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Smoke, Lies and the Truth

By J.Harrold

In this paper I am going to try to tell you what is going on in our world in the near future as well as what is being planned and put into operation already by the United Nations.

I will be using at least three books as reference.
Book no. 1 is “U.N. Agenda 21 Environmental Piracy”, by Dr. I.J. Paugh
Book no. 2 is “Set Up and Sold Out” by Holly Swanson
Book no. 3 is “The Bible”
I might refer to other books later on if there is space to do so.

There are three parts to this paper as follows:
Part 1 - Global Everything. The Smoke and Mirrors
Part 2 - The Lies
Part 3 - What the Bible says. The Truth of what is going to happen



Part 1 - Global Everything. The Smoke and Mirrors

The United Nations brought out an “Agenda 21” document a few years ago, which is several hundred pages long to show what they have in mind for the future of our world. They are supposed to be peace keepers not a world ruling body, which they will become if their plans come into being fully. The United States of America is being used as a guinea pig to get this idea started as I shall demonstrate in the following pages.
The following words are being bandied about as the latest in words from this organisation.
Global, Green, Sustainable, Smart, etc.
As you read on, I will try to show you what is happening elsewhere and how it is creeping into the U.K.
If this agenda ever gets fully into power it will alter everything that our nation has held dear for centuries. We will not have the freedom of speech, travel and where to live, among the things which will be taken from us, because the government of the day will tell you where to do these things and more.

Let us look at the list of some of the things which will come about if we do not stand up for our countries constitional heritage.
1. Redistribution of the population.
2. Government control of land, resources, profits.
3. A big reduction in the world population.
4. A one world monetary system.
5. One language. See Genesis chapter 11 verse 6.
6. A much reduced usage of cars. Longer journeys by rail.
7. High Rise buildings and workplaces will be within walking and cycling distance of your homes.
8. There will be lots of other things as well.
You will see the word SMART in a lot of the things to come such as SMART METRES, SMART GROWTH. I do not know what the word SMART means here. It used to mean tidy, neat and clean.

The whole of this agenda is a so called GREEN one, but in reality it is a RED one. In reality it is a COMMUNIST plot to take over the world. It is a disguise for Communism, and if it comes into being it will take the world down the road to ruin just like Lenin did to Russia one hundred years ago in 1917.

The first book I am going to quote from is the Agenda 21 and I will mark the page numbers which I will be quoting something from.
To start off, page 12 tells us of enforced healthcare where the government will be telling you what is good for you and what is not. I know what is good for me, so I do not want a government telling me what I can eat, drink and do, or the opposite.
Page 34. Here we read that we will all be having clean energy. No coal fires, no oil fires, but higher reliance on wind and sea power. No nuclear power stations. At present there are not enough wind turbines or things in the sea to produce the clean energy that these people are advocating that we should have. In the U.K. there is about 300 years worth of coal in the ground, what alternative is there to fossil fuels?
Page 43.
We are told here that there is something nasty being added to our soil called INITIUM. I tried to find out what this was in my dictionary, but the word was not there at all.
This chemical was 1st introduced in Romania on December 31st 2009 and is now here in the U.K.

It is supposed to help our crops to grow better and without diseases in them. Has it been fully tested? Here is a big problem. The growers of the crops will have to buy seeds every year that are Genetically Modified as they cannot reproduce seeds from the plants for growing, so I have been told. Another way of controlling people by telling the growers and farmers what they can and cannot grow.
The whole erroneous idea behind this idea is that the world cannot feed all of the people properly.
Pages 44 to 45 and 64 to 67 are all about the control of the food supply in one way or another.
Pages 46, 112, 119,121/122 and 168 all deal with Global warming. The whole of this idea has now been proved to be totally wrong and a lie. What about the mini Ice age from 1300 to the 1850s? Every winter the rivers of Western Europe froze over so hard that there were Frost Fairs on the ice. There are several paintings around from this era which will prove what I am saying here.

Page 115 shows us how our water will be rationed or taken away from us if we do not stop this agenda from coming into being. Farmers in America have found out to their cost of what happens when their farms had their water stopped.

On to page 117 now. Here we see a pollution tax is in place. In 2011, 655.000.000 people made flights across the world and each one was charged a tax of £22 PER PERSON which raised a staggering sum of £ which went into someone’s coffers somewhere. Probably into the governments of the countries where the planes landed. Another tax being imposed on us for a phoney idea.
Pages 125 and 127.
Here we are told by God that Adam and Eve were to care for the world and so should we as people who care for where we live and work. But when the so called GREEN people are saying that we are GODS, then there is something very wrong. We are not gods; we are human beings who are made in the likeness of God. You can read this in Genesis chapters 1 and 2.

