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What's going on in churches today?

Chapter 1 - Introduction.
Chapter 2 - Fuller, Saddleback, Lakeland and Toronto and Victory Church.
Chapter 3 - False teaching and changes to the Bible
Chapter 4 - There's a cult operating near you
Chapter 5 - UK believers under attack
Chapter 6 - How to protect yourself from false teaching
Chapter 7 - What the "Emerging church" is all about
Chapter 8 - What the Bible teaches
Chapter 9 - Epilogue


Chapter 1 - Introduction

I started to write this paper while on a recent visit to San Diego In California (In November 2014) and this paper will be the results of what I have come across in recent weeks and months that is not very glorifying to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
The answer to the above question in the title is quite simple really. The true church of Jesus Christ is being attacked and sidelined by false teaching and Political Correctness.
As we go through this paper I will try to show you what is happening in the so called church in 2014.
Before we do that I would like to say that our freedoms of being a true believer in Jesus Christ are being attacked daily in several ways by the atheists and secular societies as well as by false teaching in the churches. There will be more about this later on.
Some of what I will show you is from the things which I have been told of and some from the internet sources that I have researched. So, please be warned that things mentioned on the internet are not always correct or might be out of date. You will need to determine for yourself if the things quoted are correct or not.
These changes are affecting the churches in the Western style nations and the U.K. in particular.
The U.K. has gone right away from the teachings of the Bible in the way that we murder unborn children, allow same sex marriages and deny that sin is sin.
As far as I am concerned what the Bible says about lifestyles and sin is what I believe and I will not change my mind about that for one moment.

Some of the changes started in Germany in the late 1800's with Higher Criticism which undermines what the Bible says and means. It is the same question that Satan said to Eve in the Garden of Eden, " Has God said?"
Did you know that the "Seat of Satan" was taken from Western Turkey to a museum in Berlin about the same time? I believe that from this one event a lot of the troubles which fell on the Western World in the previous 120 years stemmed from the moving of this demonic temple, or seat of Satan, from Western Turkey to Berlin.
Because of this I believe that Satan has used Germany to try to stop God's plans for the Jewish race and also to stop the return of the Messiah to Israel at an appointed time in the near future.

This is what I see from the pages of history that the enemy has used Germany to do and in item four is still doing.
1. Higher Criticism of the Bible. Destroying people's faith in the Bible.
2. World War 1. To expand German territory.
3. World War 2. To rule the world by force.
4. The European Union. To rule the world by economic means.
5. The Charismatic Movement. To water down what God says.

Personally I have seen so many things and heard of other things in the charismatic movement and house churches, that you would begin to wonder where they are going and what is being taught.
I have seen these house groups split from a main stream church and then split again when one person does not get on with someone else. It is not good at all for these groups to keep splitting as nothing then seems to have any stability in these groups who keep splitting or subdividing.
Of late I have met and heard of people who are chasing around the world for one blessing after another.

Why? Is it because they are seeking a new thrill every so often? People have flocked after the" Toronto Blessing" or " Lakeland" etc.etc. What are they looking for in these false churches that sees them travelling hundreds of miles for? Then having been to these places do they find what they were seeking? I doubt it.
For myself, I do not chase after these fanciful ideas as I have "The Word of God" to give me all the help that I need. The Lord will bless me where I live, as long as I am doing what He says that I should doing. That means being obedient to the instructions which are printed in His word.
1st Letter of John Chapter 4 verses 1 to 3 tell us to test everything that we hear to see if it is of God or not. If we do not do this, then we can be heading for trouble. There will be more about this later on.
We will be looking at the following places and people as we go further into these things that are challenging our Christian heritage and faith.
Fuller Theological Seminary. Saddleback Church. The Toronto Blessing and Lakeland as well as that we will have a brief look at some of the personalities who are involved with these modern and false ideas and teachings.
The Bible references that I will be using are from the King James Bible of 1611. Should I use any other version, that will only be for reference purposes to show what is being changed and what has been changed.
Let's go back to the question which I asked at the beginning of this paper. "What's going on in churches today?"
The answer is that they are being infiltrated by a foreign army whose whole aim is to make the church of none effect where they are situated and  also to bring about the One World Church. How do they do this? Simply by changing everything that has gone on before in that church, and anyone who disagrees with what is going on is either sidelined or thrown out of that church, even though they have been there for a long time, or were founders of that fellowship.

Please go to following website www.swrc.com where you will find a very good article called", Is your church going purpose driven? How can you tell." This is from the Southwest Radio Church Ministries, box 100, Bethany, Oklahoma, 73008.U.S.A.
These people who hijack and steal church fellowships are called by Jesus, "Wolves in sheep's clothing" (see John's Gospel Chapter 10.)
What do these people do?
They steal your money.
They steal your mind.
They rule your life for you.
They might even tell you what perversion of the Bible to read as well.
In other words it is heavy shepherding, where you have to do everything that you are told to do. You have no choices at all in anything, but to obey the leadership. They will also tell you who to go out with, who to marry, where to live, etc. etc. and according to them it will be for your own good.
I have a brain of my own and do not need anyone to tell me what I should do with my life except the Good Lord Himself. I can ask for advice from the people that I trust, but it is not for anyone to tell me what I should be doing etc.etc.
I first came across this idea of heavy shepherding when I lived in the English East Midlands way back 30 years ago and now it seems that it is rearing its ugly head once more. It mainly affects the young Christians of our land who can easily be persuaded to take on board these new ideas, because they are not being taught properly.
Years ago now Rees Howells set up a Bible College of Wales to promote the Christian faith and message to go around the world. He was an intercessor and a mighty man of God.

About two years ago (2012) this college was sold and moved to the Midlands of England and will now come under the University system of the country, where they will not and do not teach the ways of God as taught in the Bible. They form part of the Higher Criticism which I mentioned earlier. At the time I felt that something had been stolen from our Welsh heritage and I still feel the same. The reason for feeling the same way is that a Pastor Yang from Singapore has bought the sight and he belongs as far as I understand it to the movement that supports the "Purpose Driven Church" idea.
Should this information be correct, then Wales is being put under even more spiritual darkness than ever before. Only time will tell.
Dear Reader, please be warned, we who love the Lord Jesus Christ are under attack after attack and the attacks are going to get more severe than ever before.
These false movements will attack us in every way conceivable so that they can destroy our love for God and our faith in Him. He, JESUS, is our only hope of salvation, by His grace and by the shedding of His blood on the cross at Calvary.
If you read the 1st letter to Timothy chapter 4 verse three it will describe to you what sort of times we are now living in. As time goes on it is going to get worse, so please be warned and prepared for this. The Bible tells what is going to happen in advance, so check what the Bible is saying and not what these false teachers are saying. If what they are saying does not match up to the Word of God, then reject it. Study your Bible and ask the Lord to teach you by His Spirit as to what is right or wrong and for understanding of the events that are going on around us every day. God will answer your prayers so that you will understand these false things for what they are, false, fake and lies.
Should you be involved in any of these movements then ask questions about what they aiming at for your life, about the money and controls that they are putting on you.

All of these false religions and movements have one aim, which is to have a One World Religion. Read Revelations chapter 13 which describes a time which will soon be here for the people of the Earth when they will be told in no uncertain terms what they will have to do etc.
I know that I have, and will be repeating, some of my thoughts and that is done on purpose so that you can be warned of what is going on and then can do something to save yourself from getting involved in these false movements which are not of God at all but are of man.
Political Correctness in the U.K is only just the start of this process.
In the following chapters you see mention of all sorts of Apostles for one thing or another. Yet I cannot find one of these names anywhere in the Bible. So, be warned when someone is called an Apostle as they might be a false one.

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Chapter 2 - Fuller, Saddleback, Toronto and Lakeland

In this chapter we are going to look at these places and as we go through each one I hope to be able to explain what they are doing and why they are false churches.

