and before He does He wants all men and women to come to a saving knowledge of His great love for us all. Scientists are telling us of the so called dangers that we would face if the ice caps in the Polar regions of the Earth were to melt completely. They are saying that there will be a lot of flooding. Personally I do not accept that idea as freezing water expands, so melting water must contract. Also these people do not mention the mini ice ages that happened in Europe way back in the 1500’s and 1600’s , when the River Thames in London froze over every winter for several years. This event also took place in continental Europe as well. You can see paintings of these events in the big national art galleries of western Europe.
We will get real Global warming when God steps in to judge this poor old world of ours in the future.
The great prophet Isaiah tells us about this wonderful new order that God has for us, and the Jewish people. Everything is going to be renewed by God. This new Kingdom of God will need no Sun light, or Moonlight as He will be the radiant light in that Kingdom.

If you want God’s blessing on your life then you need to start to bless and help the Jewish people. See Genesis chapter 12 verses 1-3.

Now to end this part I am going to ask you a few questions about what we have discovered and see what answers you can come up with.

Question 1. Who is the prime mover behind all of the attacks on the Jewish people?

Question 2. Do you understand a bit more of the specialness of the Jewish people?

Question 3. What sort of world do you want to live in?

Question 4. Do you want God’s blessing on your life?

Question 5. Will God show me more about Himself and His plans for Israel if I ask Him?

Question 6. I am going to give you a list of the scriptures which tell us of God’s plan to return the Jewish people to their land. Can you find any more than there are in this list? If you search diligently you will probably find some of those verses which I have missed. Here is what I have found so far starting in the Torah.

Deuteronomy chapter 30 verses 1-5.

Psalm 107 verses 2-3.

Isaiah chapter 11 verses 11-12

Isaiah chapter 27 verse 13.

Isaiah chapter 41 verse 9.

Isaiah chapter 43 verses 5-6.

Isaiah chapter 49 verse 12.

Isaiah chapter 60 verse 4.

Isaiah chapter 60 verses 8-9.

Jeremiah chapter 3 verse 18.

Jeremiah chapter 23 verses 3-4.

Jeremiah chapter 29 verse 14.

Jeremiah chapter 30 verse 3.

Jeremiah chapter 30 verse 10.

Jeremiah chapter 30 verse 18.

Jeremiah chapter 31 verse 8.

Jeremiah chapter 31 verses 16-17.

Jeremiah chapter 32 verse 17.

Jeremiah chapter 33 verse 7.

Jeremiah chapter 33 verse 11.

Jeremiah chapter 46 verse 27.

Ezekiel chapter 11 verse 17.

Ezekiel Chapter 20 verse 34.

Ezekiel chapter 20 verses 41 -42.

Ezekiel chapter 28 verse 25.

Ezekiel chapter 34 verse 13.

Ezekiel chapter 36 verse 24.

Ezekiel chapter 37 verses 21 -22.

Ezekiel chapter 39 verses 25 -29.

Joel chapter 3 verse 1.

Amos chapter 9 verses 14-15.

Micah chapter 2 verse 12.

Hosea chapter 11 verses 10-11.

Zephaniah chapter 3 verse 20.

Zechariah chapter 10 verses 9-10.

There are more verses so you can find them and add them to this list. When you have read them you will see that God is trying to say something to us today. I was always told when I was a young believer, many years ago now that if the Bible says something more than once then we should take notice of what God is trying to say to us.

Question 7. What is God saying will happen to this world of ours?

Question 8. Are you prepared to meet God as your Saviour or as a judge?

The next part of our Bible study tour continues on from the previous one about the special relationship between Israel, the Jewish people and God, Himself. This time we, the Gentiles are included in the scheme of things that God is going to bring about for this world and the new one to follow that will follow after this old world has gone.

You may remember that I told you that when Jesus comes back to the Earth again, He is going to return to Jerusalem, and land of Israel at the Mount of Olives. What the prophets of old could not see then was that there was a great event going to happen just prior to this return of Jesus. The Apostle Paul tells us that we and our predecessors are going to rise from the dead and meet Jesus in the air and then as Zechariah says, that when the Messiah comes He will be bringing all of His Saints with Him. What are going to be doing in that time. We will be ruling with Him on the Earth. Now that is another subject for you to look up and study elsewhere. So let us look at what is going to happen.

Before we look at this subject in greater detail, I must say to you that God does not tell us very much about the Millennial reign of His Son Jesus, in His word at all. He may have not told us very much on this subject because we probably could not take it in, or really understand the full significance of all of the events which will take place after He comes back to the Earth once more.

Anyway, I am going to try to give a clearer picture in five sections.

1. Preparation.
2. The place.

3. The 1000 years.

4. Afterwards.

5. A timescale map.

1. The preparation for the return of the Messiah.

In 1. Thessalonians chapter 4 verse 13  we read that when Jesus comes to the air we are going to meet Him. Those who have died in Christ prior to this event are also going to rise at the same time as ourselves and we will be given a glorious new body as we rise up. You can find that in 1 Corinthians chapter 15. Then we are going to reign with Him on the Earth for one thousand years. The question has been put to me recently. What about those believers whose bodies have been destroyed by explosions and others who have been eaten by lions, sharks etc. will they be resurrected on that day? My simple answer is that I do not know how God is going to raise them up, but I do know that it is not beyond the scope of our God to do so. The Bible does say about the sea giving up their dead bodies for the Day of Judgement. So, I believe that God can and will be able to raise up those whose bodies have been destroyed as I have just said.
The word RAPTURE does not ever appear in the Bible, but it means the snatching away of those who know and love Jesus as their Saviour and Lord. There is a question here for you the reader. Do you know Jesus as your Lord and Saviour yet? If you do not then it is high time that you stopped messing around and got your life right with God, because on the day that His children, both Jew and Gentile go to Heaven you will be left behind to face the consequences of your decision.
Prior to this great event happening, we are told in the Bible that there will be a great falling away of all sorts of things in our world. Like immorality will increase, people will be more selfish than before, there will be wars  and rumours of war world wide, earthquakes and natural disasters of a grand scale. You only have to look at the way things are going in this world to see that since 1900 there have been more wars recorded than in all the previous 1900 years. In the two World Wars of the last century millions upon millions of people perished in these two conflicts alone. I do not know the exact figures but it runs into hundreds of millions. I would include not just those who died on the battle fields, but also those who perished in the death camps, those who died of their wounds after the wars were over, and those whose families were killed by falling bombs which landed on their homes and work places during air raid attacks.

In the United Kingdom our knife crimes rate has gone up and up for the past couple of years. Young people in their teenage years are killing other young people. I have never heard of so many young deaths in all of my life as I have recently. It was a rare thing when I was growing up fifty or so years ago now. Then a murder was big headline news, but today when you hear of a murder you ask the question, “which one?”