I am now going to take you through one section of this book which will affect everyone in the U.K. within seven years, and that is SMART METRES.
Go to the following pages.135 to 156, and you will see for yourselves just what is happening here.
In the U.K. the Tory Government has said that every house will have a SMART METRE, by 2020, then British Gas said that we would all have one by 2019.

Why change this system which has been alright for many years?
You do not have to have a new SMART METER if you do not want one. They are using the threat of you being charged more for your energy if you do not change over when they say.
What is wrong with these metres?
They will be able to tell the following things about you and your family,
Who is in your home at any one time.
Which rooms are being used.
Which lights are on.
When you go out or come back in.
How many appliances are being used at any one time.
They will be able to cut you off from a distance without you being told in advance.
That will cut off your freezers and fridges etc.
What if you have medicines in the fridge that need to be kept cool? That could damage your health. What about your children and babies? They could be put at risk.
There are fears of radiation being discharged as has happened in the U.S.A. where people have been made ill through having these metres installed in their homes. You can find more info. on the STOP THE METRES website.

Imagine if the lights in your house went off suddenly while you were doing something which needed you to see what you were doing, like bathing your baby. You could have a nasty accident and so could your child. Would the streets be safe as well because the lights were suddenly switched off?

Page 157. This page is all about COLLECTIVISATION. Not about individuals owing anything, the state owns all, including you and me. In Russia in 1917 that was sold to the Russian people that it was for their good and that they would all benefit from the idea of being a collective rather than an individual owner on a farm. It was all lies to get the people to do what Lenin wanted them to do. For years Russians suffered with food shortages etc.
That will happen here as well if we let happen. We need to stand up against what is going.

Pages 185 and 186 tell a story of what happened to a lady who bought an old farm. She wanted to do it up and make it a nice place to live in for herself and her children. But it never came about because of the green lies in the Agenda 21. She was not able to cut the grass; she had to put up fences that she did not need and so many other things, because the local authority was using the agenda 21 as their rule book.

Under this agenda you will be told what to do, when to do and how to do it. You will not be able to think for yourself or do what you would like to do to your own property or gardens etc.
Page 189 continues in the same vein. Farmers are being told what they can and cannot do on their own farms. You will plant what you are being told to plant not what is profitable for your business and community.
This NEW WORLD ORDER is toying with the idea that we should have just one world language in use. This will go against what God said in Genesis chapter 11 verses 7 to 9. Here He confused the languages of the world. It would seem to me that these people are trying to become gods of everything.

I recommend that you read this book as it will give you far more information than I can put here. Your local bookstore should be able to get it for you.

I want to show you, now, what is going on in the U.K. Earlier I mentioned SMART METRES and coal, so I will not need to go there again.
But, Where I will go now is to this plan for the HS2 high speed rail from London to Birmingham and then to Manchester and Leeds.

This idea could be part of the Agenda 21 plans for the U.K. In the agenda’s plans they want to move people into high rise flats almost like ghettos and slums, where there will be virtually no cars but there will be trains and buses to take you on the longer distances between towns and cities.
So, is this new rail line part of that idea? We shall need to wait and see. We do not need this high speed rail link as there are already two other routes to Birmingham which could be up graded for less that the £50 billion that has been quoted so far. (The original cost was £43billion)
If this line is cancelled after the land has been bought by the government, will they return the land to the original owners with the appropriate compensation for the loss of their business etc? I think not.
On the Television in October 2013 there was an interview with a landowner whose business would be destroyed if this line went ahead. He was going to lose a large chunk of his farm and his house as well. All this to get people from the Midlands to London twenty minutes quicker.

As you read this book and the one following you will see that under these ideas people are not counting for anything, and that the rights of animals and the environment takes priority over everything.
This is totally against the principles of the Bible and true Christianity where people matter more. Yes, we should care for our environment, but not to the exclusion of the people who live on the planet.
This Agenda21 is trying to cloud the issues facing our world, just like smoke does from a burning bonfire and at the same time is trying to distort the true picture just like a distorted mirror in a funfair.
I would like to add a personal note here. In 1998 my wife and I with several other people on our estate set up a group to clean up the river bank of the local river which runs through the centre of the estate. Our aim was to try to get people to keep the area clean and tidy for all of us who live on the estate.
Part of what we did was to start with the rubbish, then a gardens competition for the best gardens. We won several national and local awards for our efforts to make our estate a better place to live in. There was no idea of being green, or any other colour, behind what we were trying to do.