1. Fuller Theological Seminary
This Seminary was started by Charles E. Fuller in 1947 in Pasadena, California to be a place where many people could receive good Bible teaching and training for the ministry which God would give them at a later date. This man was a real man of faith and he loved his God and wanted others to be trained and learn what he had learnt. This is the way that the Bible says that we should be doing in the teaching of the next generation..
Daniel Fuller.
After Charles Fuller retired from the college some years later his son Daniel took over and that is where things started to go wrong in that seminary. Daniel Fuller went to Switzerland to learn from the philosopher Karl Barth. When he returned to the U.S.A  he started to implement the things which Karl Barth had taught him, to the shame of his father who evidently disagreed with these new ideas because they were not from the Bible or from God. Daniel was now drawn away from the faith of his father Charles and was able to push these ideas through the college to the students.
As these ideas moved forward they have led this seminary away from the Godly principles that Charles Fuller had set up. When you go away from the Word of God you will leave yourself open to all sorts of false teaching and ideas which will lead you even further away from the truth.

2. Saddleback Church
On my recent trip to California, I saw the size of the grounds of this church. They were large, very large.
Something happened there that made the others with feel uncomfortable.

We pulled into a car park by the main entrance to the site, which we did not know at that point was part of the church grounds. As soon as we had stopped three people suddenly appeared out of a building. The woman had  glazed eyes which my friends at the front of the car recognised as being demonic. I was sitting in the back of the car so did not see her face clearly. We felt uneasy so left after making an excuse as to why we were there. We never saw the building, but we did see other buildings on the site as we drove down the road.
This so called church is under the control of Rick Warren, who is the senior Pastor there. He wrote the book "The Purpose Driven Church", which is full of ideas about controlling churches in every way from membership to money. His ideas, so I am told came from Peter Drucker who was a businessman and whose ideas changed the way that the Ford Motor Company worked. These ideas were brought into the church. They are not God's ways of working at all, but man's ways, and they are totally opposite to the way that God works.
It is a way to control people through their minds and money etc.
From what I have found out it seems that this Rick Warren has Billy Graham and Peter Drucker as his mentors. A Christian and a non Christian. An odd sort of combination to say the least. From what I can see of this church is that billions of $ dollars have been spent on this church and its off shoots. So where did the money come from? From those who have been caught up in this false church. Jesus never owned anything at all, yet here we are worrying about money to pay for big buildings which will be used to take people away from the real truth of God's word and into a false religion whose basis is man and what he likes not on God and what He wants.
Another question I am going to ask here is what do they teach about repentance and salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ?
They do not. What they do is to not use  such words and others such as "unsaved", "lost", "sin", "Hell", "Heaven".  All of these words are central to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and our salvation. The words just quoted are only a selection of the words that this Purpose Driven Church do not use.

There are others but so far I do not have that information to hand. I have quoted from the leaflet that I was given today which came from the South West Radio Church in the U.S.A.
Words that they do use are "unchurched" and "churched". These words are not found in my Bible, so what do they mean? Do they mean that someone who is in their group as being churched and others who are outside of their group as the unchurched?
I have heard that they preach and teach that God accepts everyone without repentance being mentioned at all. My Bible says that we should all repent and be saved. Look at the following verses,
Mark Chapter 6 verse 12,
Luke Chapter 13 verse 3
Acts Chapter 2 verse 38.
All of these verses and others speak of repentance and salvation.

The ideas of the Purpose Driven Church are fivefold,
a. worship.
b. fellowship.
c. discipleship.
d. ministry.
d. evangelism.
The whole idea is to get Pastors worldwide to balance all of these five ideas into a frame work of working together from the same work manual. To me this sounds like the start of  a new denomination or religious order based on one man's ideas and not on God's word.
The true purpose of the Christians is to bring glory to God and the Gospel to the people, not to make money for elaborate buildings as an edifice to a man.

The Bible says a lot about reaching out to others with the "Good News", so why do we need another so called church denomination which if you read the following article by Suzanne Sataline of the Post Gazette dated 5 Sept 2006 which says that this so called church is splitting other churches.
I have had that confirmed in the leaflet from the South West Radio Church which I received today 12/ 12/ 14.
Another thing that I came across today was something called Church Transitions. This is also linked to the Saddleback Church. I have not be able to find out anything about this movement, but if it is linked to  the Saddleback Church movement then it is a false church movement.
I read an excellent article by Dr. Larry Spargimino about the Mega church idea which is called "The Mega fall of the Mega church."  This article was produced in the Prophetic Observer volume 14 no.4 in April 2007. The whole of this article exposes the ways of the Mega churches ideas and the falseness of their teachings from the Bible. It also shows how the Bible is being wrongly taught to those who are involved in this scheme. You can get a copy from the South West Radio Church archives and I am using their copy with their permission.

3. Lakeland
I first heard of Lakeland several years ago and from what I heard about it I was sceptical of the things that were reported to have taken place in this so called revival.
When the Welsh Revival of 1904 happened  which  lasted for about four years. Repentance was called for from the pulpit and thousands got gloriously saved in those four or so years. What seems to have happened here is that the main emphasis was on healing the bodies of the people who came to the meetings, and not on their souls. There were articles in the local press asking questions about these so called healings and could they be verified.

An A.B.C.  report concluded that "not a single miracle could be verified". (end of quote) I have also heard of people being asked for money prior to being prayed over for healing and when they were not healed the same process was repeated and at the end of it all the person needing healing was not healed and that they had no money left.
Another area of concern was about the finances of this movement. When Todd Bentley was asked to open the books for an independent auditor to review them by World magazine he is reported to have said that he was "too busy keeping up with what God is doing"  to provide financial information. (end of quote)
Nightline Magazine, in June 2008, could not find any truth that these reported healings could be verified at all, after proof was asked from the staff running the event that people had been healed at one of their meetings.
Another controversy was raised by George O. Wood in June 2008 about the way the revival was more concerned about charismatic manifestations and miracles which are never the test of a true revival. Fidelity to the God's Word is the test. I have paraphrased that statement, but it is still true. God's Word says repent and be baptised.

A fourth area of concern should be of Todd Bentley's talking to an Angel called Emma, and she gave him a vision of gold coins, meaning that he would be financially safe. When criticised about this vision he said that it was God's choice and not his. We are not told much about angels in the Scriptures, but what we are told is that those Archangels who talked to human beings were sent for a special purpose. E.G. Gabrielle and Michael who were  messenger and warrior angels of God. The Devil, himself, as we are told in the Bible can make himself look like an angel of light and thereby can deceive people who are weak believers and possible more strong Christians as well. Read 2 Corinthians chapter 11 verses 13 to 15.
Some of his theology is a bit suspect as you can now see.

I have already mentioned that he was supposed to have talked to an angel called EMMA, now he says that he also went to Heaven and talked to Apostle Paul.
The Bible says that in Heaven there is neither male nor female, so that makes this Lakeland stuff very suspicious indeed. See Galatians chapter 3 verse 28.
Another area that makes me suspicious of this movement is the fact that Todd Bentley has a load of tattoos on his body which is totally against the Bible's teaching on marking yourself. There are several verses in the Torah, the first five books of the Bible about cutting yourselves. You can look them up for yourself to see if I am right or not. But, and there is a big but coming in here, there will be a day in the future when all the inhabitants who are alive on the Earth will have to have a mark of the Beast on them so that they can survive. You can read about it in Revelations chapters 13 and 14. This Emerging church and the Purpose Driven idea are all part of the coming One World Church system, and is a false church, and if you do not repent and accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour now, you will be there and as you read on in the following chapters you will discover where you will end up. Not in Heaven as you hope, but in the fires of Hell. So get out and find Jesus now before it is too late to do so. Reader, my advice to you would be to steer clear of this so called movement of God as it is a false church and is not good for your spiritual health.