There is also corruption in the high places of governments right across the world, which is leaving many of the poorer people in our societies in a bad way, financially. The present world leaders are trying to find ways of dealing with the bad financial situation without asking God to help them. I have heard it said in the past,“ I wish that there was a man to get us out of this mess”. Yes, we will get a man one day to get us out of the mess that we are in, but, and it is a big but here, he will exact a very high price for his help. He will rule the world as  the leader of the world government. When he does all those who are still alive on the day when he takes over will be expected to wear his counterfeit mark on their foreheads or right hand. These marks are a counterfeit to what God told the Jewish people to do when they received from God the laws that were given to Moses. They were told to bind them round their foreheads and to tie them to their right hands. Orthodox Jews still do this today. Our monetary system is leading up to all of this happening in the very near future. Be alert to what is going on around you, and ask God to give you the understanding of the things that you see happening. Look out for the “in words”, such as THE GLOBAL VILLAGE, or, A NEW WORLD ORDER. I have heard this second statement used on British television news of late, relating to the jobs crises and the monetary crises in Britain. Twice  these words have been said in relation to the current economic and jobs situations that many people are finding themselves in today. The words, ” A NEW WORLD ORDER”, were used to describe what the future was going to be like for the people of Great Britain. A Christian from New Zealand by the name of Barry Smith, before he died in 2002 wrote a lot about these things from the 1970’s onwards., and a lot of what he said is coming true today. His books are worth reading and can still be bought from the foundation that was set up in his memory. Their address is  M.S. Life Media, PO. Box79, Havelock 7154 New Zealand. E-mail info@mslifemedia.com They will be able to send you their book list and price lists.
As each day and year goes by many things will get worse year on year until the all of those who love God are taken out of the picture, and translated into the people that God is aiming that we should be, perfect in Him. So watch out and take in what is happening around us all each and every day. Every year in Great Britain we are seeing more and more murders and rapes, etc. The sad thing is that it is young people who are killing each other for next to nothing, or because one young person looks at another one in a supposed bad way. What are our young people coming to? They should be out enjoying life not killing each other. This is part of the work of our enemy to destroy what God says is good. Marriages are part of God’s plan. But, marriages are being destroyed as well, and the divorce rate is still too high.

The next phase after the saints have been taken out of this world will be an unprecedented seven years of evil.

You can read about this in the book of the Revelations and Daniel’s prophecy gives a hint at these times as well. Daniel had a vision of a large statue made of Gold, Silver, Bronze, Iron, and a mixture of Iron and Clay. These all represented different empires of the world from Daniel’s day right up until the Roman Empire and beyond. You need to turn to Daniel chapter 2 for the story. We are somewhere in the last part of the story in the Iron and Clay. Then Daniel goes on to describe a period of time called the seventy weeks. This is a period of four hundred and ninety years, which started at the end of the seventy years of the exile that Daniel took was involved in. The first four hundred and eighty three of those years ended at the time that Jesus was crucified, and that leaves the a period of one week to be fulfilled. This period of time will start when all the true believers are taken out of this world. I also believe this will take place when the last Jewish person who has been called by God to return to Israel has arrived in the land. Daniel and other scriptures describe what the scene on Earth will be like when this Man of Sin is revealed. It will completely and utterly evil for seven long years. By the way things are going in the western world that day cannot be so far off, can it?

We are at present in the Day of God’s grace, as Paul tells us in Romans chapter 11. But that day is soon to close and then the judgements of God will start towards the end of that seven years period. The nations of this world will get what they have always wanted --- a man to get them out of the mess that they are in. A man, notice that, not God, they are looking for a man. I would rather have God than a man to lead me, as I have seen so much of what a man can do, and mess up and destroy to last me a lifetime. This statement about wanting a man to rescue this world out of the chaos which mankind has, and is making was spoken some years ago now, and it will come true one day soon. I am very glad that I will not be there at that time. I may see the beginnings of his coming to power, but I trust God that I will be out of it by then. I would not want to be part of a world system which is more corrupt than it is now.
Another part of the preparation for the return of the Messiah is the return of the Jewish people to Israel. I have told you a bit about that already so I won’t go into that in detail again. Except to say that there will be a third Temple and the sacrifices will be fully restored during that seven year period. But they will only be restored for half of that time as the Man of Sin will stop them and put his own statue in this Temple and all the people on Earth will have to worship it, or die.
The imagination and inventiveness of mankind is now making machines that can talk and possibly think. Just what John said in the Book of the Revelations. Check it out for yourselves to see if I am correct or not.
Another big event towards the time of the return of the Messiah was the restoration of the land of Israel to the Jewish people in 1948. This event came out of the second World War’s aftermath, which saw many millions of people homeless and wandering around with every little, but what they could carry on their backs, in the main. Many people in Europe were homeless and wandering from one place to another and out of that came the restoration of Israel. It was a miracle of God. The British abstained from the voting in the United Nations in 1947 with a few other nations. But in reality they were against this nation being set up once again.
God has given us a great big sign about the end times events in that Israel became a nation again in 1948.

So my advice to you is to watch what is going on in Israel. Isaiah asked the question in his book, “Can a nation be born in a day?”. Only with God could such a thing ever happen and it did in May 1948. Most of the world did not like it and trouble started almost there and then, for the newly reborn state of Israel.
In a lot of the churches, like the one that I went to a few years later the fact of Israel being reborn was totally ignored, or not even mentioned ever. These churches missed out on being a part of a great plan by God to restore Israel. Just think what blessings they missed by not being alert to what was going on at that time and in not helping the fledgling state of Israel to survive it’s rebirth.

At present as I write this book, Israel is attacking the Gaza strip and all of the world is against them. Why? Because of the one sided reporting from that land. Israel’s enemies are sending rockets over the borders every day. Since the Jewish pull out of Gaza in 2005 it estimated that over 3000 rockets have been fired into Israel. Possibly a lot more than that have been fired at Israel. The Israeli authorities have had as much as they can stand and they have gone into Gaza to deal with the situation.

What the news broadcasters do not tell you is that the Hamas people place a lot of their forces inside residential areas, so that if they are fired on then the innocent people get killed and Israel gets the blame for the killing of civilians. They also use people as human shields as cover from the bullets coming in from the Israeli army’s rifles. They store ammunition in the basements of schools and hospitals, or put rocket launchers on the roof tops of the same sort of buildings, and at the same time herd people into the buildings and threaten them with death if they start to leave. They know full well that these buildings will be attacked by the Israeli air force. Consequently, when these buildings are attacked by the Israeli air force, the Israelis get the blame for any deaths of the people who were placed inside in these buildings in the beginning.