We just did it for the benefit of everyone. There was no political interference from any political party either.

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Part 2 - The Lies

When I was a lot younger than I am now, my mother would say to us at dinner times that we should eat up our greens, meaning cabbages. But, the greens that I want to tell you about now, will kill you. Maybe not in a physical sense but certainly in a moral and spiritual sense.
What I am talking about is this supposed “green revolution”.
I believe in recycling where ever possible as in some cases the Earth’s resources will be used up at a quicker rate than they need be.
After World War Two, we had to recycle lots of things as there was a shortage and rationing of many things then, such as bread and meat etc.
This so called green revolution is not all that it makes out to be. As I said earlier it is a communist plot to overthrow the current governing system in the West by replacing it with communism.
I am going to look at the second book in this chapter.
“Set up and Sold out” by Holly Swanson.
For each section from that book I will be showing you the page number, so that when you get the book you can see where I am coming from.

The ideas for this revolution come from the following people. Marx, Lenin and Hitler.
As a Christian, I mean a person who has come to know and love the Lord Jesus as his own Saviour, I go by what the Bible says on what is coming about, which will be in the last chapter.

Where did this green revolution start?
It started in Germany some twenty to twenty five years ago. But that is only the start of the current idea as the real idea of ruling the world goes back over 100 years.
Back in the late 1890s the then German Kaiser had a temple brought into the Berlin Museum from Western Turkey from an archaeological dig in that area.
This temple was taken from Pergamon/Pergamos. It is mentioned in the Bible in the “Book of Revelations” chapter 2 verse 13 as then SEAT of SATAN. This was a place where the occult and satanic worship was going on during the late 1st century A.D.
Ever since that seat was placed in that museum in Berlin, Germany has tried to rule the world.

Look at the trouble that Germany caused in both World Wars. Now they are trying to rule via the European Union. The latest twist is that this is the same country where the green movement started as well.
I feel that as long as Germany keeps that relic in the museum in Berlin that nation will be used by the Devil to try to rule the rest of the world. That is just a personal thought.

The Russian revolution in 1917 was meant to free the people from the tyranny of the Tsars, but put the nation into even greater tyranny, because of the lies that were told to the people by Lenin and others. They wanted to rule the world but failed to do so. Yet they will keep trying and this so called green revolution is just another subtle way of doing that.
Reader, please wake up to what is going on around you and stand up for what we are in danger of losing.
Communism was supposed to make all people equal but it did not and will not. In Russia I was told that there is a door in the wall of the Kremlin where those at the top of the nation can go in and buy allsorts of luxury goods that are denied the ordinary people who had to suffer shortages of food etc. To me that shows that not all of the people in that country were equal at all.

This is the sort of thing which would happen if the green revolution takes over our nation in the near future.
Do you want that to happen to our country?
We are being told that our planet is in danger because there are too many people alive at this time and that we cannot feed so many people.
We are being tricked into thinking their way is right, but we are not being told the truth. If these people ever get to rule our nation, as I have already said, then we will not be able to think for ourselves, do what we like, go where we like, live where we like, etc. We will have to do everything that the ruling classes tell us.
I said earlier that I am a Christian who believes the Bible. In saying that I do not believe in Evolution as the theory that man came from animals has never been proven. Charles Darwin at the end of his life had to admit that he could not find a link between animals and humans. He also said that he was sorry for ever starting out to try to prove this point. Yet, this theory is being pumped out in our schools as fact when it is not a proven fact at all. It is a lie. People would rather believe that lie than the truth as read in the Bible.

God made everything that we see and enjoy on the planet. God breathed into human beings his breath of life and that is why human beings have to worship something. That something is either God, or what ever you make out to be a god for yourself. No other part of creation had God’s breath put into it, except us human beings.
Another thing that people believe is the so called, “BIG BANG” theory. How do they know that such a thing has occured. Were they there when it happened?
Let’s go back to the lies of the past for a minute or two.
I know that I have already mentioned that Lenin and Hitler lied to the people of their day. Why did they lie? Because the people were looking for someone to give them a better life than the life that they were having at that time.
In Germany in the 1920,s Hitler promised that if the people voted for him that he would guarantee a better life for them.
Both of these men had a scapegoat in mind. In Russia it was the ruling class’s that Lenin said was the enemy of the people. Not many years later on in Germany it was the Jewish people who were the cause of all the nation’s problems. They were the scapegoat for the Nazi’s ideology. The scapegoat of the green revolution is the capitalists and their money.