4. Toronto
Let us now go on to the so called "Toronto Blessing". This unusual event started in the Toronto Airport Vineyard Church, in Canada in January 1994. This church is classed as a neocharismatic evangelical Christian Church in Toronto. It has since become the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship. Part of what has happened here was in healings, anointings, awakenings, renewals, etc. The outcome of these things happening has been the so called "Holy Laughter" which led to falling in the Spirit, laughter, shaking and crying as well as people roaring like lions and crunching.

This is a vomit like heaving action and is supposed to be a gesture of invitation for God to cleanse ones emotions and release forgiveness for those who were involved in negative experiences in their past. These things are claimed by the leaders and those who partook of these things that this was the work of the Holy Spirit and were manifestations of His presence and power.
One of the things that this group teaches is about a Golden Sword Prophecy.
I have just looked up this prophecy and all it seems to be saying is that you have to get rid of the old ways of doing things as they are not acceptable any more. This is the teaching from Saddleback and Fuller Theological Seminary. They are saying that it is this new way which must be followed and what went before is gone, out of date etc.
They are miss quoting a verse from the Book of Isaiah where God says that He was doing a new thing. Isaiah chapter 43 verse 19.
A couple of questions here.
Is preaching the Gospel out of date?
Is repentance out of date?
Is following God out of date?
Is the Bible out of date?
The answer to all of the above questions is NO they are not out of date. As long as God's Word is around these and other teachings from the Bible will not ever be out of date. These new ideas are trying to either water down or to eradicate the Word of God so that it has no effect on anyone's life at all.
As you read on you will find that all of these things are being ignored by the these new so called churches. They are the forerunners of the One World Religion which is mention in the book of Revelations. You can do a bit of research here for yourself as that will hit home better to you rather than you read what I have written here.

This movement peaked in the mid to late 1990's and since then has faded from public view and not so prominent  as it once was.
Let me tell you here of something that happened to myself around 1994 approx.
At that time my wife and I were courting and I went to a fellowship just outside of Bristol, England. One Sunday morning we were at the meeting when it was announced that some of the people had been to a meeting somewhere locally to experience this Toronto Blessing. I'm not sure where it was being held, but they came back doing all sorts of stupid things like twitching, making funny noises etc. One woman who had not long lost her husband ran out screaming, but my wife (who at the time was not my wife)and I held each other and prayed that if this was from God that we would accept it and if it was not that we would be protected from what was going on. We felt that we were in a protective bubble and it went passed us and had no effect on us at all. We felt that this was not of God.

5. Victory Outreach, Cwmbran, Wales
The things that you are going to read from this point on, are from things which I have heard or witnessed myself as this church is not far from where I live.
First of all let me tell you what the two place names mean. In Welsh, CWM means Valley, and BRAN means crows, so the place means Valley of the Crows. Pontypool is made up of the word PONTY which is Welsh for BRIDGE. Ponty comes from the Latin Pontes, i.e. bridges. So Pontypool is a bridge over a pool or river.
The work of Victory Church  started around 2008/2009 in Pontypool, which is a town a few miles to the north of Cwmbran as an outreach to drug addicts, rough sleepers etc. I first came across them when they were moving into a warehouse when I was helping to move some belongings of a member of the fellowship that I was in at the time to her new home.

While we were there we asked about what they were doing and the nature of their outreach and the vision that they had for the future etc. At that time it seemed very good as we did not know who was backing this venture.
It came to light in 2012 when we heard that Todd Bentley had been banned from entering Great Britain and that a guy called Tommy Tenney had come in his place. I do not know why Bentley was barred from this country, but the authorities must have had a very good reason for doing so.
There was massive coverage on our local T.V. news about the events that went on there as well as local newspaper coverage as well. People came flocking from all over the country to see what was happening. The meetings were full and on every night of the week for a while, but now they are hardly open from what I have learnt since.
My wife and I never wanted to go there and never did visit any meeting that they put on, even though other Christians were trying to persuade us to do so.
Since then there have been rumours of infidelity which caused the thing to lose a lot of support and where it is now I do not know as we hear nothing much about it today.
How many lives are being ruined by these false churches, is hard to know, but who is going to help these suffering people who thought that something was good only to find out that it was poison?
They are trying to make us into CLONES. I am not a clone. I am a person, a human being who God made in His image not a clone or a copy of what someone else thinks that I should be. By joining one of these groups you will make yourself a clone of the leaders, so if you have a brain, get out while you can. You will be in great spiritual danger if you stay as you will be made to think and do what others tell you to do.

6. ICAL. International  Coalition of Apostolic Leaders
This movement started in Singapore and then moved to Fort Worth in Texas in 1999 and is a fairly new idea on the block. But, is it of God or not? As you read on I hope to show you that it is not of God, but the Devil.
Who was one of the main leaders at the beginning? C. Peter Wagner. you will read of him elsewhere in this paper as being one of the leaders in the Emerging Church idea. I have been told that they have a base here already in the U.K in Scotland.
This movement is only for professional and people in a managerial position, not for the likes of us ordinary working class people. These are the leaders who will go out enmasse to the world to fight for the church against the anti Christian spirits who are operating already. If they are the leaders, you will the workers, who will be doing the dirty job of the actual spiritual frontline fighting. They will be telling you what to do, because they are the leaders. You can tell from their website that they are the leaders by the amount of fees that you will pay annually if they accept your nomination.
In the U.S.A. a married person will pay about £1014.
A single person about £700.
Members from other countries will pay as follows.
A married person £700 approx.
A single person about £545.
For the ordinary working person that is a lot of money to have to give out each and every year that you are a member.
It did not say if women were able to join the work or not, but I suspect not.

According to their web site again there are various degrees of Apostles as you can see from the list below.
Vertical Apostles.
Horizontal Apostles.
Emerging Apostles.
Peer level Apostles.

What do these names mean?  I know what the words in front of each title mean, but in this context I have no idea at all. If you can find any of these titles in the Bible then please let me know and give me the chapter and verse as well.
This group are mixing the spiritual with the non spiritual world and it is not God's way of doing things. Ok. they might quote from the Bible in their literature, but what version of the Bible are they using? if it is not the King James or Authorised Bible, then you are in danger of being taught wrongly and also in danger of being told lies about everything. So, check out everything that I have said here to see if it is of God or not. Read the first letter of John chapter 4 verses 1 to 3.

7. Peter Wagner
Everything from this point until the end of the chapter is taken from the official website of Peter Wagner.
This gentleman is heavily involved in the work of Fuller Theological Seminary as a Professor of church growth which is involved in Church based Missions worldwide. He is also an Ambassadorial Apostle for Global Spheres Inc. Now that is a new type of apostle for me. What is an AMBASSADORIAL APOSTLE?  The only thing that I can find in my Bible about ambassadors is in the second letter to the Corinthian church chapter 5 verse 20 where we are told that we , the ordinary members of fellowships who know and love Jesus Christ as our own Saviour, are to be ambassadors for Christ. There is no such thing in the Bible as an Ambassadorial Apostle.

One of the things which he was involved in the founding of was "Signs, Wonders and Church Growth" at the Fuller Seminary.
There are several other ideas mentioned in the print out from Mr. Wagner which I find puzzling to say the least and they are as follows. Advocacy of praying for the sick. Spiritual Mapping, Identificational repentance, the ministry and role of Apostles and Prophets in the church today, and demonic deliverance. He is supposed to now be a pioneer in spiritual warfare.
In the following list of things could somebody please point to a verse in the Bible where these things are mentioned. Here they are, The new Apostolic Reformation, The International coalition of Apostles and the Eagles apostolic team which is a more intimate group. There is also the Dominion Mandate for social transformation which adopts the template of the SEVEN MOUNTAINS OR 7M mandate for practical implementation. I have taken this from the website which I came across about this person and in no way am I trying to vilify anyone in this work, but to warm people of the things that are going on around us which give me concern. What I am concerned with here is again all this stuff about modern Apostles. What do all of these titles and names mean, as well as that are they Biblical? My personal opinion is that they are not Biblical at all but they have come from men's ideas and not from God. They are a deception so please dear reader, be careful of what you and check everything against the Word of God.
What I am seeing here is the formation of ideas that will be part of bringing into being the One World Church which is gathering pace every year. So watch out it could arrive here sooner than we think.