It is now January 24th 2009 and this morning on the B.B.C. news I heard that they (the B.B.C) were being criticised by other media groups for their biased reporting from Gaza in particular and in Israel generally  Perhaps they might take some notice now and start to report things properly. I don’t hold my breath for very long over this.

Another thing to point out here is that in the border towns on the Israeli side, they build bomb shelters, so that if there is a raid the local townspeople can hide. Not so in Gaza. There the people have to do the best that they can and find any shelter available, if there is one.

So where are we in the year 2009? We are on the threshold of God sending Jesus back to reclaim His bride and His people. Hurrah.

When you look at some of the technological things that have happened over the past few years you will see the Bible coming to life before your very own eyes. John said that the whole world would see Jesus return to Earth. We can do that now by satellite television broadcasts. The idol that can speak. This is being developed already as voice recognition security devices and in robots. John said that the death of the two witness’s in Jerusalem would be seen world wide.

It can be done right now by a certain Jewish broadcast which you can tap into. On this web site you can see exactly what is going on in Jerusalem at the Western Wall of the old Temple site live. At the same time the whole world will see the return of Jesus as the Messiah. Satellite television could be the means of this being achieved.

2. The place of return.

This place is called the Mount of Olives. It is a lot different to the time of Jesus as there are churches and other buildings on the Mount now. But, as I said earlier it is a lovely place to go and sit and pray, and to look at the Old City of Jerusalem. When you go to Israel and then on to Jerusalem, you will need to go out of St. Stephen’s Gate as that is the nearest one to the Mount. You cannot go out of the Golden Gate which was the old way out of the city because there is a Moslem burial ground across the gateway.
Ezekiel the prophet mentions that the Eastern Gate would be closed at some point, but in the time of Jesus it was the gate in which He entered the city riding on the donkey.
The way up to the Mount of Olives is up a narrow road and if you go to the very top you will find yourself in Bethany and then down the hill the other side, you will come to the tomb of Lazarus. This was the old road from Jericho to Jerusalem, which because of it being in the Arab East Jerusalem, the Jewish people will not use. They have built a new road out of the city to go to Jericho.

This the place where the Garden of Gethsemane is situated, right at the bottom of the slope and it is well worth a visit as well as the other parts of the Mount.

This is the area to which Jesus will return when He comes back as the King of the Earth. From this city He will judge the nations and will rule righteously.

I told you previously of the splits in the mountain and Jesus will make these splits so wide that water will gush out East and West of this mount. In its place there will a wide valley with a river running out towards the Mediterranean Sea an
d to the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea will no longer be dead, as there will fish in it . It would seem to me that this upheaval of the Earth will open up the bottom end of the Dead Sea to make the waters flow out of it and into the Red Sea area further south. You can read about that in the book of Ezekiel.
If you look at a very good map of the Middle East you will discover that the Jordan Valley is part of the Great Rift Valley which starts somewhere in Central Syria and ends up in Central Africa. It is an immense valley several thousand miles long.

When will Jesus exactly return to the Earth? We are told not to speculate about this event, but to look for the signs that Jesus mentions in the Gospels. These signs include wars and many of them, disturbances in the Heavens above us, people’s hearts failing them from fear, etc. etc.
Yesterday, 3rd March 2009,in Kent there was a 2.8 earthquake in the Folkestone area. This was the second one in two years.

It was reported in today’s newspapers that Great Britain gets around one hundred earthquakes a year, but as they are so small we hardly ever feel them. We had one where I live about ten years ago and it was just like a large thunder clap which shook our house.
Jesus will come back at the start of the seven year period of Earth’s history, which Daniel spoke of, to stop men wiping themselves completely off the face of the planet. God will shorten those days of  severe trouble. But what we need to do is to be ready for His return as I told you earlier. You need to get yourself right with God today, Now. Not tomorrow as that could be too late. If you have not given your life over to Jesus Christ yet, then it is time to do so. You might be reading this book when it is too late to change your mind as by then Jesus could have taken His Church, the true church, out this sinful world, and you, my dear friend, will be left behind to face the  wrath of an almighty God. I would not want to be in your shoes if that were the case, so please give your life over to Him today. Just ask Him to forgive you of your sinfulness and to come into your life and turn it around for the better. You will not regret doing so if you really mean business with God.

3. The 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ.

The Bible says very little about this period of time. So, I do not have much to go on. Perhaps God has not told us what it will be like as we might not be able to take it all in.

What the Bible says about the New Heavens and New Earth will probably be very similar to the 1000 years reign of Jesus. After that time is up, this old planet and solar system is going to be burnt up, Then watch out for global warming. We haven’t seen anything yet. Revelations chapter 20 verses 4-6 will give you a clue to what this world will be like. But, the new Heavens and the new Earth will last for all of eternity and will never fade away or disappear ever. That is the promise of God in His word. This new creation of His will never be tainted by sin, or anything sinful in any way. That is the sort of place I want to be living in, don’t you? Also at the same time that the one thousand year reign of Jesus is taking place on the old planet Earth, Satan is going to be bound in chains for one thousand years.

4. The aftermath.

After the 1000 years is over Satan will be let loose for a short while, and this will show that the heart of the unregenerate human being will still be as evil as ever. The Bible says that all of the thoughts and imaginations of mankind are continually wicked, and again that all people are sinners. Just ask yourself one question here, which do you find it easier to do, good or evil? The answer will be evil, or wrong. Just observe a baby. Do you have to teach a baby to do wrong ? No. But judgement will be dispensed on the Earth by God then. You will need to read the book of the Revelations to get a fuller picture of what God is going to do. The judgements that He will send on mankind are so horrific that it is very hard to contemplate the devastation that they will cause to us.

At the end of this time of judgement. God is going to destroy this old world. You can read this in the second letter of Peter. Then God will bring in the new Heavens and the new Earth  and a totally new order of things His order, not mankind’s. Then we will know what peace really is. We will all know what true love and happiness is as well. All will be so different to what we know and experience at present. We cannot comprehend what a world without sin of any sort could be like, because we are sinful and that is what we have had to live with ever since Adam and Eve first sinned in the Garden of Eden.