As you look back at the history of both of those nations it all ended in ruin. So will the rule of any green or ecological party if they get into power in any nation. Be warned from the lessons of history.
Page24. A quote from Hitler will show you what is going on in the green and ecology groups.
He said,”The great masses of people will more easily fall victims to a great lie than a small one.” End of quote.
Another one of Hitler’s quotes was this,” that if you lie long enough then people will believe it.”
This is what the green agenda is doing and will do to any nation where they get a foothold into that countries’ national politics.
They, the greens, are trying to tell us that the Earth is in danger from the human beings on it.
The enemy of the greens is mankind in general and capitalists in particular.
They say that the problem is too many people on the Earth. So how do we cut the number to a more manageable size?
Answer. 1. Allow abortions on demand.
Answer. 2. Euthanasia. Killing off the old and sick people.
Since the 1960’s in the U.K. there have been millions of abortions committed in our hospitals.
People are now pushing for Euthanasia to be made legal. If this goes through and becomes law, where will it all end?
As of November 2013 our government is trying to introduce a bill to have designer babies. This would be a way of getting rid of defective genes in the baby so that it would be born without any handicaps at all. As I understand it, the baby would have parts from at least three people fertilised to make the baby.
Why is there all this so called need to stop the amount of people living in the world? According to the green and ecology people the world cannot produce enough food to feed itself. That is a lie. The world could feed itself if the corruption at the top of the poor countries and the money given to these countries was given to the people who needed it the most. Also it would need a real change in the poorer countries to change their farming methods to get a better yield from the seeds that they have sown each year.

Lets’ go back to page 22 of the same book.

At the bottom of the page it mentions “Hide and Seek”. The writer says that they are seeing a great push for change and that she did not understand where it is all coming from. She also says that a lot of the social unrest stems from subversive green activism. Again she says that things that seem to be random acts are not that at all, as they are part of a concerted move to change the American Government. These acts are as follows.
Handing out leaflets.
Building coalitions with likeminded groups.
Infiltration of other groups to push their ideas in.
Organizing political events.
Protests and demonstrations.
Recruitment mainly of young people.
Movement as necessary to organise support in key areas.
See page 23.
For the word America you could put the word United Kingdom. Watch out Great Britain as we are on this hit list as well.

Yes, of course we should take care of our world, but not in the way that the green and ecology people want to do as they want to rule all of us and to tell us what we can do, eat, go, live and so many other things. That is why I am saying to you to watch out for these people’s lies.
If Lenin and Hitler lied, then you bet your bottom dollar these green groups will as well. Their ultimate goal is to dominate the world and take our freedoms away from us.
So be warned.
A quote from page 53 says the following,” The green assault on America (watch out U.K. words added by the author of this article) has nothing to do with environmental protection. This is about power and green Communists seizing control of America. End of quote.
Let’s read another quote here from page 61. “Green Communists do not focus on facts. They use emotional arguments”. End of quote.
An example of this was the scam about Global Warming a few years ago. It was proved to be a lot of lies put out as truth by the University of East Anglia, in England. These people have now changed the idea to Climate Change. The climate of the world changes every day so that we get the weather that comes seasonally every year.

Their argument was that mankind was at fault for all these so called changes and problems with the weather, when it was not the case at all.
One thing that I noticed on British television a few years ago was that the news people were showing the same piece of the Antarctic Ice Shelf falling away from the main ice flow time and time again. I suspected that there was something not quite right here as this same piece of film was shown many times, but there was never an update to show if more of the ice had fallen off at a later date.
The green philosophy is all about saving the natural world and that mankind is the culprit who is spoiling all of it for the animals.
Another part of this philosophy is that capitalism is bad and that Communism is good. If that is so why didn’t these people go and live in Russia or one of its satellites in the Communist era?
I started this article while staying America recently. In the town Of Harlen I saw something on a rubbish bin which showed me that the local authority had come under the influence of the green brigade. On a rubbish bin at the edge of the road it had on the bin the name of the collection company, which was EARTH FIRST. My first thought was why wasn’t God put first.