Chapter 3 - False teaching and changes to the Bible

I grew up with the Authorised Bible from the first days of ever going to Sunday School, way back in the mid 1940's. I have always loved the texture of the words and how they have impacted my life over the many years that I have followed Jesus Christ as my own Lord and Saviour. Without God's Word we are lost and if we do not have  a true translation into English then we are being misled by the translators and by the Bible publishers, as well as the printers.
In this chapter we are going to look at some of these changes in the Bible to see what the original said and what the modern translations are saying.
Right at the start I will ask you to look at the covers or the inside pages of your Bibles before you start to read the book of Genesis. If you have got the Trescole sign on or in it then you are facing an Occultist symbol and if you take each leaf apart you will find that they are all the number six, Which is the number given by the beast in Revelations chapter 13 verses 16 to 18 to everyone who is alive on Earth at that time so that no-one will be able to sell, buy, go anywhere etc. unless you have the this mark on your right hand or on your forehead. In Genesis chapter 1, God made man on the sixth day of the creation of the world, hence the number for a man is the number six.

Let us now go to the Bible.
John Chapter 1 verse 1. The new versions say, "A son of the gods", or "a son of God".  A.V. says "The Son of God".
Daniel Chapter 3 verse 25. "A son of the gods" the AV. says "like the Son of God"
Ephesians chapter 4 verse 12. " Equipping". The A.V. says "Perfecting".
Philippians chapter 2 verse 6. " not equal with God". A.V. says that Jesus "was equal with God".

We will have a look at some more verses presently, but before that I want to have a look at some of the things which these more modern translations have changed in the Bible.
In the Good News Bible of about forty years or more ago now. The Blood of Jesus Christ was left out altogether. If you look up the late Ian Paisley's comments on this version of the Bible you will find it a very scathing attack on the publishers for leaving out a very central theme to the Christian Faith. If no blood was poured out at Calvary then we, and all who have gone before us, believing what the Bible says about the washing in the blood are still in our sins and not saved. If you leave out the blood of Jesus Christ then your salvation is of good works only and if that is so you are not saved at all. Read Ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 which tells us that it is of God's grace that we are ever saved and not of our own good works. A self based salvation will never meet the standards of a Thrice Holy God ever. So it is not worth trying it in the first place. Look at Romans chapter 3 verse 23 and Isaiah chapter 64 verse 6.

Going back to our first verse, the modern Bibles are saying that Jesus was a god, not the Son of God, as one of many. The A.V. states this as an absolute truth that Jesus is the Son of God and not a son of the gods.
Daniel chapter 3 verses 24 to 25. God turns up in the time of need for the three men in the fiery furnace, not a son of the gods, but God himself in human form. There are other references to a similar thing across the Old Testament, and It would be worth your while to look them out for yourself.
Philippians Chapter 2 verse 6. My Bible (A.V) says that Jesus is equal to God the Father. Should you be a ruler of a nation you do not need to strive to become the ruler of the said nation. Jesus is co-equal with God so He does not need to strive to become equal with God, His father.
In John's Gospel chapter 5 verses 19 to 38. Jesus explains who He is and what He is doing and John chapter 10 verse 30 says something similar. To sum up my Bible is telling me that Jesus is co-equal with the Godhead.

In Ephesians chapter 4 verse 12. My Bible tells me that God is making me more like Him by the process of being perfected. The modern Bibles are saying that He is equipping them. By changing this word you are changing the whole meaning of the what God is trying to say.
If you are equipping someone, you are giving them the tools to do what God is calling you to do and that is not perfecting you at all. Perfection is making us more like God in our daily lives down here on the planet Earth. You need to read this one verse in context with the rest of the verses (7 to 16) to get the full meaning of what the writer is saying.
A new believer is like a young child who lacks maturity and has to be taught things and by being taught they will get the skills to be able to do things better and properly at a later date. This verse is not about being equipped, but about being made to conform to God's likeness and to be able to think in the ways that God tells us to in His word.

We are advised in the Bible not to make a new Christian a church leader just the same as you would not give a child a set of keys to drive a car. Why? Because they would not know how to handle such things properly and would cause a lot problems for others.
Let us now have a look at a few more verses that have been changed. This next selection of verses comes from a work by Terry Watkins which I found on the internet.
Genesis chapter 2 verse 18.
 A.V. says "meet for him", meaning equal.
NKJV. says "comparable to him". meaning similar to.
Psalm 109 verse 6.
A.V. says "Satan".
NKJV. says" accuser". Satan is removed even though he is an accuser.

Matthew chapter 7 verse 14.
A.V. says "narrow is the way". Narrow means very thin, or small.
Now reads "difficult is the way". Any road can be difficult to travel on if it is crowded.
Matthew chapter 18 verse 26 and chapter 20 verse 20. "worshipped Him" is removed thereby robbing Jesus of the worship that is due to His name.
John chapter 1 verse 3.
A.V. says " that all things were made BY Him", not through Him as the other Bibles state.
We will come back to have a look at a few more changes to our Bibles later on.
I urge you dear readers to be careful as to what version of the Bible you read because if you read the wrong ones you will be reading wrong ideas that were never in the Bible in the original languages.
Personally I stopped reading the N.K.J.V. about two years ago now and went back to the A.V. which I was brought up on and still love for the richness of its writing and language.
All of these new versions are supposed to make you to be able to understand the Bible better, but they are leading to confusion because one version says one thing and another version says something else. Who is behind all of this confusion? The Devil himself. So watch out and read carefully and prayer fully. At the same time ask the Lord to teach you what is the correct version and translation for you to read and thereby to grow in God.

These new versions keep changing things around so that you will never truly understand the Word of God for yourself. It's all part of the enemies plan to confuse you or to water down the Word of God. If you go back about 130 years you will discover that these revisions and new versions started with Revised Version, followed by the Revised Standard Version.

Then came Moffat's Translation, The Good News Bible, New English Bible, New International Version, The New King James Bible, etc. etc.
Each one is telling you a different thing, by adding or leaving something out. We are warned about taking away from and/or adding to God's Word  in the Book of Revelations chapter 22 verses 18 to 19.
Again I will say it, that if you leave the sacrificial blood of Jesus Christ, on the cross, out of the Bible you will water down God's plan of salvation and you who think that you are saved by just accepting that God will accept you as you are without any form of repentance, then you will be very disappointed when you stand before God as your Judge and He then says to you," depart from me". If that is what you want, "an easy cost free salvation" then go after these groups that I have told you about in this essay. On the other hand if you want a real salvation then turn to Jesus Christ right now and repent of all of the wrong things that you have done and ask for God's forgiveness and salvation and for His Holy Spirit to come into your life.
The choice is yours to follow Gods Word or what a man has told you.
Back to some of the verse that have been changed.
Mark chapter 13 verse 6. "Christ" is omitted in the N.K.J.V. and others.
John chapter 14 verse 16 "comforter" is changed to "helper". As above.
Acts chapter 17 verse 22 is changed from "superstitious" to "religious". As above.
 Acts chapter 24 verse 14."heresy" is changed to "sect".  ditto.
Heresy is what is taught and a sect is a group of people who believe different to the accepted orthodoxy of the day.
One more to end with.