5. A time scale map of this chapter.

At the time that the church is removed, I mean all of those who know and love Jesus as their Lord and Saviour, (the true church)  a seven year period of unparalleled trouble starts on the Earth with the Anti-Christ setting up His world government. Israel will be allowed to restart the sacrifices in Jerusalem, but after three and one half years the Anti-Christ will remove those sacrifices and set up his own worship in the Temple. All the inhabitants on the Earth will have to have a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads. Without this mark you will not be allowed to buy, sell, or do anything. To refuse this mark means death. This mark is in stark contrast to what God told Moses to tell the people of his day. That was to bind God’s laws around your arms and around your forehead. We are getting very near to having something like this mark today with all the trouble that nations are having with people having their  identities stolen by crooks. This mark will be tattooed on to your right hand, or onto your forehead, and the Bible warns that anyone who has this mark will not be able to enter into any place where God is. God has put His own mark on those who have made the choice to follow Him and not the evil one. We cannot see the mark that God has put on His on children, but He can see it and He knows who has it and who does not.
The Holy Spirit goes, and then all hell will be let loose on Earth for seven years. When I say, “all hell” , what I mean is, that is what it will feel like for anyone who is left behind. Jesus will come back with His saints at the start of the seven years to stop mankind from total annihilation. Satan will be bound in chains for all of that time, i.e. one thousand years. Then He, Jesus, will start to judge the nations for a short while at the start of the one thousand years of His reign on the Earth. Once these judgments are over the rest of His reign will be utter bliss to what we see and know at this present time. After that period of time is up, Satan will be let free for a short while and then will be bound and sent to a bottomless pit forever and ever. One thing that this releasing of Satan will show, is that the hearts of men and women who do not know God will not have changed in that one thousand year reign of Jesus. The Bible says in several places about the heart of mankind being evil all of the time. After this will follow the final judgments of all who have denied that Jesus was ever the Saviour and Lord, and anyone whose name is not in God’s book of life will be sent to Hell. These are God’s words in summary form and if you do not like what I have said read the following chapters of the book of Revelations. Chapters 21 -22.  I know that the following six or seven sentences are things which I have said a little earlier, but, I have included them here once more to remind you of what God is saying and what He is going to do in the near future of our planet.

So, please take a lot of notice of what God is saying. Following that day of God’s judgment of the human race, this old Earth and Heavens that we know today will be burnt up with fire. (People talk about global warming today. They haven’t seen anything yet)  This world will melt and dissolve completely. You can read that in the Second letter of Peter chapter three.
When this old world has completely gone He will usher in the new one where there is nothing that can make for sin in any shape, form or way, to corrupt that new world where God is the centre of it. What a change that will be for those of us who will be going there. No more of this sinful old place, but a brand new home forever. How this is going to happen, the Bible does not say, but I still believe it because God spoke it to His disciples and prophets of old.

For the last part of our Bible study I want to take you back to the first century A.D. and look at what the Bible says in Romans chapters 9-11 about the church and Israel.

In the first of these chapters, chapter nine, Paul the Apostle tells us of the Jews rejection of Jesus, and the sorrow that he has in his heart for his own countrymen for their decision to reject Jesus. Following this he tells us of God’s plans, purposes and justice as against the Jewish rejection of Jesus.
In the next chapter, 10, he tells us of the need that Israel has for the gospel and the nations rejection of it. Then in chapter 11 he tells us a lot more of God’s love and plans for Israel and the Jewish people, and of the warning that is being given to the Gentile believers about Replacement Theology, and being arrogant towards the Jewish people. Read it and repent of any anti-Semitic teaching which you may have in your mind.

We are going to look at chapter 11 in more detail as it is the Bible’s answer to Replacement Theology, in a minute. But first I want to give you a little of the background to this chapter and as to why chapters 9-11 were written.

I am going to go through this chapter (11) a bit at a time and I want you to follow it in your own Bibles to see if I am right, or not, in what I say.
This problem of replacement theology goes right back to the early days of the church. Jesus was crucified around A.D. 26-A.D.30. No body is sure of the exact date, because of the calendar changes which have been made in the history of mankind. Since those far off days. The Gospel was being preached around the Roman Empire within a few years after the resurrection of Jesus, from the grave. The idea of this theory was already in the minds of some of the early Gentile believers in Rome, when Paul wrote this letter to them. So let us have a look at these verses in chapter 11, which come in the middle of the section that is different to the other chapters of his letter. i.e. chapters 9-11.

Romans Chapter 11.  Verse 1.Question. Has God finished with the Jewish people and nation? The answer is a definite NO. Or as we would say today, NO WAY. God has not finished with His people or His nation, as He has a great future for them. See verse 2. God is still using His ancient people to bless this world, just as He promised Abraham in Geneses chapter 12 verses 1-2.
When you look at what the Jewish people have contributed to the welfare of this world, it is truly amazing. I think that I have mentioned this already in another part of this book.

Verses3-5. God has always had a remnant of His people who have loved, and followed His laws always, and that is still true today in 2009. There are Jewish believers in Jesus around the world who are part of that remnant, even in Israel as well.

Verses  7- 10. Tell of what God has done to His own people until He is ready to reveal Himself to them once more. He has blinded them spiritually for a short while. But, when Jesus returns to the Mount of Olives, ( see the book of Zechariah and the book of Acts) then their eyes will be opened and they will see whop Jesus really is. He certainly won’t be what has been portrayed of him in films and books. He will be returning as the King of all Kings, and Lord of all Lords.

Verse 11. We should be provoking the Jewish people to jealousy for what they have lost and for what we have gained, or have been given.

Question. Did the Christian church, so called, do just that or not? No, we did not. We did everything to hurt the Jews and their land over many centuries as I have described to you earlier in this book by humiliating them, killing them, degrading them, etc. etc.

Verses 12 - 16 tell of the restoration of Israel and the Jewish people being like a resurrection from the dead into a new life. It will come sometime soon in the near future. Today we are seeing the stirrings of life in the nation and how that the people are going back to the land.  In the recent fighting in Gaza, more Jewish people in the forces were asking for the book of Psalms to read prior to going into battle and also I am given to understand that more Jewish people have been praying for God to do something for them as a nation.

Verses 17-24. In this section the writer tells us that we should be aware of pride, in that we have been grafted into the things that the Jewish people have lost. There is a big, big, warning here about saying that Israel and the Jews are finished with. They are not finished with. But you, the reader will have to be careful about what you say about Israel being dead and buried, as it has been said before, if God can break His promises to Israel, He can do it to us as well. God’s promises to Israel and the Jewish people are for all of eternity. That means forever and ever, amen. Pride can lead to arrogance, and both of these things are a sin in the eyes of God. So be careful in what you say about the Jewish people and the Word of God. God will hold each one of us accountable for the things that we say and do, and if we have said or done anything against His Jewish people then we need to repent, as I have already stated.

Verses 25 -36 tell us that this blindness is only until the day of the Gentiles is over and that God has allowed this blindness to happen to them so that He can show His love and mercy to all of the human race. The Jewish people are slowly waking up to the fact that they need to know their God once more.