What is going on?
We are all being told that we have a “carbon footprint” and also the latest thing is a “water footprint”. What are these two things? I have absolutely no idea what they are or of what use they are to any of us, but what I do know it is a tax on all of us. The money collected from these taxes will go into the coffers of the governments to waste and fritter away. This will leave us all a little bit poorer.
Socialism is the first step to Communism. The Labour Party of the U.K. was first set up in the late 1800’s by Christians in the Methodist church, but it was infiltrated by the Socialist and others over the years that it bears no resemblance to what the founders wanted it to be. The Christian part virtually no longer exists today.
If ever Communism ever rules the U.K. at all, all I would say as reverently as I can,”GOD HELP US.” We will then need the help of the Lord God Almighty, as this nation will be finished.
We need God’s help today because of the way that the political parties are going in our nation.
They have brought in same sex marriage, abortions, and now they are thinking of designer babies. What ever will they design to thrust on the nation next?

These parties are putting the nation under God’s judgement more and more every year.
I will use a few more quotes from the book, “Set up and Sold out” before going on to the Green Party Manifesto for 2010.
Page 186. Communism is based on double standards. They told their people that all would be equal, but it was a case of “Do what I say and not what I do”. The people preaching this went home to luxury while the rest went home to poverty and that is what will happen again if these people ever rule our once great nation.
Page 218. Here there is a list of what would happen if these people ever got control of our country. There would be controls and restrictions on all sorts of things that we can freely have now.
Pages 221 and 229 speak of their attitude to religion in any form or shape. It would be banned. You would not be allowed to go to any place of worship as a lot of them would be closed down.
In the Communist era Christians had to meet in secret or risk being persecuted and then be arrested for holding such a thing as a church service.

Pages 230 and 231 tell us of their religious ideals, which are totally against the Bible and what true Christianity is standing for.
The last quote that I want to refer to is found on page 255 and it deals with sex.
Let’s have a look at it for a moment or two to see what the greens are saying here.

The attitude of this group is,
1. Corrupt their morals.
2. Get them away from any kind of religion.
3. Make them superficial.
4. Give them free contraceptives.
5. Recreational sex.
6. Males speaking in an effinate tone of speech.
7. Males wearing earrings and hair barrettes.
8. Get them into drugs, alcohol and gangs.

This is all being done to destroy our young people.
My question is who will undo all of the damage that this group of people are advocating? Will they put these people back together again? I do not think so.

Now let us have a quick look at the Green party Manifesto of 2010 for the U.K.to see what differences there are to the book which we have been looking at which originally was published in 1993 and updated in 2003.

Page 3.
Here they state that capitalism is the problem as well as Global Warming and Climate Change.
Page 5.
This page says more about animals and nature than it does about human beings.
They want to rid the world of one billion people because the world cannot produce enough food for the existing population.
Page 6.
Under the heading of the economy of the U.K. they say that they would control the following areas of our lives if they got control of the nation.
I.E. Housing and Money.
Page 7.
Here they are saying that all our problems are being caused by the rich and capitalists in our nation.

They are saying that if you are poor it is because of the wrong food, illness and other things caused by your poverty.
I was brought up in a poor home, but I have never had any problems that these people are advocating. I had a reasonably good education at school and afterwards. I never went without good wholesome food ever.
Poverty is not always caused by bad housing etc. But it can be caused by the wrong choices of lifestyles. What they really mean is that poverty is the fault of the rich and capitalist people of our country.

Page 8.
Here we are again at the greenhouse gases causing problems with the Ozone. So they are saying that we must control the money supply and the energy supplies as well.
Page 10.
Green jobs. I heard sometime ago that the promised green jobs are simply not there at all. Is this one of their lies?
Page 16.
Here they advocate that taxes like V.A.T. and excise duty should be increased on air travel. This is another way of controlling people’s movements as they would not be able to go where they want to.

Also they want to tax water used by various companies and wasted heat from power plants. This would add an extra burden on the already over taxed households.

Between pages 18 and 44, the Green Party are saying that we should be taxed and controlled by the government in the following areas.
Housing, (no private houses) Public services, Education ( no private schools), Healthcare, Right to die, Control of resources, sexual deviancy will be taught as normal in schools, control of government, No fossil fuels, Transport (where cars would be highly taxed), Arms (there would be no army etc.), Control of the countryside( where there would be no cars, people or farms, just animals) and anything else they can think of. This is pure Communism and has nothing to do with the natural world in which we live.
Their ideas would cause such an upheaval in our way of living that it would take away all of our freedoms which we enjoy at present. If that is what you want then keep voting GREEN.