2 Corinthians chapter 2 verse 17. In the Authorised Bible you have the following words, " for we not as many which CORRUPT the Word of God", which the N.K.J.V. and others change it to "for we are not as so many PEDDLING the Word of God." Peddling when I was at school meant a form of selling goods around the houses to people at their front doors.
To CORRUPT something means to change something for the worse, such as putting poison in a medicine to cause illness rather than to cure the patient. There are lots more verses that have been corrupted by these changes so be careful as to which perversion of the Bible you read.
Before we leave this subject we will look at some of the people behind these perversions of the Bible. Nestle-Aland, Westcot and Horte, The Vatican, United Bible Societies and the Bible publishers.

God says in Malachi chapter 3 verse 6, "I CHANGE NOT". Yet when you read the prefaces to some of these newer editions of the Bible you will read something like this" The Word of God is not settled and can be changed. But, what does my Bible say in the Authorised Version of 1611. Psalm 119 verse 89. "Thy Word, oh Lord, is settled in Heaven".
To me these two verses mean that if God never changes then His Word will never change. Praise God for that. If we have a changing Word of God, then we have a God who changes and that would mean that we would have never be sure of having any hope at all, because this God would be just changing His mind every day. These verses are an absolute, where as the other perversions of the Bible are not and will leave wondering whether you are sure about God or not.

These translators are misleading everyone and look who they are working with. The Roman Catholic Church. These changes are all part of the coming One World Religion which I have already mentioned to you and it is a way to try and make everyone, including you and me, think the same. This part of the control system which is coming in gradually to our world. So be warned.

Chapter 4 - There's a cult operating near you

This chapter is all about how these sects and cults operate near to where you live.
There have been false religions and sects etc. around for thousands of years and as you read through the New Testament you will come across these groups of people in almost every letter of John and Paul.
Jesus spoke out against these people while He was on the Earth who taught one thing but did another.
In the teachings of these false religions and sects etc. there is one question that I must ask you here and it is an important question. Did any of these false gods ever die for their followers?  The answer is no they did not. Did any of the leaders of these sects and cults ever die for their followers? No, they did not.

True Christianity is the only religion, for want of a better word, where the followers could ever say that their God died to save them. You can read about the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ in the Gospels in the Bible. You do not read of anything like that in the other World religions etc. Jesus willingly died for the human race because He loved us so much and wants us to go to be in Heaven with Him and not to Hell which is being prepared for Satan and all who follow his evil ways.
As to the Bible the sects and cults take parts of the Bible out of context and make it a pretext to shore up what they believe.
Let us take a quick look at some of the things that these groups do.
Take the Jehovah's Witnesses for a minute. They are not what they say that they are because they have taken a verse or two from the Book of Isaiah out of context. Look at Isaiah chapters 43 verses 9 to 12 and chapter 44 verse 8. Both of these scriptures are saying that it is Almighty God who is speaking to the Jewish people that they were His witnesses against their enemies to say that there is only one true God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

There is no other God than Him. All of what the Jehovah's witnesses are is to make money for the Watchtower Society in New York U.S.A.
Now we will have a look at the Mormons sect.
This sect was set up in Utah in the U.S.A. in the 19th century so that they could have their own religious ways of doing things, such as multiple marriages. If any man desired another man's wife, more so in the leadership, then that man would marry her and she would have no say in the matter, even though the woman was already married. If the husband disagreed to this arrangement, he was done away with. I wonder if they took that idea from the story of David and Bathsheba? They have added to the Bible with their Book of Mormon. This book was supposed to have been read by Joseph Smith, with special spectacles, which no one has ever seen to my knowledge . This book is a blatant addition to the Bible which warns us of adding to or taking away from the Bible as I have already mentioned. A lot of the things which I have read about in the past about this group are certainly not in the Bible. It seems that this Joseph Smith was a very uncouth person from all accounts that I have read.

Now let us look at the way these cults and sects operate. The following items are from the things that I have studied in the past on these types of people and groups. They all have similarities in their ways of operating.
1. They have a strong magnetic type of leader or leadership, who have to be obeyed to the letter at all times. If you disobey them you are in trouble. Sometimes you do not ever meet the leadership or the leaders.
2. Those caught up in these movements have to devote a lot of time studying their literature rather than the Bible.
3. You have to believe what you are being taught. There is no free thinking here at all.

4. Their main aim is for the younger people as they can manipulate their minds more easily than us older people. It is a lot harder to get older people to change their minds than it is for a young person. Young people reading this please be aware that they are out to manipulate your mind.
5. There is a strong emphasis for you to hand over everything that you have to the cause that they are spouting. That means that you will be reliant on the leaders for everything.
6. There is the potential to radicalise you and keep you away from your family and former friends.  Your family and friends are from the group and no-one else.
7. There is a tendency to be given a poor diet.
8. Then there is the lack of sleep because of the amount of work you will have to do for the group and the studies which you will expected to complete.
9. Then lastly you will be expected to go out begging for money for the group.

Over the years some of these things will have changed as begging on the streets of Great Britain has been stamped on by the local councils because of the problems caused by beggars.

Each of the false churches, sects, cults and others will have a variation on these things and some might have changed their way of operating in the last few years. but they are still there in one way or another. One thing which I have noticed is that the Jehovah's Witnesses are doing and that is not to sell their books but to give them away in the towns and cities of our nation. They are making a concerted effort to peddle their false teachings to the unwary passerby in the High Street, whereas years ago they were knocking on your front doors every week and making a thorough nuisance of themselves to the occupants in their own homes. See the verse in 2 Corinthians chapter 2 verse 17 about peddling the Word of God. This is what peddling is all about.

If you want to find out more about all of the false cults etc. then please go to your local library and ask the staff for the religious book section and you will find a lot of help there on what these cults and sects believe and the misery that they have caused.
One book that I have read years ago now was "Thirty years a Watchtower slave". I am not sure if this book is still available or not. Again your library would be able to advise you on that. Just to end this chapter I will say that a lot of these cults and sects over the years have come and gone, but, they come back in another guise with the same aims to trap the unwary in their false ways of thinking. Again they might look good on the surface, but this might be the sugar around a poison pill. So please do not get taken in. If you have any doubts about a group who say that they are Christians then ask others who you trust about them and more than that ask God's Holy Spirit for discernment.

Chapter 5 - UK believers under attack

What we have read so far is about the spiritual attacks on believers and in God's church. Now we are going to see what is happening from the other side of the coin. The true Church of Jesus Christ is under attack from the humanist and atheistic societies of Great Britain. These attacks are varied and wide ranging.

The U.K. Governments have encouraged a lot of these attacks because of the laws that they have passed in the last thirty to forty years.
1. Abortion = murder of the innocent unborn child because this unborn baby is a nuisance to the lifestyle of the mother or family. Exodus chapter 20 verse 13.

2. Same sex marriages= an abomination in God's sight. God says in His word that this is an unnatural thing and that He hates it. Whether you agree with me or not it is there in the Bible. Leviticus chapter 20 verse 19. In 2013 there was a 700 000 plus signatures on a petition against this law coming into being which was sent to the U.K. government, who promptly ignored the wishes of so many people and passed the same sex laws. These new laws on sexual equality are putting the true believers in trouble with the Authorities. The true believers are being taken to court and are being punished for making a stand against these rules. It is also now on the school curriculum in some places to be taught that this is a natural thing, which in the sight of God it is not. If it was the norm then why were the two towns of Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed by God and also why did the Roman Empire collapse from within? The answer is because of sexual sin and deviancy. There were Christian members of the Tory government in the U.K who voted against these changes in 2014 who were removed from office under the guise of a reshuffle of the Cabinet Members. These true believers stood up for what God says and paid the price for doing so.

3. Political Correctness = having to conform to whatever the government of the day says that you should conform to. In this idea there is no freedom of thought, you have to obey what you are told to obey.