One day soon they will know Him again. God knows what He is doing, so we need not have any fear about His plans for Israel and His Church. Look at Isaiah chapter 55 and see what it says there about God’s wisdom. His wisdom, ways  and ideas are far great than we can imagine. Even His foolishness does not reach down to our highest level of intelligence, or brains in this world. Paul says that in 1 Corinthians chapter 1.

Back to the book of Romans for one last thought. Turn over to Chapter 15 and verses 25 - 28. Here Paul tells us why we should help the Jewish people and stand by them in times of need. We have received from the Word of God, a Saviour, Salvation and a great hope of Heaven. All of these things came through the Jewish people, so we owe them a great deal, and that is why we need to help them now, today. The people of Israel are suffering as the country has to spend most of the money that they receive on defending themselves from an enemy who is determined and dedicated to their destruction.

The Jewish people in Eastern Europe need a lot of help to go home, and to just live every day. Believe you me I have seen just how poor these people can be for myself on the two visits which I made to the Ukraine in 2007 and 2008.

Sometimes it is a choice of buying shoes or food. Not both, just one, and go without the other. In Israel, because their government has to keep buying armaments to defend themselves, their money for social causes is limited and the people are suffering as a result of that. There are lots of families in Israel on, or below the bread line and are in need of help with finding enough to eat, and for enough clothing to look after themselves and their families.
The world says that all the Jews are rich. Yes some of them are just like us Gentiles, some are rich and some are poor. In the case of the Jewish people there are many who are extremely poor in the old Soviet Union. So we who have so much in the West need to help them just to survive on a daily basis.

So what can you and I do for these people.

1. Pray.
2. Support with money.

3. Collect aid for them.

4. Visit Israel and spend your money out there to help the country.

5. Join one of the Christian organizations that are supporting Israel and helping the Jewish people to survive and to have a decent sort of living standards. We are told in the Ten Commandments that we should love our neighbours as we would love ourselves. Jesus mentioned it and so does the Apostle Paul. In the letter of James, which is a very practical letter, in which he says a lot about looking after those in need and about our faith being practical and not just nice words. Nice words never fed or clothed anyone, but practical aid will.

I have been an advocate of this all of my life as a believer in Jesus and will do the same until I go home to glory, as long as I have the strength and health to do so.
By doing these things you will be showing your love to them and God will bless you as you get involved.
Read Genesis chapter 12 verses 1-3. If you want God’s blessing on your life then you bless Israel and the Jewish people from now on. You will not regret it, and I can prove it to you by the things that I have seen myself. I have been so blessed by getting involved with God’s chosen people in so many different ways. I have made so many new contacts and friends just because I got involved as the Lord opened up the doors for me to go through in service for Him.
Thank you for reading this book and I pray that you will experience the blessings of God on your life as you get involved with His plans for Israel and the Jewish nation.

Question. What is God trying to do through the Jews and the Gentiles? Simply this. He is trying to make us into one unit, one family, with one Lord and Saviour, Jesus. Where there will be and are no more divisions between us caused by race, colour, creed, or anything else. Read Ephesians chapter 2 verses14-18 for the scriptural answers to this question.

The thirty sixth chapter of the book of Ezekiel is very interesting as it tells us so plainly what God wants to do with the land of Israel, and the Jewish people when they are back in the land again. The headings I am going to use come from a little booklet of the same name which is published by Ebenezer Operation Exodus. Here they are .

1. Verses 1-7 the land is desolate.

2. Verses 8-15 The land will be restored.

3. Verses 16-20. The exile was deserved.

4. Verses 21-23 Aliyah is for the sake of His name.

5. Verses 23-33 The final ingathering and cleansing.

6. Verses 24-29 The spiritual restoration.

7. Verses 29-30 The land of abundance.

8. Verses  31-32 Israel’s repentance.

9. Verses 34-36 The land becomes fruitful.

Some of the things that are mentioned in this chapter have already happened, while the rest of these promises are for the future. May be in our life time. God wants the Jewish people back in the land and that is why the enemy is so desperate to stop them going back to their ancient home.

Because he knows that if he fails to stop the Jews going home, then God will not be able to do all of the things that He says that He will do for them. On top of that our enemy wants to stop the return of the Messiah at the same time. If our enemy fails in this, then he knows something else as well, and that is that he will be judged by the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and be condemned to the pit of Hell.
God wants His ancient people back in the land as I have said already, earlier, so that He can bless them and keep the promises that He has made to them over the many years and centuries since they were first proclaimed. Just go through the story of Abraham and see just how many promises God made to that man. Then go through the story of Moses and the children of Israel in the desert when some of these promises were given again, and would be kept as long as the people obeyed God.

The prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel to name but a few of them all give promises about the return of the exiles to Israel again and they also reiterate these same promises. In the New Testament these same promises are mention ion the book of Hebrews. You would have to look them up for yourselves to see if that is right or not. God always keeps His promises, no matter what we do or say as human beings. God cannot and never will change His word to us about anything. That is why we can be so sure about His promises.

Many years ago now I was given a promise from the Psalms, three times in two days from different sources. I was out of work at that time and my family was suffering. The Psalmist wrote the following,” I am an old man now and I was once young and in all of that time I have never seen the righteous forsaken or begging for food.” That is my paraphrase of this verse. I proved it every day, because I held on to that verse and we did survive. As I say to people we got down to the bone, but we never ate it. When you can prove the promises of God in your own lives, you know that all of them will stand the test of time, and will come true as well, in God’s timings and not ours.


In summing up all that we have read, here are a list of the sources that I have used to compile all of these thoughts, and my thanks go to them for their valued help.

Sources referred to in this book.

In defence of Israel. John Hagee.
Why Israel? W.W.J. Glashhouer.
The Jews. J. Teller.
Forsaken Promise. H. Kitson. (D.V.D.)
Yad Vashem USA. Internet.
Eternal word T.V. Internet.
Clifford’s Tower. R.B. Dobson.
A green and pleasant land. Internet.
Convicts  transported to Australia. Internet.
Jews in Australia, by Suzanne Rutland.
Jewish Australia/New Zealand, a historical tour, by Joy Katzen/Guthrie.
Metro free newspapers. Ltd.
The Community Security Trust, 2007 report into anti-Semitism.
Phil Lumley Ebenezer worker, for his notes.
Various web sites for the historical notes and ideas.
Jewish museum in Sydney Australia for their notes on the Jewish convicts.

If I have not mentioned any particular author from whose works I have got some of my thoughts and ideas, then I apologies here for that error, and if you would kindly send me the details I will try to add them to a later edition.

Bible sources used.