Page 43 mentions about the so called Blockade of Gaza by Israel.
1st. Point it is simply not true.
2nd. Point what has it got to do with running our country?

Here is something you might not know about the so called green movement. Do you know where it started? It started in Germany.
I might refer to the next part later on in the next section.
As a Christian I believe the Bible completely in what it says about life.
In the late 1800’s The Seat of Satan (see the book of Revelations Chapter two) was taken from Western Turkey to Berlin and placed in a museum. And it is from that place all the problems for the Western world have arisen.
Look at who pushed for World War 1, World War 2, the European Union and the green movement. Germany. This country wants to rule the world and so far they have failed miserably, but, they will keep on trying.
As you can see the Green Party are exactly the same in every way as to the one described in the two books which I have quoted from.

The best thing that you can do is to read these two books and then compare what I have said to see if I am correct or not. Then go to the references in the Bible and check them out for the same reason.
We will leave the political parties and go on to the truth as per the Bible next.

Part 3 - The Truth. What the Bible says...

The quotations which I shall be using in this section will come from the King James Bible. Should you have any disagreement with the scriptures used then I suggest that you go to God for the answers as He had the book written.
With everything that has been written so far does the Bible have anything to say about the things covered? Yes, it does as I shall show you from the following pages.
The Apostle Paul writes in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 verses 1 to 12 about the things that will happen at the end of the age.
He says that a Man of Sin will be revealed who has all the powers of Hell invested in him so that he can do all sorts of miracles which will fool a lot of the people at that time, including lies. Remember who else has done that? Lenin and Hitler did that, but they were not this world ruler. He has not come just yet but will do so soon. How soon I do not know.
Have a look at our nation and how far it has gone away from God. Why? Because they would rather believe the lies than the truth. This same section of the Bible in verse 3 says that there will be a great falling away just before this evil person is revealed.

A falling away from what you might ask? Morality, Christianity, family etc.
This year (2013) in Wales it was reckoned that only 1% to 1.5% of people went to any sort of church out of 3.000.000 people. That equals to 30.000 to 45.000 people attend church on a regular basis. Whereas a few years ago that figure would have been a lot higher.
1st letter to Timothy chapter 4 verses 1 to 3. In these verses we read of the rise in the occult at the end times. There has been a rise in the occult in the U.K. for sometime now. Just how big that growth is I do not know as I do not have any figures at all, but I hear and see things which make me suspect that it is growing year on year.
The book of Romans chapter 1 verses 18 to 33 tell us what life was like in the days of Paul (the writer of this letter) in Rome.
He spells it out just as it is. That mankind has gone away from God to practice allsorts of sexual sin in that culture.
We are going down the same road in the Western World as well and we shall suffer the same fate for it in the future. Destruction.
The days are coming and soon will be here when the last of the verses I want to use will come into being.

Let us go to the very last book of the Bible.
Revelations chapter 13 verses 1 to 18. Here we see the near future of this world which we are living in. That Man of Sin will be a world ruler and will deceive whoever is alive at that time by allsorts of weird and wonderful signs. The most serious one is the mark on the right hand or on the forehead of every living person. When this comes into being it will mean that without such a mark you will not be able to do anything and if you refuse to have this mark you will die.
Have you ever noticed that tattooing is on the increase with our young people? Will it come into being this way?
I saw a mark on a the hand of a man in Eastern Europe in late 2007 which he received in a death camp in the days of the Holocaust (World War 2) and it was still there after some 63 years after the date that it was tattooed onto his hand.
In the book of Daniel in the Old Testament, we are told of the Man of Sin who was to come at a later date, but Daniel was told to close the book up as it was not for his day and age, but for ours. See Daniel chapter 7 verses 24 to 25.
We are seeing in 2013 the beginnings of all these things coming about. If we do nothing now, it might be too late to do anything in a few years time.

As a Christian I must warn you here, even though you might laugh or disagree with me, that if you do nothing about these warnings which are almost upon us you will perish spiritually and physically. You can avoid going to Hell by turning your life over to Jesus Christ and ask Him to forgive your past mistakes and errors and to come into your life right here and now. I cannot make you do it. It has to be a personal thing between you and God.
You can choose not to heed the warnings given here, which is your right to do so, but, if I am correct and you are wrong where will you be then?

John Harrold © 2015
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