This smells of the days that are coming when the World ruler controls everything. You can find this out for yourselves in the Book of the Revelations. Personally I have no intention of being "politically correct" at all as I can use my God given brains to think as I want to think. I try to think in the ways that God has laid down in the Bible and if that does not suit the government then so be it. I belong to Jesus Christ as He loved me enough to die for me. Has the Government ever laid down its life for anyone? No is the answer.

4. The Equality laws = unfairness for believers as we now have no equality in law to hold onto our beliefs in public but only hidden away in a church on a Sunday. These laws are causing a lot of trouble for us believers and it is down to a small minority in the nation pushing the governments to change our laws for their own ends.

5. Evolution = mans ideas as against the Bible's.
Way back in the mid 1800's Charles Darwin looked into the idea of man coming from the animal world by evolving from one thing to another over many thousands of years. He never found the so called, "missing link". Yet, today his theories on natural changes is being pushed in our schools and colleges as truth. It is still only a theory and anyone caught teaching otherwise is being vilified etc. My Bible tells me in Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 that God made everything that we see around us in the natural world. The whole aim of pushing evolution as truth is to get rid of God out of the equation.

6. A named person = parental rights being ignored. This an idea that is going round the Scottish Parliament at present and it means that a "named person " will have more rights over your children than you as a parent would have.
All of these things which I have mentioned above are to take true Christianity out of the public arena and to substitute it with false teachings of humanism, where anything goes except Christianity. Christians in the Western World are being taken to court for standing up for God and His word in the way that conduct their businesses.

We are being told that if you run a business then you have to accept customers who want you to supply or provide a service which means that you would have to compromise your faith in God. Then if you refuse you are being taken to court on the grounds of inequality or discrimination by those people. Where is the equality for believers in these cases? There is none.
Let me give you some idea of what is going on. A Christian Nurse wears a small silver cross to work for thirty plus years and is suddenly told it is a health hazard and is made to remove the offending item or face being sacked from her job.  A Christian person working for a local council in his own time and on his own personal computer says that gay marriage is wrong was demoted in his job with a very large pay cut. After that several Christian Guest house owners have been taken to court because of their refusal to allow gay couples to have a double bed room to stay in. So much for equality in the U.K. There is none for Bible believing Christians at present. This sort of thing is happening every day in Great Britain, more so since we were tricked as a nation into changing from a trading partnership with the rest of Europe into a political one in the 1970's. Europe is now telling us what we have to do and what rules we have to follow. Our Christian Heritage is being undermined all of the time and it is time that us true Christians stood up and started to fight back so that we can regain what we are losing.

There are two very good websites in the U.K. which you can look at where you can find and read more of the stories and cases where Christians are being victimised for standing up for their faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God and they are the Christian Institute and Christian Concern. Both of these charities are fighting for our cherished Christian freedoms which are being stolen from us bit by bit if we let it happen. Stand up and be counted or else you will find that our Christian freedoms will be gone. In Great Britain there is no equality for true believers in Jesus Christ and those who want to uphold the Laws of God which are enshrined in the Constitution of the nation.

We are being sidelined and pushed out of the way so that all of these unholy and ungodly things can come in. So, be warned you will come under attack if you stand up for God and for Righteousness, or for the Word of God.
Many of God's people in the past history of Great Britain have paid the penalty for standing up for the truth. Such people like Coverdale, Tyndale, Wycliffe, Ridley, Latimer, Hooper, and many more. All of these people were martyred because they printed Bibles in English or stood up proclaimed that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. You can read their stories in Foxe's Book of Martyrs.

Chapter 6 - How to protect yourself from false teaching

This chapter will be a short one as it will show you what you can do to protect your mind against the attacks of the enemy.

a. Always proclaim the truth from the King James Bible which for centuries has been recognised as the best English Translation to read and study. I know that all the "thou" and "thees" are still in it, but that does not matter. Read it prayer fully and ask the Lord to teach you by His Holy Spirit what the true meaning is of the section that you are reading.

b. Study the Word of God. A good way that I have is to do a correspondence course such as the Emmaus Bible Correspondence courses which you will find  on their website. I have been doing these courses for many years and they have helped me to understand the Bible's message in a much deeper way.

c. Change your Bible to the Authorised, or King James Bible. Then get rid of your false Bibles. I have come across so many things over the years that it is only now that I am finding out the true from the false.
One Bible I had says at the top of a page in the book of Isaiah that this page was all about the Church's blessing in Israel. This is totally false as it means that the Church has replaced Israel in God's favour, which it certainly has not. The Church did not come into being until approx. 500 years later on. So the people who had that put in at that place were totally wrong.

d. Keep praying for Godly wisdom to show you the right meanings of the Word of God. This is what King Solomon did at the start of his kingship and God gave him just what he asked for and God will do that for you.

e. Get into a good church where the truth is being taught properly.

Chapter 7 - The Purpose Driven and Emerging Churches

In these next few pages we are going to look at these churches and try to see what is going on in them.
A lot of the things which I will mention are going to be taken from the notes which I found on the internet. Again a warning here as you will need to check for yourself to see if the things which I quote are correct or not.
First of all the Purpose Driven Church.
The word "Purpose" to my way of thinking is something that you are aiming at. As a true believer in the Lord Jesus Christ our purpose as Christians should be to first of all bring glory to God by the way that we live and conduct ourselves and to make disciples for Himself as per the instructions given by Jesus as He left for Heaven. See Matthews Gospel chapter 28 verses 19 to 20.
This new idea of the word purpose is to make members for their cause, which is totally foreign to the biblical way of doing things.
The ideas started from a book written by Rick Warren by the title of "The Purpose Driven Church" in and around 1995. There was a follow up to that book called "The Purpose Driven Life". In 2005 there was a survey Pastors and Ministers in the U.S.A. about the way that this book had influenced people and themselves. The answer was that it was the second most influential book in their lives and ministries, behind the book called, "The Purpose Driven Life" written by the same person.
Their main targets are the Church leaders and Pastors of the world to advise them how to base their ministry on God's purposes and not their own Ideas. It states that these are the following ideas that churches should be concentrating on. Worship, Fellowship, Discipleship, Ministry and Mission. The writer says that these ideas come from the Great Commission in Matthew chapter 28 verses19 to 20. My Bible says to "go into all of the world and preach the Gospel making disciples".

There is no mention of worship, fellowship, ministry or mission in these verses at all.  The writer states that all churches are driven by something and here is the list of what he says they are driven by. Tradition, Finances, Programmes, Personalities, Events, Seekers and Buildings. All of this list can be a controlling force in a church group or fellowship, but he suggests something totally different as to what churches should focus on or be driving towards.
Church leaders, he says, should ask themselves about what they are doing and what is their purpose etc. etc. and the writers answer to this are the following ideas. Warmer, deeper, stronger, broader and larger through fellowship, discipleship, worship, ministry and evangelism.
Saddleback Church has a P.E.A.C.E. plan for their leaders and followers to overcome the five main evils that they see that are operating in the world today, i.e. December 2014.

These five evils are called Global Goliaths,
a. spiritual emptiness.
b. egocentric leadership.
c. extreme poverty.
d. pandemic diseases.
e. lack of education.

Their so called remedy is the following ideas,
a. promote reconciliation.
b. equip servant leaders.
c. assist the poor.
d. care for the sick.
e. educate the next generation.