The prophetic verses about the restoration of the land of Israel. The prophets of the Old Testament.
The plot to kill Jesus. The four Gospels.
His blood be on us. Matthew chapter 27 verse 5.
Romans chapters 9-11 and 15 verses 25-28.
The oneness of the Jews and Gentiles. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians
His return to Earth.  Zechariah chapter 14 verse 4, Acts chapter 1 verses 9-11, and Revelations chapter 1 verse 7.
The rapture of the saints and of the Anti-Christ appearing. 1 and 2 Thessalonians.
Judgments of God on the nations of the Earth. Joel chapter 3, and the whole of the book of Revelations.
As things stand at present and looking at the way things are going, I can see the nations of the world coming against Israel and attacking the nation just as the scriptures predict in the prophecy of Zechariah. But that is for another study elsewhere. Well, when that happens the nations had better watch out, because that is when God will intervene in a very dramatic way to save Israel and the Jewish people. From that point onwards the nations are going to go to the valley of Jehoshaphat where God’s final Judgments on the world’s armies will take place. You read that in Joel chapter three.
That will be the real Armageddon, not the like the sort and types as depicted in films and television stories. This will be the real thing, with no make believe stuff in it.
There are other scriptures which I have used in the preparation of these studies and you can find them for yourself if you are willing to search out the Bible by yourself.
By doing your own research you will be blessed even more as it will mean much more to you, than by me giving you every chapter and verse to read or to follow up. You will get more out the scriptures that way, just as I have done and still do. Write down all that you discover, so that you can re-read it at a later date. This will help you to retain in your memory what you see, and what you will learn from your own studies.
Just one last thought. Be blessed and go out and be a blessing to somebody else and share what you will have learnt from these studies with other people. Go and be a Good Samaritan to a Jewish family, or neighbour if you possibly can, by putting your faith in God, and love for God into action. Read the letter of James chapter two, for more details on how to do this.
God bless you and thanks once again for reading this book. Amen.

Chapter 12. Extra information

The Jewish community in Australia started in  May1787 when the first ship load of unwanted criminals were transported out to this colony as a punishment for their crimes. Out of about 151 000 such convicts, 800 were Jewish people mainly from London, where their living conditions were so poor that they were punished harshly for stealing things of a low value today.

Some of this first fleet of ships left London to assemble in Portsmouth and from there 11 ships sailed to Australia. The voyage took seven months to complete. The ship arrived in Botany Bay in January 1788. When they arrived there they were in quite a bad way after such a perilous journey. The places that these convicts left from the London area to reassemble in Portsmouth were, Millbank, Deptford, Gravesend etc.

Another place that convicts were sent Australia from was Gibraltar and it is well documented that they were taken on a sailing ship in the 1840’s by the name of Mount Stewart Elphinstone.

Over a period of years these Jewish convicts became settlers in the country and were made equal under the laws of the land  and from that they took a full part in the life of the country. They developed the farms and cattle ranches. They were very prominent in the arts, science, literature and in running the country.

At the start of this colonisation the Jews had a bit of a hard time in that they were not very well versed in their own traditions of Judaism. They had not been able to take any of their prayer shawls, Torah scrolls etc. to the new land. But that was put right in later years when other Jewish people emmigrated out to Australia, not as convicts, but as free men and women.

The Anglican tradition was all that they had and they had to go to the Anglican church by force. The educational system was run by the same church as well. But today the Jewish people have their own societies and schools etc.

There are about 160 000 Jewish people in Australia at present. Melbourne has about 60 000 Jews living in the area and Sydney has around 45 000 Jews living there. The rest of them live in other capital cities and regional centre’s. If you are on the internet, you can get this information direct from the Sydney Jewish Museum for yourself.

Now let us go three hours flight from Australia to New Zealand. This country is a lot smaller than its neighbour Australia, but it too has had a Jewish community since the early 1800’s. Again, like Australia this group of people got involved with the life of their new country and today there are approx 5000 Jewish people in the land. Since 1948 443 of them have gone to Israel to live. Praise God. The main centre’s of the New Zealand Jewish communities are to be found in Auckland and Wellington. There are smaller Jewish groups in other cities and towns as well.

Even out here as far as you can get from European Anti-Semitism, the same things are cropping up as in Europe, with paint being thrown on synagogues etc. etc. This has now become a world wide problem and will not go away until the Messiah returns to Earth, as He has promised.

To sum up all that I have been trying to say in simple terms is that Replacement theology and Anti-Semitism are a world wide problem today and only God will be able to stop it when He returns to the Earth again as the long awaited Messiah of Israel and all the true, born again believers.
The first Jewish man to be knighted was Sir Isaac Lyon Goldsmit.

On Jan 15th 2009 the Metro free newspaper had a short article entitled” Anti-Semitism on the rise in Britain”.
Quote,” Hate crimes against the Jews in Britain are on the rise in the wake of Israel’s military campaign in Gaza, Mps have warned. A wave of anti-Semitic incidents had been recorded said the all-party parliamentary group on anti-Semitism yesterday (14th Jan 2009). Incidents include an arson attack on one synagogue and vandalism against others, and a barrage of verbal threats and abuse against British Jews. The Mps added this has created a discernible sense of anxiety and vulnerability among Jews. The group called for all communities to be free to live and worship without fear.” End of quote.

Today is February 2nd. 2009 and I came across a news item from South America which said that because of the Venezuelan governments anti Israel stance that a mob of fifteen people broke into the oldest synagogue in the capital by over powering the two guards outside, and then they commenced to break all of the religious artifacts and spray paint over the walls of the building. This event took place on Friday 30th January 2009.
One thing that all of these events show me is that anti-Semitism is a world wide problem and will be until the Messiah returns to Jerusalem as per the Bible.

Today a Jewish lady that I know sent me an e-mail to ask if I would sign a petition against a well known website engine which is allowing an anti-Jewish website onto its system. I signed the petition and then I had a quick look at the site to see for myself what I was signing this petition for. This web site was showing a lot of very bad things against the Jewish nation. It was blaming the Jews of the following things among many, genocide, mind control, bank manipulation, media lies, hate campaigns etc. etc. This is a blatantly anti-Semitic web site and should be avoided by all true believers in Jesus Christ.
As time goes by and we get nearer to the return of Jesus to the air for the church, and then to the Earth, things like this are going to hot up, and we will be in the firing line quite possibly. So watch out. Do not get disheartened, but look up, because Jesus is coming back very soon and when He does all of the anti-Semitic things that have gone around the world will be dealt with by him then. Amen.

I came across some extra information yesterday about the Jewish people in Australia and it was this. The British Government took the satanic cult of Freemasonry to the sub continent sometime between late eighteenth century and the mid nineteenth century.

Why I am bringing up this subject is because our nation got a lot of leading Jewish people involved in this cult out there and these leading Jewish people thought that it was a way of bettering themselves. I said just a moment ago that this cult has Satan as its head. Satan wants to be worshipped by anyone and everyone. You read it in your Bible why he was kicked out of Heaven. He wanted to be like God and God said no.