This all sounds very good on the surface, but is there anything hidden from view here? I think that there is for the following reason. Last year, 2013, I studied the United Nations Agenda 21, Environmental Piracy book by Dr. I. J. Pugh. This book exposes some of the things that are coming into our world and as I look at some of these ideas from the Saddleback Church I can see that they are taking on board some of these ideas. You will need to get this book for yourself and then study it carefully alongside the false teachings of the Saddleback Church and Rick Warren in particular. Both are advocating a One World Order, the United Nations to rule the people and the One World Church would be the religious side of that particular coin. So watch out. I have likened what all of this coming together of all the religions and churches of the world is going to be like as a mess. It is like the clean water in a jar for paint brushes and when you mix all of the colours on the brushes together in the water you get a horrible colour which is not one thing or another really. It is just a horrible mess. This is what the Devil likes us all to be in and he will not help you get out of it, but will try to push you down further into the mud.
I will now give you a quote from the information I have about the Purpose Driven idea, which is as follows, "Simply put, the Purpose Driven paradigm encourages the Christian leader to maintain an intentional, strategic, and balanced focus on all five purposes, which will in turn produce church health. The concept focuses on health, with the conviction that growth will take care of itself when a congregation is healthy" end of quote. Another part of this item says that this idea will make the church leader more effective in reaching out to people in love and making them welcome into your church where the leaders would teach them and train them for a Christ like behaviour and equipping them for service.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ's death, burial and resurrection is not even mentioned here at all, and that is the most important part of the Gospel for all of us. So what teaching would these new student leaders and others get? The answer is that they would get a false teaching.

It would serve you well at this point for you to look up all that you can on the internet about this Agenda 21 and these false churches, and then to follow things up as to what they teach as against what the Bible teaches.
One of things that is happening coming from the Saddleback church and the Emerging Church idea is that the congregations of the more traditional or orthodox type churches are going down in number because people are flocking to the new exciting and showy false churches. They are being lured by the false and the truth is being denied them if they should join them. If join such a church group you will find in time that the orthodoxy that you once held dear is gone and you will find that you are under a lot of rules, heavy rules which will tell you what to believe, where to go, what to do etc. etc. You will also find that you will be told that what you accepted previously is now out of date, old fashioned and not necessary, as we now have new ways of doing things.
Some of these false groups will offer you a church leadership position for a large fee to be paid to that group. Read the first letter of Peter and chapter five where you will see what God revealed to the Apostle Peter about leadership.
Now we will have a quick look at the EMERGING CHURCH.
If you are emerging you have to come out of something into something else. What are they coming out of and coming into? They think that they are coming out of the darkness of the old fashioned churches and into a new light or age of enlightenment, but what they doing is actually coming out of the light into a spiritual darkness that will eventually engulf them. It is a false light. Let me explain here what a false light does.
Many years ago in Cornwall on the South West Coast of Great Britain there were groups of men called "wreckers". These people were murderers and thieves and also very poor people. In the coastal areas where they lived they would hear of ships coming along the coast in fog or bad weather and then they would put up a false light on the rocks which to the sea farer looked like a light at the entrance to a port or harbour.

But it was a false light and many ships were wrecked and ship's crews killed and all of their goods were stolen because of a false light. So it will be for anyone getting involved with these two movements, i.e. "The Purpose Driven Church", or the "Emerging Church".
Remember that the Devil can make himself look like an Angel of light. Read Second Corinthians chapter 11 verses 13 to 15. Here you will see that we could be deceived by our enemy if we do not keep in touch with the Lord God of Heaven on a daily basis.
Again there is a lot of information on the internet about these ideas which have come out of the Saddleback Church movement, which came out of the Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California.
I am going to use some of the notes and ideas from a book by John MacArthur by the title of "The Truth War". This book exposes some of the teachings from this false church movement.
Such as, Emergent church leaders saying that we cannot be sure on what the Bible teaches, that we cannot be sure if homosexuality is sin or not. Yes, we can be sure about what the Bible teaches and what is and is not sin. If you have no surety about one thing in the Bible how can you be sure of anything else in the Bible including your salvation by the crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus, on the cross of Calvary. If you cannot be sure of these things then you will not be able to be sure of even God Himself and that He actually is alive. As Job said, in Job chapter 19 verse 25, " I know that my Redeemer lives and that on the last day that I shall see Him". I know that the Bible is true and to be a sure fact as I have proved it in my own life.
The next point from the notes that I came across says the following, "Postmodernism is simply the latest expression of worldly unbelief and that it is proud rebellion against divine revelation" end of quote.

Another quote from the same notes "While false teaching masquerading as Biblical Christianity has always posed a threat to the church, most Christians nowadays simply don't care about the prevalence of false doctrine, nor do they take  seriously their duty fight against apostasy". End of quote. The above quotes were taken from the book "Postmodernism" by John MacArthur.
What you are getting in these false churches is the following,
Apostate teachers,
False teaching.
Pretend Christians.
Defection and subtlety.
Professors of the truth, who will undermine it.
An apostate religion producing the opposite results as to the life changing truth of true Christianity.
Intensification of the bondage by Satan rather than the person being set free.
Apostasy lets all into a church fellowship. Whether they are believers or not.
No repentance. If there is repentance then there is no salvation for you.
No surety of salvation.  If there is no salvation, then all that you can look forward to after your death is the fires of Hell.
Never sure of God's love and forgiveness. Read John's Gospel chapter 3 verses 16. Here you will read of how much God loves you as a person.
The Emerging Church Movement is just the latest version of Liberalism which has been a thorn in the side of the true church of Jesus Christ.
The old Bible college of Wales, which I have mentioned elsewhere in this work has been bought by a Pastor Yang Tuck Young, who comes from Singapore, where he leads a church of up to 4000 plus people.

This church in Singapore started in 1995 and now has over 100 churches, schools, orphanages and Bible colleges. This about the same time that the book "Purpose Driven Church" idea started  and I have been told that this college site is going to be used to expand the ideas of this book into our own country. Whether that is true or not I do not know. But, watch out Wales you are going to be under a worse spiritual attack very soon if this college gets off the ground and is going down the Saddleback route. More young people will be taught wrong things about God and His Word which in turn they will be led further away from the truth and then they will teach the next generation what they have learnt and so it will go on until the there is no truth at all, or the Bible is so changed that it will mean the opposite to what it originally meant.
Here are some of the ways and ideas that this new idea is pushing, but if you go to ecctv.org/is your church going purpose driven you will find a lot more about the subject there.
What tends to happen is that a small group of new people will join a church fellowship and after a while they will vie for places of position in that church fellowship and once in those places of leadership they will gradually change things like ,getting rid of the old hymn books and replacing the old gospel hymns  with so called worship songs. The music gets changed from the old ways to a Rock and Roll style of music. No organs or pianos. The platform set up is also changed. There are no church business meetings. only an elite few will know what is going on, you won't know anything until it is almost too late to do anything about it.  Along with this they introduce  the 40 day study book dealing with the Purpose Driven ideas as your new Bible. Then the presentations from the platform changes as well. So what will be preached or taught from the platform after this church is taken over? Will the Bible be taught or something else? Church members will still be kept in the dark again  until it is almost too late. Everything gets changed and they have a plan to stop any resistance to these changes as follows,
1. Identify resisters. Those still standing for the truth.
2. Assess the strengths of their opposition. Those who stand for the truth will be the opposition.
3. Befriend the undecided. Getting round them by persuasion.
4. Marginalise persistent resisters. Counting them as trouble makers.
5. Vilify those who stay and fight. Speaking lies against them.
6. Establish news to silence resisters. Pushing them out by lies.

The church members would be told about some of the changes at stage four of the original plan which I have only used a small part as it is quite a large plan. After stage six of the original plan if there are still people resisting any of the changes then those six items above would come into force.
At the end of this process you will find that the church which you might have served God in for many years and put finances into is no longer yours as it will have been stolen from you and any others who have been pushed out.
I personally know a church that has had something similar done to it. It was the church where I grew up in. We, the members owned that church when I was a member, but over years many things happened so that it does not belong to the members any more. Someone else now owns the buildings which people like myself paid to have erected, and the new owners don't even live in the U.K. It has been stolen from the current members and from our nation.
Should your church fellowship get taken over and you refuse to go along with the new ideas and changes, you will find yourself out in the street. As soon as you hear of anything like this starting to happen in your church fellowship, then start to resist by prayer and asking questions of the leadership. Use the Bible and not what you think as the Word of God is a very sharp sword. If they will not listen to the Word of God, they will not listen to you either. Look what happened to Jeremiah. He was put into prison for telling the people what God was saying. John Bunyan had the same problem in 18th century Britain.

You might be classed as a troublesome person or a trouble maker by the new people, but don't worry as the Lord will be with you, even if the going gets tough. As you read through the Gospels you will find that Jesus was thrown out of the synagogues of His day for preaching the truth about God and also about mankind. So, you can expect the same sort of the thing too.
Now to end this chapter I came across the following item called, "Where do you stand". I have no idea at all who wrote it or as to where I got it from, but, it tells you something about what is going on in the churches of our nation today.

"Where do you stand?"


Preaches the Word
Seeks God's approval
Goal-Make disciples
Appeal to spiritual needs
Spirit filled
Seeks holiness and truth
Exclusive and divisive
Humbles the proud 



Seeks man's approval
Goal-New members
Appeal to felt needs
Purpose Driven
Seeks unity of faiths
Inclusive and tolerant
Builds self-esteem

The column of the left is God's way and the one on the right is mans way. You have to choose which way you want to travel along. For myself it is like what Joshua said in Joshua chapter 24 verse 15 " my family and I will serve the Lord.
Sitting on the fence is not an option here, it is a matter of your spiritual life or death. You have to choose for yourself and I recommend that you choose God's way of living and doing things.

Chapter 8 - What the Bible teaches

In this chapter I am going to try and show you what the Bible has to say about false teachers and false prophets.
We will be looking at what Jesus said and taught in the Gospels, then what Paul taught his followers and then the Apostles Peter and John.
To start with we are going to go to the Gospel of Matthew chapter 7 verse 15.
Here Jesus tells what these false teachers would look like and what they really are. They look like sheep but in reality they are wolves dressed to look like sheep. They are false and not what they say that they are. That is lying. There is no other word for it, they are liars.
The same Gospel but this time turn to chapter 24 verses 11 and 24.
Verse 11 says that there will be many false prophets  coming who will deceive many people. 
Verse 24 speaks false Christ's and false prophets which would arise after Jesus was resurrected that would arrive on Earth to deceive even God's elect, if that was possible.
Mark's Gospel chapter 13 verse 22. This is almost a repeat of the last verses I mentioned   in Matthews's Gospel. But, this time it says to seduce and not deceive.
Deception is slightly different to seduction in that deception is more like a straight forward lie being told as truth and then seduction is a slightly slower process to win you over to something by charm and hypnosis so that you fall for the charms of the enemy by the feelings that have been generated in you to want and too long for the thing that is seducing you.
Turn over to John's Gospel and the following chapters, please. Chapter 8 verse 44 and chapter 10 verses1 to 5 and verses 7 to 16.

Firstly, chapter 8 verse 44. Here we see where the foundation of lies comes from and it is plain that Jesus knew himself where these lies came from and who starts them. They come from the Devil himself who is described as the Father of Lies.
Secondly, chapter 10 verses 1 to 5. Here Jesus describes the activities of the thieves who do what the Devil wants to do and always has done throughout the history of the world, which is to try to destroy and steal what God is doing and has done in the lives of us human beings. Anything that God wants to do, you can bet that the enemy will be out to try to destroy things. If not that he will try question what God has said by watering down the Word of God. Go back to the Garden of Eden and look at what the devil said to Eve, "Has God said?".
Thirdly, Chapter 10 verses 7 to 16. Here once more Jesus tells us what the work of the enemy is about, i.e. thieving and robbing the sheep.
Let us now go on to Paul's letters.
First of all 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 verses 7 to 12. Here we see what Paul says to this church which Paul founded in the first century A.D. you can read more about the founding of this fellowship in the Book of Acts of the Apostles.
Here again we are warned of the work of our enemy and the lies that he will tell to deceive people. Look at verses 11 and 12. People will rather believe a lie than the truth, and we are seeing this more and more every year now, where men would rather believe lies than what the Bible says about things.

Secondly 1 Timothy chapter 4 verses 1 to 6. Here Paul warns of the things to come and which we are now seeing here in the U.K. and also in the U.S.A. people departing from the faith that they once held in Jesus Christ and His saving grace. They have gone over to seducing spirits and the doctrine of devils in verse one and speaking lies in verse two.

Thirdly, 2 Timothy chapter 4 verses 3 to 4. Here is a spiritual ear complaint of itching and blocked ears. This means that the people will go after the latest fad or ideas and block their ears to what God says in His word.
 There are lots of examples throughout the Bible of being both deaf and blind spiritually. You would do well to look up these stories and see if it applies to yourself or not.
2 Peter chapter 2 verse1. This verse tells us how these people sneak in to your fellowships with their false ideas and lies. This is what the groups which I have been describing to you earlier are actually doing. How do we deal with these things? I will be showing you at the end of this chapter.
On to the first letter of John chapter 2 verse 18 to 19. Here the writer says that these people are not really part of what God is doing as they left the true pathway to follow their own route and ways.
Now, having said all of the above, how do we deal with the false teachings and false prophets? Simply by doing what the following things say.
One. One John chapter 4 verses 1 to 3 which tell us to test everything to see if it is of God or not.
Two. Do what the Berean believers did every day. Check what you are being taught. They did this to everything that Paul and his team were telling them and they found that what they were being taught was correct and so they followed what they were being told.
We should exactly the same thing as well.
Third. go to 2 Chronicles chapter 1 verse 10. God had asked Solomon what could He give him. The answer that Solomon gave was to have wisdom to rule the nation properly. In the next verse you will read that God gave him that request and you no doubt have heard of the Wisdom of Solomon as an adage which is still used today.

Fourthly. Read the Word of God. Not the perversions which have changed all of the meanings and things that God has and is saying. Go back to the King James Authorised Bible`.

Fifthly. Pray for Godly wisdom to understand what is going on around you and for a deeper spiritual way of thinking to know and be able to discern when something is not right in your fellowship. It will be a costly thing to discern if something is not going right in a church fellowship as sometimes you will need to stand up and say what you are feeling and discerning. If the church leadership do not like what they are hearing, you might be thrown out or asked to leave that fellowship come church group. If you are correct by the Word of God, you will be looked after and cared for by God Himself, even if no other human being agrees with you.

Chapter 9 - Epilogue

In ending this work I have tried to warn you from the Bible of what is going on in our day and age, and how you can be deceived by the enemy of your soul. So, please dear reader take care of all that you hold dear in God as it can be stolen from you quite easily by the devil and his agents. Again I would say to you check everything and pray about things. If things do not match up to God's Word then leave it alone or forget it.

My prayer for you is that you will be warned of what is going on in the so called church of today and what I have told you is only a small part of the deception which is prevalent right across the so called Christian world. So be warned about the Purpose Driven Church and the Emerging Church movements.

If you have been involved in these movements and want to get out or want to talk to someone you can e-mail the following.
Myself on jharrold_7@btinternet.com or,
Rev. D. Griffiths on phcc4219@aol.com
We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Late news.
1. Rick Joyner. He is a member of the Knights of Saint John and their job is to look after the graves of Saint John. He is also linked to Todd Bentley.
2. Todd Bentley is linked to the Catholic Church idea by taking the Mass. The Catholic Church take more notice of worshipping Mary than Jesus. In the Mass the Catholic Church says that the bread and wine is the actual body of Jesus Christ, which is not what Jesus said or meant.
3.Something which I have noticed with a lot of these new ideas, which I have included in the above work is that a lot of these new movements started in the 1990's, some in the 1980's.
Correction. The Bible College of Wales was sold in July 2009 and moved to England. The Singapore group bought the place in December 2012.

John Harrold © 2015
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