When a person is involved in Freemasonry, they open themselves up to being to being possessed by the Devil. Not only that, you open up your wife and children to the same oppression from our enemy.

The notes that my colleague sent me also say that in Australia the Freemasons helped the Jewish community to build their synagogues. In a short space of time Freemasonry was spread across every part of the sub continent and the leaders of the Jewish community were getting sucked into its evilness. This was a false trail to stop Jewish people going to Israel and it is a way of leading them away from their true God and Messiah, Jesus. The Freemasons religion is a false one, and it has a false god as its leader. Satan himself. Reader bewares of it and turns away from it if you are ever tempted to go down the road and think of joining the sect of the Freemasons.  If you do join it then you are putting yourself and your family at risk and you will not be free, but in a devilish trap, which will be very hard to get out of. If you are still in the Freemasons then you must expect that you and your family will be under an attack from the enemy of your soul. My advice to you would be to get out and get saved by accepting Jesus as your new Lord and Master. The reason for saying this again, is that it is imperative that you do not go down that road ever, and if you have to get out as soon as you can.

Today, 03 March 2009, while I was searching for something else, I found a sheet of paper which I was sent way back in November 2006 about the B.B.C. being biased as I have already mentioned. I will quote the article in full and it comes from the Daily Mail. Quote” B.B.C. admits anti-Christian, anti-American bias.” The quote goes on to say the following,” The B.B.C. treated America with scorn and derision and gave it no moral weight. Simon Walters/TN Oct. 23rd 2006.
For years, despite adamant denials, the B.B.C.  has been accused of having a “left-leaning” bias, particularly against Christians. Now, the Daily Mail reports that a leaked account of an impartiality summit called by B.B.C. chairman Michael Grade, is certain to lead to a new row about the B.B. C. and its reporting on key issues, especially concerning Moslems and the war on terror. (Sue Lawley led the discussion) It reveals, says the reporter Simon Walters, that executives would let the Bible be thrown into a dustbin on a t. v. Comedy show, but not the Koran, and that they would broadcast an interview with Osama Bin Laden if given the opportunity.

According to the report “ at a secret meeting in London last month--- B.B.C. executives admitted the corporation is dominated by homosexuals and people from ethnic minorities, deliberately promotes multiculturalism, is anti- American, anti-countryside and more sensitive to the feelings of Muslims than Christians”. Washington correspondent, Justin Webb is quoted as saying the B.B.C. treated America with scorn and derision, and gave it no moral weight. While former B.B.C. business editor Jeff Randall is said to have noted that the B.B.C. was full of intellectuals who “would rather steal from the poor box than stand to attention during “GOD SAVE THE KING”. End of quote. Since then I have in recent weeks seen a reprint of that article which someone pinned up on our church notice board. Ever since then I know that this organization has been and probably still is anti-Israel.

Today is Saturday March the 7th 2009 and I was given an article by a contact in Ebenezer which came from the Daily Mail on the fourth of March. It was written by Melanie Phillips, who by the way is Jewish, herself. (I think) This article shows just how far certain sections of the so called Christian faith have gone away from what they believe by siding with the Moslems and trying to appease them. YOU DO NOT APPEASE ANYONE, OR AN ENEMY WHICH IS TOTALLY OUT TO DESTROY WHAT YOU HOLD DEAR TO YOURSELF.

Neville Chamberlain tried that it 1938 with Hitler and his evil Nazi regime. He went to Munich to meet Hitler and obtained a personal assurance that Germany would not start a war. He returned home waving a piece of paper, and shouting to the awaiting journalists that,” we have peace in our time. “But one year later we were at war with the Nazi axis of terror and evil, after the German armies and air forces swept into Poland and look where that got the world.  Millions upon millions of people perished right round the world, for what?  The then world speeded up on how to kill more people quicker and easier than their enemies could. We progressed in making killing machines go faster and further. We made bombs of all sorts that could kill more people in one go than we could in earlier conflicts. You cannot appease evil. Evil has to be fought and not appeased. We must stand up to evil and if we do not then the evil will overtake us and in time will rule us. Just look at modern Britain today. We are paying for the sins of our predecessors of recent times, who have made sin, not a sin and have gone against all that God says is sin, and also against what God has said was good. What do we get if we appease our enemies? 1. More demands from the enemy, until they have taken full control of every thing in a nation. 2. We weaken any moral fibre that we had in the country before we started to appease evil men and their ideas.
There is now a new phenomenon creeping into our religious culture and that is that we do not let true believers in Jesus have any say in things that would bring a benefit to the people of the land, and if they complain they are outcast, or alienated, from other people. In simple terms it is called “Political Correctness”. This means that what God has called sin in the Bible; you can no longer call it a sin. You now cannot say that Jesus is the only way to Heaven, but you now must say that He is one of many ways to Heaven. A lot of this is being said and done in case it offends the Moslem communities in Great Britain. My answer to these people who might be offended is simply this. If you do not like our countries way of doing things then go somewhere else. This idea of Political Correctness is offending me.

I have no intention of being Politically Correct at all, or ever. I do not advocate that we should go out of our way to be offensive to anyone. But why should I have to change what I know to correct and true in case it offends someone else? We should be allowed to be different in what ever way, or lifestyle, we choose to live by. My Bible tells me that Jesus said that He is the only way to Heaven. He always was, still is and will be for me the only way to Heaven. The Bible says that there is no other way. If people do not like that then they have a big problem. I do not. If you do say these things, like Jesus being the only way to Heaven, you can be prosecuted and either fined, or maybe in the future put into prison. I actually know of a case locally where a Christian was giving out tracts that pointed out that Jesus was the only way to God, and that the lifestyle that some of our community had chosen to live by was against the word of God. He was arrested by the police at this parade of homosexual and lesbians and was arrested. All that these tracts quoted was what the Bible says about that sort of lifestyle. When it came to court, he was told that there was no case to answer, as no body from the crowd or the parade had complained. The strange thing was, that if the case had gone ahead this man would have had to swear on the Bible to tell the truth. Yet he was arrested for using the Bible to show to others that there is a better way to live your life. Stupid, isn’t it? I know that this has little to do with the main subject which we have been discussing through out of this book, but I have included it to show just how far our nation has gone away from God.
I have said the above as a warning for true believers in Jesus Christ not to be fooled into believing everything which you see and hear from the media and from our government. But now there is another thing which is growing in our nation, which is just as bad in a different sort of way. So be warned and watch out for it happening in your church.
I will say here openly and publicly that I choose to stand with Israel and the Jewish people, because I simply believe what the Bible says about God’s plans for Israel and the it’s people. If you have a problem with that, then you need to start praying that God will open your eyes to what is going on around you and to what He is saying in His word. You cannot pick and choose which bits of the Bible you are going to accept and which parts you are going to leave out. You either accept it all or you except none of it. There is no middle ground here at all. It is the same for being a Christian. You take all that God says or you take nothing. Again there is no middle ground. You are either saved by the grace of God, or you are not saved at all. You cannot be saved and unsaved at the same time. You are either for God and His word, or you are against Him. Again there is no middle ground here. You must make the choice for yourself.

The next part of this story came from an article in the Daily Mail on 4th March 2009, by the journalist who I mentioned a little earlier, and this is what she wrote in brief.

There is a new axis of terror made up of so called evangelical Christians and Islamists, who are out to discredit and destroy Israel, and all the believers who support the Jewish people and Israel. This is almost a declaration of war on us who hold that the Bible is right in what God says about the Jewish people going home again. This is another form of anti-Semitism which is growing in our country.

Part of the aim of this group is to bring discrimination upon, and for the stifling of those who support the Jews and Israel. An old friend of mine who is mentioned in this article has been singled out by one of the members of this group and has had death threats put on his head. Why? Simply because he supports the down trodden and forgotten Christians who are suffering for their faith in other parts of the world. He originally was a Moslem who found Jesus as His saviour many years ago now and has tirelessly fought for the persecuted believers in other countries where they are put into prison for simply being a follower of Jesus.

Part of this article says that Left wingers in the church (and in politics as well,) and Islamists have long been joined together in the burying of their differences to Israel and the Jews, and in their hatred of the same. But now so called evangelical Christians are joining the same sort of groups. I just wish and pray that these so called Christians would get on their knees and pray and at the same time to start reading their Bibles properly, for once. Then we might see some changes in the so called church for the good. God has not changed His promises ever. Now we will go back to Geneses chapter 12 verses 1-3 again and I want you note what God is saying to Abraham. Verse 2 starts off by saying that God would make the people who were to be born into his family at later dates and over many centuries, would be like the sand of the sea shore by them becoming a great nation. Did this come true for the Jewish people? Just ask yourself that question and then think about it for a minute or two. And in becoming a great nation all the rest of the nations of the world would be blessed as well.
As you read this today, just think of all the things that Jewish people have contributed to our society. So if you are thinking of not using anything Jewish you will have no mobile phones, no hospital equipment, no films, no television shows, no stage comedians, no Bible in your home etc. etc. Your life would be so dull that you would be dead.
Verse 3 says that God would bless those who bless Israel and the Jewish people and those who curse His special people will put themselves under a curse as well, and God’ s curses will give you so many problems in your life, that you would have to think was it really worth cursing God’s people in the first place. I would rather be under the blessing of Almighty God than His curses any day.
The sort of people (left wingers, Moslems and now the anti-Jewish evangelical Christians) want Israel out of the frame and to be dead and buried. Hoping that if it ever happened, then they would get some peace and quiet from the Moslem community. I am sorry to have to disillusion them that it will not bring peace at all, because the Moslem idea is to get rid of the Jews first, then the true Christians and finally anyone and everyone who does not become a Moslem.
To get the full text and meaning of this article you would need to contact the Daily Mail newspaper direct. This article shows a hatred that is growing and spreading beyond what there was already, and into the Christian church of today. It is another form of anti-Semitism.

I would ask all so called evangelical Christians who say that they love God and believe what the Bible teaches, to get away from such anti-Semitic groups and to start to read your Bible properly.

When you do it will make more sense to you as it did to myself, after over forty years of being taught that Israel was finished with by God and that as far as God was concerned they were dead and buried.

READ YOUR BIBLE PROPERLY. That is what this whole book is about and what I have been trying to do is to show you what happens if you do not read your Bible correctly. When you read it in the wrong way you get a wrong teaching from it. As I mentioned some while ago, in this book, the promises of God are forever and if for ever then it is for evermore, and not until the church took over in the first century A.D. If you believe that God’s promises to Israel and the Jewish people ended when the church was born, then you had better throw half of your Bible into the dustbin as you will not need the other half of it. Then you will have a completely wrong out look and a completely false set of values and you will be teaching others the same wrong things as well. Is that what you really want?  We need the whole counsel of God to run our lives properly and that means we need all of the Bible and not just one part of it. Again I would urge you to read your Bible PRAYERFULLY and CAREFULLY, as well as PROPERLY. In doing so you will become a more balanced person in your outlook to what God is saying. You need to test everything that you are being taught to see if it lines up with the Bible and what God ism saying. If it does not then discard it now and start to rethink things in a different and more biblical way.

To summarize part two this book, we will go through what we have been trying to understand and learn once more.

A. God still has a plan for Israel and the Jewish people.

B. God has not forgotten, or gone back on His promises to Israel and the Jews. It is just that certain people of old changed them to mean what they did not mean, and we can see where that has led us to today. Division in the church.

C. The true church of Jesus Christ is going to leave this world soon for Heaven and the Kingdom of God. Will you be there when it happens?

D. The current world systems are going to be taken over by a Man of Sin, who will become the ruler of this world.

E. Jesus will return to Earth once more as the Lord and King of the whole of the Earth. He will arrive in Jerusalem on the Mount of Olives, which is on the east side of the city.

F. Jesus will then rule this world correctly and properly for one thousand years and then we will se the New Jerusalem and a new Heavens and a new Earth.

G. to sum up all that I have been trying to teach you is simply this.

God is God, and his ways, thoughts and actions are far, far and away higher, bigger and better than ours.

What God says that he will do, he will do, no matter what any man, nation, government or devil says, He will carry out His promises to Israel and the Jews and to us as well. He will also carry out His promises to the ungodly in exactly the same way. He will never break his promise or his word to anyone. So you had better start to believe what the Bible says for your own good. Amen.

H. That we need to read our Bibles carefully and prayerfully. Also to test any new doctrine or teaching. John the aged Apostle says that in the first letter of John chapter 4 verses 1 to 3.

At long last the answers to the eight questions at the end of part one.

1. 1st century A.D.

2. Chapters 9-11.

3. 4th century A.D.

4. Job restrictions, no servants, no land ownership etc.

5. 1217.

6. 1295 AND 1657 A.D.

7. Nationalization Bill.

8. 1917 A.D. It lasted for thirty years.

Since I first wrote this article in 2009 I have seen a lot of things change.
I left off working for Ebenezer Operation Exodus as the Clothing work ended in June 2010. The Lord told me to go in December 2012 and since then I give God the glory that I have been able to help various charities in Israel by sending out very needy items to help those people who are in poverty or who need help.

John Harrold © 2015
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